New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy - American Chemical

A low-wavenumber band around 180 cm-1 (~ 5.5 terahertz) ... the water concentration in brain tissue and in skin (5,6). The skin ... representation (12...
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Chapter 3

Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on August 6, 2012 | Publication Date: August 2, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0963.ch003

Biomedical Aspects of Water Structure in Human and Animal Skin: A Near Infrared-Fourier Transform-Raman Study 1,2



T. M. Greve , Ν. Rastrup Andersen , K. Birklund Andersen , M. Gniadecka , H. C. Wulf , and O. Faurskov Nielsen 3





Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 5, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark Spectroscopy and Physical Chemistry, L E O Pharma, Industriparken 55, 2750 Ballerup, Denmark Department of Dermatology, Bispebjerg Hospital, Bispebjerg Bakke 23, 2400 Copenhagen, Denmark


NIR-FT-Raman spectra of skin from pig ear, guinea pig and mouse were recorded with excitation at 1064 nm and compared to spectra of human skin. The R(?)-representation was used to eliminate the intense Rayleigh band. The total water content in each sample was estimated from the intensities of the OH-stretching vibrations at about 3200 cm . A low-wavenumber band around 180 cm (~ 5.5 terahertz) was characteristic of a bulk-like liquid water structure. Water content and structure in skin from pig ear, guinea pig and human were similar and different from mouse skin. Differences in loss of bulk water were observed for skin samples after freezing and thawing. Skin biopsies of human skin with various skin tumors showed an increase of water with a bulk-like structure in skin with malignant skin tumors. -1


Water is the most abundant substance in human cells. Water accounts for about 70 %(w/w) of a cell's weight, and most intracellular reactions occur in an aqueous environment (7). We know that water is important for protein dynamics and function in living cells. However, the role of water in bio-systems is far from well understood. In a review with the title "Water: now you see it, now you 30

© 2007 American Chemical Society

In New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy; Kneipp, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

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31 don't" Lewitt and Park ask four questions about water molecules interacting with proteins (2). Where are they? How long do they stay there? How strongly do they interact with protein? How do they affect protein structure and stability? These questions illustrate the common point of view when looking on protein/water interactions. We look on the influence of water on the protein structure and dynamics. But what about the structure and dynamics of water itself? A n excellent review on "Unsolved mysteries of water in its liquid and glassy phases" has been given by Stanley et al. (3). In protein interiors water can be bound in very different environments (4). Puppels et al have determined the water concentration in brain tissue and in skin (5,6). The skin studies were performed by confocal Raman spectroscopy and allowed a determination of the water concentration in the stratum corneum with an impressive depth resolution of 5 μηι (6). The water concentration was found from the relative intensities of the O H - and CH-stretching vibrations in the region 2500 to 3800 cm* (6). This region gives an estimate of the total water concentration, i.e. water bound to biomolecules and water with a structure like the one in bulk liquid water. Because the latter is not bound to biomolecules it is sometimes referred to as "free" water although it is still hydrogen bonded in liquid water. T H z spectroscopy has been used to study the intermolecular structural relaxation times in liquid water (7). In the present contribution the high wavenumber NIRFT-Raman spectrum from 2500 to 3500 cm" and the low wavenumber spectrum from around 50 to 400 cm" will be used in studies of animal and human skin samples. In THz the latter region is from 1.5 to 12 THz. 1



Instrumental In order to avoidfluorescence,Raman spectra of the skin samples were obtained by excitation at 1064 nm (NIR-FT-Raman). The Rayleigh line was suppressed by use of a filter allowing the Raman spectrum to be recorded to a low wavenumber Raman shift of 80 cm' . A Raman spectrum of liquid water was recorded with excitation at 532 nm (VIS-Raman). The lower limit for this spectrum was 10 cm" and a better overall shape of the low-wavenumber Raman band was obtained. 1


VIS-Raman A Raman spectrum of liquid water was obtained in a 90° scattering configuration on a DILOR Z-24 triple additive spectrometer with excitation at 532 nm. Laser power 400 mW and 3 cm" spectral resolution. 1

NIR-FT-Raman Raman spectra were recorded on a B R U K E R IFS66 spectrometer equipped with a FRA106 Raman module or a B R U K E R RFS100 Raman instrument. A

In New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy; Kneipp, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

32 liquid nitrogen cooled Ge-detector was used in both instruments. Laser excitation at 1064 nm with a laser power up to 300 mW and 1500 mW, respectively in an 180° scattering configuration. In all cases spectra with a very low laser power were initially recorded in order to assure that no degradation of the samples occurred in the laser beam. Spectral resolution 4 cm' . No white light background correction was performed.

