New Analytical Board Members - ACS Publications - American

fair symposium with emphasis on tech nical training of young people. μΐ. ( Β AI RD A g i ATOMIC). "ΐττί .... Should Process Instrumentation and...
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R. M. Archibald


H. G. Cassidy

J. I. Hoffman






J. Mitchell, Jr.

R. G. Russell

N e w Analytical Board Members Five new members have been added t o the advisory board for ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY under a rotation plan which calls for replacing one third of t h e 15member board each year. F u r t h e r de­ tails appear in t h e editorial (page 1803). T h e five new members are Reginald M . Archibald, Rockefeller I n s t i t u t e for Medical Research; Harold G. Cassidy, Yale University; J a m e s I. Hoffman, National Bureau of S t a n d a r d s ; J o h n Mitchell, Jr., E . I. d u P o n t de N e m o u r s & Co.; and R a y m o n d G. Russell, Gulf Research and Development Co. Members being replaced are W a y n e W . Hilty, Eli Lilly; R o b e r t Kunin, R o h m and H a a s ; J a m e s J . Lingane, H a r v a r d University; Vernon A. Stenger, Dow Chemical; a n d Philip W . West, Louisiana S t a t e University. T h e 10 members whose terms con­ t i n u e a r e : H . F . Beegley, Jones a n d Laughlin Steel; G. E . Boyd, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; A. Q. Butler, Mallinckrodt Chemical Works ; H a r v e y Diehl, Iowa State College; Ν . Η . F u r man, Princeton University; D . N . H u m e , Massachusetts Institute of Technology; S. S. Kurtz, Jr., Sun Oil Co.; H . A. Liebhafsky, General Elec­ tric Co.; O. D . Shreve, E . I. d u P o n t de Nemours & Co. ; and J. H . Yoe, Univer­ sity of Virginia. These changes become effective J a n ­ u a r y 1.

published m a n y papers in his field of in­ terest, clinical chemistry. H e is a member of t h e A C S , t h e American Society of Biological Chemists, AAAS, American Society of Clinical Patholo­ gists, American Federation of Clinical Research, Society of Experimental Biol­ ogy and Medicine, and several other pro­ fessional organizations. Harold G . Cassidy Harold G. Cassidy, associate professor in chemistry a t Yale University, has been a teacher since 1936, most of which time has been spent a t Yale. H e re­ ceived his bachelor's a n d master's de­ grees from Oberlin a n d his P h . D . from Yale (1939). Cassidy, who was born in H a v a n a , Cuba, is 50 years old. His fields of interest are chromatography, all separation methods, and electron ex­ change polymers. H e has 50 publica­ tions, one p a t e n t , and three books. H e has long been active in t h e ACS in t h e local sections and as a n A C S lecturer. H e is a member of t h e AAAS, N e w York Academy of Science, American Society of Biological Chemists, Sigma X I , a n d Alpha Chi Sigma.

R. M . Archibald Reginald M . Archibald is a member of the Rockefeller I n s t i t u t e for Medical Research a n d physician t o Rockefeller Hospital. H e also served as a professor of biochemistry a t J o h n s Hopkins (1946-48). H e holds bachelor's and master's degrees from t h e University of British Columbia, a P h . D . from t h e University of Toronto (1934), and a n M . D . from T o r o n t o (1939). H e h a s VOLUME

2 8, N O . 1 2 , D E C E M B E R

James I. Hoffman James I . Hoffman, head of t h e M e t a l ­ lurgy Division, N a t i o n a l Bureau of Standards, h a s been with N B S since 1919. Various positions he has held a t t h e bureau include assistant chief, Chemistry Division, and chief, Surface Chemistry Section. H e was born a t Enterline, Pa., in 1893. H e has a n AB from Franklin and Marshall College (1918), an M . S . from George Wash­ ington University (1920), and a P h . D . from American University (1930). H e has t a u g h t analytical a n d physical chemistry a t George Washington and American LTniversities a n d similar 1956

courses a t the D e p a r t m e n t of Agriculture and Bureau of Standards. H e has re­ ceived the Gold -Medal for Exceptional Service from t h e D e p a r t m e n t of Com­ merce and the Hildebrand Prize of the Washington Section A C S for his work on purifying uranium and for the h y d r o ­ chloric process for production of alu­ mina from clay. H e is a u t h o r of m a n y technical articles including those re­ lating to atomic weights of gallium and aluminum and redetermination of t h e value of t h e faraday. H e is co-author of three books, "Chemical Analysis of Iron and Steel," "Outlines of M e t h o d s of, Chemical Analysis," and "Applied Inorganic Analysis." Hoffman is ac­ tive in t h e A C S on b o t h a local a n d national scale. H e is also a member of American Society for Metals, Sigma Xi, P h i B e t a K a p p a , and Washington Academy of Sciences. John Mitchell, Jr. J o h n Mitchell, Jr., is senior supervisor in charge of t h e Research Division's analysis group at D u P o n t ' s Experimen­ tal Station a t Wilmington. H e was b o r n a t Catonsville, M d . , a n d holds a B . E . from Johns Hopkins (1935) and a n M . S . from Delaware (1945). T h e 43-year-old analyst is active in t h e fields of organic analysis, physical chemistry, and polymers. H e h a s pub­ lished 40 papers a n d is a u t h o r of "Aquam e t r y " with D . M . Smith, and senior a u t h o r of "Organic Analyses." M i t ­ chell has been active in A C S on b o t h a local and national scale, particularly in the field of analytical chemistry. H e is a m e m b e r of T a u B e t a Pi. Raymond G. Russell R a y m o n d G. Russell is a n emission spectroscopist who has been associated with Gulf Research a n d Development 19 A


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