NEW BOOK NA - ‎1947clnssifcatioit of mincrals, lists rcugctils ant1 app1ratus to be used for the i...
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Vol. 69



Identification a n d Qualitative Chemical Analysis of Minerals. By 0. C. SMITH,f’etroleuiri and Cheinical Tcchnologist. U. Van Nostralld Company, Inc., 230 Fourth Avenue, S c w York, N. Y., 194G. 331 111). Illustrated. 15 X 23 mi. Price, $6.50. This book is divided into seveu chapters: t h e first tlcscribes approximate methods, some of which can be used i n t h e field, for determiiling specific gravity, hardness, fusibility, solrrbility in hydrochloric acid, color, streak, luiter, cleavage, fracture, crystal system, index of refrnction ; t h e secot~ildiscusses t h e use of ultraviolct light alii1 tluorescencc i i i miiicral locatioll aii(l itlentillc,atioii, ilcscribes available apparatus, and outlilleb riietl-d.; for its uqe; t h e third, after a very brief outlinc of tile chciiiical clnssifcatioit of mincrals, lists rcugctils ant1 app1ratus t o be used for the iicltl ant1 i