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Raman Spectroscopy of Liquid Water Walrafen assigned both the internal and external vibrations in the Raman spectrum of liquid water in 1972 (8). The spectral bands were assigned in terms of a water "five-molecule" model. In this a central molecule was hydrogen-bonded to 4 other water molecules in a tetrahedron. Agmon made a more comprehensive assignment of the vibrational Raman bands of this ( H 0 ) molecule (9). Figure 1A shows the Raman spectrum of liquid water recorded with 532 nm (VIS) and 1064 nm (NIR) excitation. The OH-stretching vibrations between 3000 and 3500 cm" are very different in the two spectra. This is caused by the rapid drop in sensitivity of the Ge-detector in the NIR-FT-Raman spectrum towards 3500 cm' . Thus of the two stretching bands in the VIS-spectrum only the lower wavenumber Raman band is seen. Due to the often encountered problem of fluorescence in Raman spectra of skin with laser excitation in the VIS-region only NIR-FT-Raman spectra of skin were obtained. Even in the NIRFT-Raman spectra a correlation between the broad background intensity and skin pigmentation was found (10). The NH-vibration of collagen at 3329 cm" does not contribute significantly to the intensity of the OH-vibration in the NIRFT-Raman spectrum (6,11). A serious problem in the low-wavenumber region of a Raman spectrum is the high intensity of the Rayleigh line often extending to several hundred wavenumbers. This problem can in many cases be solved by use of the R( V )representation (12-20). This representation is easily calculated from the intensity, I( V ) in the Raman spectrum, R( V ) = V [1 - exp(-hc V /kT)] I( V ), where V is the Raman shift (cm" ), c is the velocity of light, Τ is the absolute temperature, h is Planck's constant and k is Boltzmann's constant. The R ( V ) representation converts the Rayleigh line to a weakly declining plateau, thus allowing low-wavenumber Raman lines to be more easily recognized. Figure IB shows the low-wavenumber VIS-Raman spectrum of liquid water and the calculated R ( V ^representation. This representation clearly shows two bands, one with a maximum around 60 cm' and another stronger band with a maximum at about 180 cm' . As we have previously reported isotopic substitution showed that this band was caused by vibrational motions of the oxygen atoms in tetrahedral surroundings (12,19,20). In water at room temperature 19% of the hydrogen bonds are broken (21). Thus, in bulk-liquid water the amount of water molecules with 4 2








In New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy; Kneipp, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on August 6, 2012 | Publication Date: August 2, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0963.ch003



Figure 1. Raman spectra of liquid water. In Figure A the thicker curve shows the NIR-FT- spectrum and the thinner curve the VIS-spectrum. In Figure Β the thinner curve shows the low-wavenumber part of the VIS-spectrum and the thicker curve the R( V ^representation. Adaptedfrom Journal of Molecular Structure, 661-662, M. Gniadecka, O.F. Nielsen, H.C. Wulf Water content and structure in malignant and benign skin tumours, 405-410 Copyright 2003, reference 26, with permission from Elsevier.


tetrahedral hydrogen bonds is (0.81) = 43%. The band in the R( ν ^representation of water at 180 cm" is significant for the presence of bulk-like water. 1

Skin Samples from Humans, Pig Ears, Hairless Guinea Pigs and Mice A l l human samples were from women. Three of the samples were from breast reduction surgery and one from an abdominal reduction surgery. After surgery the skin samples were kept on gauze moisten with a phosphate buffer solution. The samples were kept in a refrigerator (5°C) for around 12 hours before the Raman spectra were recorded. The hairless guinea pig skin samples were taken from the back of the thigh and mouse skin samples from the back. Spectra of pig ear, hairless guinea pig and mouse samples were recorded a few hours after the animals were killed.

In New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy; Kneipp, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

34 2

The sizes of the skin samples were 2.5x2.5 cm . Each sample was mounted on a piece of plastic foam using small pins to maintain a natural stretching. Figure 2 shows Raman spectra of skin from humans (4 samples), pigs (5 samples), hairless guinea pigs (6 samples) and mice (4 samples). A l l spectra are normalized to the same intensity value for the aliphatic CH-stretching vibrations around 2930-2940 cm' . Variations are seen in the water content from different samples within each group. Evidently the water content in mouse skin is much smaller than that of the other three groups. The water contents of humans, pigs and hairless guinea pigs are rather similar. However, the tendency for these groups is that pig skin contains more water than skin from hairless guinea pig which contains more water than skin from human.

