NEW ADM - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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A n & i d e s · i^ · C$uaite:K°n.a.x»ies A broad new line of fatty nitrogen chemicals is now available in production quantities from A D M . . . including some interesting compounds never before offered commercially. We call them Adogens. Included are primary, secondary and tertiary amines, quaternary ammonium compounds and amides. They are derived from coco, tallow, hydrogenated tallow and marine fats and oils. The Adogens include the widest variety of amides corrimercially available. An A D M innovation is the creation of tri-fatty amines and other complex tertiaries through a novel A D M process that makes possible selective control of the chains added. The Adogen line is also the first to offer extremely long chain fatty nitrogen chemicals in the arachidyl and behenyl range. These C2o and C22 compounds offer a number of interesting new characteristics. Such extra-long-chain Adogens are possible bePrimary

cause of A D M ' s unique position in the marine oil field. We long have been leaders in the chemistry of fish and marine oils, going so far as to run an extensive whaling operation. Because of our basic position, we can offer long-chain amines from these raw materials at attractive commercial prices. The same close control of other raw materials, and A D M ' s position as a basic fatty acid producer, insure top quality throughout the Adogen fatty nitrogen chemical line. All of the Adogens show excellent color. The new A D M fatty amides a n d fatty quaternaries, in particular, promise users the advantage of whiter end products because of theirlighter color. Adogen primary amines and amides have excellent stability in storage. F o r further information on fatty nitrogen chemicals, write our Development Department.

If "radiation rheumatism' affects your bearings, try fatty hydrocarbons Like the w o n d e r drugs, nature's fats and oils can crop u p in the strangest places. A D M ' s fat-derived olefins and hydrocarbons, for example, a r e likely candidates for a number of interesting uses in the nuclear energy field. As contrasted to their petroleum in-laws, they show some remarkable advantages. Because of their relative stability under radiation, the fat-derived compounds a r e worth considering for use as lubricants in radioactive situations. Evidence is they do not break down as rapidly as conventional lubricants. Also, there is the possibility of their functioning a s superior heat exchange agents in atomic power reactors. Supposed reason for the radiation stability of the fatty olefins and hydrocarbons is the orderly straight-chain, structure of these new chemicals derived from tallow, marine, or vegetable oils. In branched-chain hydrocarbons from petroleum, the short side chains are more easily split off by high energy waves o r dashing particles. Straight-chain, or fatty, hydrocarbons are also possible solvents for recovery operations on spent reactor fuel elements. There is literature suggesting the use of fatty oils . . . of which the normal hydrocarbons would be the best bet . . . as a top layer on "swimming p o o l " reactors to shield the opera t o r from the effects of radioactive isotopes in the water. A D M invites your inquiries concerning specific p r o b l e m s along these lines.

' A u t o m a t i c p e r c o l a t o r ' extracts a quicker b r e w When you run as many solvent extractionsas A D M ' s busy control chemists do in a day, it's a cinch o n e of them will turn up with a scientific short cut such as this. Though it looks perfect for making K e n t u c k y moonshine, this efficient laboratory device was developed by A D M c h e m i s t s for i m p r o v e d a n d faster liquid-liquid extraction of oils from aqueous solutions. It works especially well for total fatty acids, unsap, and oxy acid determinations. Right now it's our own procedure . . . but we'd like to share it. O u r control chemists report it has been proposed for consideration as an industry standard. The extractor bubbles clean petroleum ether through the sample continuously^ keeping it agitated all the while with the magic of a magnetic stirrer. All in all it appears to be as close to perpetual motion as the scientist will let you come. W a n t t o know more? Then drop us a note o n your letterhead.


USE OF THE GAS CHROMATOGRAPH for production line analysis is one more way in which ADM has advanced the science of chemical ^quality control. This remarkable instrument does in hours what formerly rook weeks or months. Advanced analytical techniques like this, coupled with ADJVfs control of raw material quality mean that ADM safeguards quality and uniformity throughout the manufacturing process.

symmerricai Ternaries

offer research possibilities We think the new tri-fatty amines now offered by A D M present interesting possibilities for research chemists/ We frankly d o n ' t know a s much about their uses—yet—as we would like to. We're going t o be working with them to find out, a n d we trust others will, too. We d o know chat our unique piöcess enables ÜS to control the structure of our tertiaries to get three identical chains . . . or "custom m a d e " non-symmetrical tertiaries with lengths from CA to C22. Some of the possibilities for introducing branched chains are of particular interest to our own people. Quaternaries from these tertiaries are fascinating, too. Sample quantities of selected compounds are available now. If your proposed use sounds good, we might discuss making something special. Write o u r Development Department.

GET YOUR COPY of the new ADM Chemical Produces c a t a l o g . This 6 2 - p a g e book gives specifications of the many types of aliphatic chemicals made b y ADM. W r i t e on your company letterhead today.

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