new bin level indicator - ACS Publications

2 9. Pumps. Twenty-page bulletin describes line of cradle-mounted centrifugal pumps with capacities ranging from 5 to 2800 gallons/minute. Performance...
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{Continued from page 128 A)


transmission which has been developed to provide a sensitive a n d accurate type of instrumentation. T h e mechanism pro­ duces an o u t p u t air pressure t h a t varies directly with flow through a venture tube, and which m a y be transferred a n d used to operate a distant receiving in­ strument. Bull. 750, Dept. IEC, Simplex Valve & Meter Co., 7 E. Orange St., Lancaster, Pa. 27

Motor driven paddle-type bin level indicator For automatic bin level indication or control of bulk materials. Par­ ticularly suited to applications on bins subject to pressure or vacuum. EXPLOSION-PROOF U. L. listed units a v a i l a b l e


P o l y e t h y l e n e . A new 16-page bro­ chure listing a complete line of poly­ ethylene labwarc has just been m a d e available. T h e booklet covers such standard items as narrow m o u t h bottles, beakers, funnels, tubing, a n d sheeting, a n d such nonstandard items as hydrom­ eter jars, wide m o u t h bottles, test tubes, centrifuge tubes, spigots, line valves, a n d m a n y other items. Dept. IEC, Scientific Glass Apparatus Co., Inc., Bloomfield, N. J. 28 Polyethylene Injection Molding P r o b l e m s . This is a 12-page check list type of publication designed to help the engineer w h o works with injection molding. Solutions for such problems as burning, discoloration, distortion, and flashing a r e given, as well as the causes for these conditions. For the trouble-shooting engineer, this is an especially helpful bulletin. Bull. TSB2-57, Dept. IEC, Chemical Div., Koppers Co., Inc., 7450 Koppers Bldg., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. 29

The o r i g i n a l d i a ­ p h r a g m - t y p e bin l e v e l i n d i c a t o r . In successful use for 2 0 years.

BIN-FLO® A s s u r e s g r a v i t y flow o f pulverized materials Bin-Flo Aerator units in bins, chutes, etc., use small volume, low pressure air to restore flow to dry, pulverized materials which tend to pack and bridge in storage.


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VAIley 2-6952

1 3 9 4 6 - A 2 Kerchevol · Detroit 1 5 , M i c h .

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P u m p s . Twenty-page bulletin describes line of cradle-mounted centrifugal p u m p s with capacities ranging from 5 to 2800 gallons/minute. Performance tables and dimensions are included. (Form 7223-B) Dept. IEC, Ingersoil-Rand Co., Π Broadway, New York 4, Ν. Y. 30




PVC E q u i p m e n t . Detailed tables of physical properties a n d chemical resist­ ance of rigid unplasticized polyvinyl chloride pipe, valves, a n d fittings is given in 12-page bulletin. {Bull. PE-40) Dept. IEC, Corning Glass Works, Corning, Ν. Υ. 31 Refractometers. N e w bulletin d e ­ scribes eight new refractometers for use in laboratory, pilot plant, and process control applications. T h e bulletin illus­ trates and describes the operation of the optical servo system used. I t lists applications, sensitivities, ranges, a n d other important engineering d a t a per­ taining to the design and use of refrac­ tometers in the chemical, petroleum, pharmaceutical, a n d food processing fields. Dept. IEC, Phoenix Precision In­ strument Co., 3803-05 N. 5th St., Phila­ delphia 40, Pa. 32

Illustration shows plant recently installed in Spain and consists of 256 18,000 ampere cells producing 2,100 cu. metres per hour,

Knowles Electrolytic plant produces hydrogen of a constant high standard of purity, together with oxygen 9 9 . 8 % pure. T h e plant is uniquely simple and safe and requires no highly skilled labour. Plants of all sizes up to a single installation absorbing 25,000 k W are in operation in all parts of t h e world. THE







U. S. A . A 3 ents: A I R PRODUCTS, I N C . , P . O . Box N o . 5 3 8 , Allentown, Pa., U. S. A . For further information, circle number 131 A-3 on Readers' service Card, page 129 λ

VOL. 49, NO. 4 ·

APRIL 1957

131 A