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The low-wavenumber R( V ^representation for the skin samples are given in Figure 3A. A n average of all spectra in a group is shown. The rather sharp band with a maximum at 80 cm" is an artifact from the laser. A very broad band with a maximum around 110-120 cm* arises from hydrogen bonding in proteins (77). The band at 180 cm" from "free" water with a bulk-like structure is observed as a high wavenumber shoulder on this band. The shapes of the R(v)representations for human, pig and hairless guinea pig are very similar, whereas the R( V ^representation for mouse shows a lower intensity on the high wavenumber side of the protein band. Also shown in Figure 3A is the difference between the R( V ^representations for human and mouse. The overall slope of 1



|—^ 3500

1 3400


1 3300

τ —

ι 3200


1 3100


1 3000


1 2900





Figure 2. NIR-FT-Raman spectra in the OH/CH-str etching region of skin from humans (dotted lines), pigs ( thinner full lines), hairless guinea pigs (broken lines), mice (thicker full lines).

In New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy; Kneipp, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on August 6, 2012 | Publication Date: August 2, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0963.ch003


Figure 3. Low-wavenumber Raman spectra in the R( V ^representation of skin samples from humans and animals. A: Human (dotted line), pig (broken/dotted line), guinea pig (broken line), mouse (thinner full line). For each group is shown an average of the spectra obtained and the thicker line shows the difference between human and mouse skin. B: Fresh human skin, SO (full line); after freezing for one week, SI and thawing (broken line; after freezing for one week more and thawing, S2 (dotted line). C: Difference between the samples in Figure B; the thinner line shows the difference between the fresh sample, SO and the sample frozen for one week, SI, and the thicker curve this difference for the fresh, SO, and two weeks, S2, frozen samples. D: Spectra obtained by the same procedure as in Figure B, but for another human skin sample.

this difference spectrum is very similar to the slope of water in Figure I B , showing that a larger amount of water in the human samples has a water structure like that in bulk-liquid water.

Freezing and Thawing of Skin Samples The influence of freezing and thawing was investigated for the human and pig ear samples. The samples were frozen at -18°C for one week. After thawing Raman spectra were recorded. The samples were once more frozen at -18°C for another week and after thawing Raman spectra were again recorded. The 4 human samples behaved differently to each other. Two of the samples showed a

In New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy; Kneipp, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

36 loss of water in the OH-stretching region while the intensities of the O H stretching vibrations were identical before and after thawing for the other two samples. Figure 3B shows R ( V ^representations for one of the samples that showed an altered water content after freezing. In Figure 3C the spectrum of the two times frozen sample, S2, was subtracted from the fresh sample, SO, and the sample frozen only once, SI, in Figure 3B. The water band with a maximum around 180 cm" is more intense in the fresh sample, SO, showing that there is more water with a bulk-like structure in SO than in the sample frozen one time, SI. But also SI shows the "free" water band. This means that there was a loss in the amount of bulk water during the freezing and thawing of this human skin sample. Figure 3D shows R( V ^representations of another human skin sample after freezing and thawing for one and two weeks. The shapes of the curves for these two samples are identical to that for the fresh sample showing that no change in water content occurs upon freezing and thawing for this skin sample. Skin samples from pig ears were also frozen and thawed two times with a one week interval. No change in water content was observed for these samples. It is difficult to explain why the loss of water differs by freezing and thawing for different skin samples. Further experiments are necessary. However, knowledge of what happens by freezing and thawing of skin samples is very important, because skin biopsies often are frozen before pathological examination. The water content of animal skin may also be important for selection of animal skin in pharmaceutical skin penetration studies. In laboratory studies animal skin with water content similar to human skin should be chosen. The low-wavenumber Raman spectrum in the R( V ^representation is a way to follow similarities and changes in the content of "free" water in skin samples.

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Malignant and Benign Skin Tumors Near-infrared spectroscopy and T H z pulse imagining have recently shown an increasing content of water in tumor bearing tissue (22, 23). Some of us have used NIR-FT-Raman spectroscopy to investigate the structure of water in proteins and lipids in human skin hair and nail (24) and water and protein structure in photo aged and chronically aged skin (25). In a more recent paper we studied the water content and structure in malignant and benign skin tumors (26). In this paper (26) we collected biopsies from malignant melanoma, M M (5 patients); basal cell carcinoma, B C C (5 patients); pigmented nevi, N V (8 patients); seborrheic keratosis, S K (5 patients); and normal skin (5 young individuals, 21-37 years old and 3 aged individuals, 70-95 years old). The OH/CH-stretching regions of the spectra recorded in connection with our previously published work (26) are shown in Figure 4. Curve fitting was previously performed and the ratio between the intensities of the O H and C H stretching vibrations were found (26). With the exception of SK, no significant

