Nuclear Spectroscopy, Part A, Edited by Fay Ajzenberg-Selove. Academic Press, Inc.. Ill Fifth Ave., New York 3, Ν. Υ. I960. $16. Reviewed by Melvin S. Freedman, Argonne Na tional Laboratory, Argonne, III.
list price $295.00
1050 COMMERCE AVENUE Dept. AC U Ν Ι Ο Ν , Ν. J . Circle No. 106 on Readers' Service Card 56 A
Typically my chemist colleagues re act with evident surprise when they are peripherally exposed to the burgeoning complexities and sophistications of cur rent nuclear spectroscopy. The length and density of this well-edited review attest this development. The topics covered constitute a field so broad that investigators in particular subspecialties have an increasingly difficult task merely in correlating their results with relevant researches in associated fields. A considerable proliferation of tech niques has occurred; precision in energy determination, in lifetime measurement, in nuclear state and transition char acterization has been rapidly and ex tensively improved. With each exten sion of experimental capability has ap peared, of course, a matching com plexity in the nuclear structure. Withal, the theorists are bringing at least short range order in the maze of data. Such indications of logical struc ture and predictability, e.g. within a given system of nuclear levels, or in the behavior of a type of nuclear re action, are a sufficient inspiration and guide to warrant improved experimen tation, though it seems clear that no theoretical view of nuclear structure will be whole that does not build on the developments in high energy "par ticle" physics. Volume A is a compendium of the techniques of charged particle spectros copy (nuclear reaction products, radio active decay), gamma ray and neutron spectroscopy, with chapters on photonuclear reactions, short lifetime meas urements, and determination of nuclear moments. Each main topic is covered by several experts active in the field, with the emphasis on the nuclear phys ics goals and apparatus functional prin ciples rather than on the lab cook book approach. (Volume Β covers the theo retical analysis of the data and some models of nuclear structure currently discussed.) This is no guide to the uninitiate. The writing generally is tight, in prac tice presupposing a familiarity with basic theory, though one can usually ferret out the necessary definitions. For one seeking active entrance to an unfamiliar field its sections should be read with a good nuclear theory text and the well annotated reference jour nals handy. Particularly the sections
on beta and gamma spectroscopy do not attempt to parallel K. Siegbahn's "Beta and Gamma Spectroscopy" in depth. As a reference for the investigator it is excellent in its coverage of topics in so many fields other than one is engaged in. For workers in specific fields it may appear too condensed, requiring too frequent reference to the journals to resolve the details of a description, though this is of course, the curse of all such attempts at breadth. To the reviewer, whose activities are in beta spectroscopy, the sections on charged particle spectroscopy by W. Buechner and on neutron spectroscopy by L. Bollinger, L. Cranberg, and L. Rosen were particularly meaty and stimulat ing. Author and subject indexes seem appropriately complete.
Automatic Chemical Analysis. An nals of New York Academy of Sci ences. Vol. 87, Art. 2, pages 600661. Franklin N. Furness, Manag ing Editor, New York Academy of Sciences, 2 East 63rd St., New York 21, N. Y. I960. 89.00. Reviewed by G. D. Patterson, Jr., Experiment Station, E. I. du Pont de Nemours A· Co., Inc., Wilmington. Del. Here is a soft-cover collection of ex cellent papers, all pertinent to the title, but made essentially devoid of perma nent value to the literature by the lack of either logical arrangement or index. On the other hand, the publishers de serve commendation for prompt pub lishing (within two months of the July 1960 conference date) and superb print ing. Analytical chemists can ill afford not to peruse these 30 papers (by 47 authors) which emphasize biochemical and medieo-physiological (about V 2 ) and general or special techniques and instruments (about 1 / 3 ) . The authors represent 16 companies (6 instrument producers and 10 instrument users), 7 institutes, and 4 schools. All papers but one describe research carried out in the United States, and most refer to novel applications of known measuring techniques. Dr. Ralph Miiller's introductory agreement with Van Zandt Williams' assertion that analysts are prone to ask for simple mechanization of their cur rent practices and that instrumentation experts are ready to offer something far better "rings a bell" with this reviewer. The difficulty usually is to get the two (i.e. analysts and instrumentation ex perts) productively together at the proper time. Several authors allude
with pertinence to security and cost problems encountered in such arrange ments. The impact of automation in analyti cal chemistry is forcefully driven home in every one of the papers of this mono graph, and it would be unfair to cite any to the exclusion of the rest. Indus trial analysts will be inspired by the accomplishments here reported, es pecially by those working in the medi cal sciences.
Statistical Theory and Methodology in Science and Engineering. K. A.
" F o r Scientists
Brownlee, xv + 570 -pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., J^Jfi Fourth Ave., New York, Ν. Υ. 1960. $16.75. Reviewed by John Mandel, National Bureau of Standards. Washington, B.C. This is a well-written textbook on statistics for readers with a moderate knowledge of mathematics but with a fairly high degree of maturity in the comprehension of mathematical reason ing. As a textbook for a college course in what is now considered classical statistical methodology, this work is a highly useful addition to the growing number of good books that have recently appeared in this field. The reader who intends to use it for self-study must be prepared to spend an appreciable amount of time and ef fort in its study but his task will be lightened by the author's lucid style. He will also have the assurance that the material presented is sound statistical theory. The title suggests that the book is of particular interest to scientists and engineers. In this reviewer's opinion this is to be taken with some qualificalion. Admittedly the examples chosen to illustrate the statistical techniques as well as many of the exercises deal largely with scientific or engineering questions. The choice of topics is, generally speaking, a felicitous one for this class of readers. But the book makes no attempt to present solutions to problems that are specific to the scientist and engineer. It is a statistical text, useful as general background to anyone confronted with problems of statistical inference. But such topics as the theory of errors, precision and accuracy, the adjustment of observa tions and curve fitting, all of which are of particular interest to the analytical chemist, receive no adequate treatment. In conclusion, the book is highly recommended to those who are willing and able to study statistics as a disci pline in its own right. The analytical chemist whose time for studv or whose
• Ultra-Sensitive, Completely Safe, Ionizing Detector • Analyzes Fixed Gases and Both Organic and Inorganic Compounds • Column Temperature Programming-Either Manual or Automatic
The new Burrell Kromo-Tog Model K-7 is designed for the most accurate chromatographic analysis possi ble. Its thermionic emission ionization detector has greatly increased sensitivity, speeds analysis and per mits use of small diameter columns and smaller sam ples. It is the only m e t h o d t h a t will analyze b o t h organic and inorganic compounds as well as fixed or permanent gases. Superior standard equipment includes a gas sam pler, c o l u m n t e m p e r a t u r e i n d i c a t o r , a u t o m a t i c controller for constant or programmed temperature operation, built-in flowmeter, and flash vaporizer. Po tentiometer recorder, offered separately, mounts next to Model K-7 on laboratory bench or table top. Request complete data—ask for Bulletin No. 841.
2223 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh 19, Pa. Circle No. 27 on Readers' Service Card
VOL. 33, NO. 1, JANUARY 1961
57 A
NEW BOOKS mathematical interest is limited, but who nevertheless wishes to acquire some background in statistics must turn to more elementary presentations.
Tinplate Testing. Chemical and Physical Methods. W. E. Hoare and S. C. Britton. 55 pages. The Tin Research Institute, Fraser Road. Perivale, Oreenford, Middlesex. Eng land. I960. No charge.
Soviet Research in Boron Chemistry.
No more time-consuming la boratory weighing and stirring. No more waiting for ingredi ents to dissolve. All you do is pour LIQUIFLUOR* into the solvent. Independent laboratory tests show counting efficiencies identical with old 'weigh and stir' method. ADVANTAGES: . Saves time — just mix — no waiting. . Less chance for error in compounding. . Flexible — can be used with any liquid scintillator system containing toluene. . Contents: a 25x concentrate. 1 liter contains 100 grams PPO and 1.25 grams POPOP in specially purified toluene. . Available in 1 liter and 500 milliliter bottles. FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION. WRITE TODAY. . . TO DEPT. A (A request on your letter-head will bring you a free sample.) *TM
PILOT CHEMICALS, INC. UMAlW^MJ-IUi^^^^-m Circle No. 113 on Readers' Service Card ·
This book is designed as a work and reference volume, written in Spanish, for those using analytical chemistry procedures; and it is especially con cerned with analytical applications of liDTA and related compounds. The first part of the book covers the theo retical principles of the use and general applications of chelons in analytical chemistry. The second part is devoted to description of more than 500 ana lytical procedures in which chelons are used as basic or auxiliary reagents. Almost 1300 references are included in the book.