In New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy; Kneipp, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on August 6, 2012 | Publication Date: August 2, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0963.ch003
















Figure 4. Raman spectra in the OH/CH stretching region for skin samples from young normal individuals (average of 5), old normal individuals (average of 3), malignant melanoma, MM (average of 5), basal cell carcinoma, BCC (average of 5), pigmented nevi, NV (average of 8), seborrheic keratosis, SK (average of 5).

differences in the total water content were found between malignant, benign skin tumors and normal skin (26). The low-wavenumber Raman spectrum in the R( V )representation showed an increase in water with a bulk-like structure in the malignant tumors, M M and B C C , relative to the benign skin tumors, N V and S K (26). Figure 5 shows the R ( v ^representation of B C C and S K from our previous work (26) and the difference between the two spectra compared to the R ( v ) representation of liquid water. Evidently the shape of the exceeding water in the B C C sample is very similar to the overall shape of the water spectrum proving that the excess water in the malignant tumor skin has a bulk-like structure.

Future Directions Water in skin samples can be characterized by NIR-FT-Raman spectroscopy. The high wavenumber region from 2500 to 3500 cm" measures the total amount of water. A broad band with a maximum at about 180 cm" gives an estimate of the presence of water not bound to biomolecules, "free" water with a bulk-like liquid water structure. In the low-wavenumber region 1


In New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy; Kneipp, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on August 6, 2012 | Publication Date: August 2, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0963.ch003


Figure 5. Upper figure: R( V ^representations of skin with basal cell carcinoma, BCC (thinner line) and seborrheic keratosis, SK (thicker line). Lower figure: The difference between the two curves in the upper figure (thicker line) and pure liquid water smoothed with a Savitzky-Golay 9 points smoothing function (thinner line). Adapted from Journal of Molecular Structure, 661-662, M. Gniadecka, O.F. Nielsen, H.C Wulfi Water content and structure in malignant and benign skin tumours, 405-410 Copyright 2003, reference 26, with permission from Elsevier.

interference from the intense Rayleigh line is overcome by use of the R( V )representation. Human skin contains approximately the same amount of water as skin from pig and hairless guinea pig, whereas mouse skin contains less water and also less water with a bulk-like structure. In order to improve laboratory modeling of penetration of pharmaceutical products in human skin, water might have a crucial effect. In this context Raman spectroscopy can be a valuable tool in selection of animal skin for the dermatological pharmaceutical industry, although it should be emphasized that Raman spectroscopy in general cannot be justified as a tool for deciding which skin is most suitable. Before pathological examination of skin samples the samples are often stored at low temperatures. Raman spectroscopy can measure the loss in water content by freezing and thawing and in particular monitor the change in the amount of "free" water.

In New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy; Kneipp, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

39 Our previous Raman investigations of malignant and benign skin tumors revealed a higher amount of "free" water in malignant tumor skin (26). X-ray computer tomography (CT) of liver metastases from malignant melanoma shows changes that might be due to the presence of more "free" water than in a healthy liver (27). IR spectroscopy is a valuable complementary technique to Raman spectroscopy. Synchrotron based IR micro-spectroscopy is a new technique that shows promising perspectives for studies of skin and human cells (28). At the Max-Lab synchrotron beam line in Lund, Sweden an IR microscope is now being installed (29). This instrument will allow IR-spectra to be recorded with a bolometer detector down to 50 cm" (around 1,5 THz). In the R ( v ) representation of the low-wavenumber Raman spectrum it is very difficult to quantify the amount of "free" water because the water band at 180 cm" is weak compared to the protein hydrogen bond band at 110-120 cm" . Hopefully the water band is relatively more intense in the IR spectrum allowing a detection of the "free" water at low concentrations.

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Acknowledgements We wish to thank Dorte Bang Knudsen, Group Manager, Skin Biology, Coloplast Research, Coloplast A/S, Bakkegârdsvej 406A, Humlebaek, Denmark for giving us four in vitro samples from breast and belly reduction surgeries. Protocols for collecting the in vitro skin samples were accepted by the Ethics Committee of Copenhagen and the Ethics Committee for the Counties of Bornholm, Frederiksborg, Roskilde, Storstom and Vestsjaelland, Denmark. Lykke Ryelund and Mikkel Christensen, University of Copenhagen, are thanked for help in obtaining the Raman spectra. M G and O F N want to thank the Danish Research Academy for financial support (grant no. 51-00-0312). T M G , N R A and K B A want to thank the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation for financial support ( 63781).

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In New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy; Kneipp, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.