Duolite Ion Exchange Manual,
New LIQUIFLUOR* is an ex clusive development of Pilot Chemicals—a pre-mixed liquid concentrate of PPO and POPOP in specially purified toluene which will save you hours of mixing time in the laboratory . . . and greatly re duce the chance for error.
58 A
This hand booklet is written for those who are responsible for the qual ity appraisal of tinplate and the de termination of the suitability of par ticular grades for specific uses. It is limited to what may be called the superficial layers of the tinplate and so does not describe mechanical testing procedures. There are illustrations and diagrams and sufficient detail is given to enable laboratory technicians to set up and carry out the tests.
Aplicaciones Analiticas del AEDT y Similaries. Francisco Bermejo and Antonio Prieto. xii + 625 pages. Imprenta y Libreria del Seminario Conciliar, Plaza de la Inmaculada, 5, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 1960. 810.
Compiled by D. R. Martin and F. J. Celli. Consultants Bureau Enter prises, Inc., 227 West 17th St.. Arew York 11. Ν. Υ. I960. $40. This single volume contains 83 re ports on research and development concerned with boron chemistry, done in the Soviet Union during the period 194!) to 1956. The book is divided into five sections: analytical chemistry, six reports: catalysts, 21 reports; glass, seven reports; inorganic chemistry, 28 reports; and organic chemistry, 21 re ports. All photographs, diagrams, tables, and literature references are integral with the text in each report.
Soviet Research on Complexes and Coordination Chemistry. Five volumes. Compiled by Gregory R. Choppin. Consultants Bureau Enter prises, Inc., 227 West 17th St., New York 11, N. Y. I960. -$200 for the set. This is a collection of 372 articles resulting from Soviet research carried out in the general area of the chem istry of complexes during the years 1949 to 1957. Each of the five volumes may also be purchased separately at the following prices: I, Inorganic Com plexes, 103 articles, $65; II, MetalOrganic Complexes, S6 articles, $45; III, Thermodynamic and Kinetic Stud ies, 57 articles, $37.50; IV, Complexes in Analytical Chemistry, 57 articles, 837.50; and V, Condensed Inorganic Svstems, 38 articles and Miscellaneous, 31 articles, $45.
+ 152 pages. Chemical Process Co., 1901 Spring St., Redwood City, Calif. 1960. No charge for single copies. This manual was compiled and edited by members of the technical staff of Chemical Process Co. from informa tion accumulated over a period of more than 20 years. Although it stresses the properties and uses of Duolite ion exchangers developed and produced by the company, it is general in its cover age and is intended as a technical refer ence work. Beginning with a section on the gen eral properties and behavior of various types of ion-exchange resins, the man ual continues with detailed descrip tions of laboratory procedures. These include methods for setting up columns, for treating resins prior to use, for de termining capacities, and for carrying out various physical and chemical tests. The concluding section is an appendix containing information and data useful in a wide range of ion-exchange appli cations.
Radioisotope Experiments for the Chemistry Curriculum. Norman Rodin. Editor. 184 pages. Nu clear-Chicago Corp.. 359 East How ard Ave., Des Plaines, III. 1960. 82. Instructor Notes. 54 pages. 81. (Single copies of each manual are available to educators without charge from Nuclear-Chicago). This book is discussed in Dr. R. H. Mailer's "Instrumentation" in this is sue (see page 93 A). This manual, prepared under con-
t r a c t for t h e Atomic E n e r g y Commis sion's Office of Isotope Development, is designed to introduce t h e chemistry s t u d e n t t o radioisotope techniques a n d to demonstrate their potential contri bution to his future work. T h e experiments were developed for laboratory groups of 30 students, who prepare t h e samples themselves, meas ure their radioactivity, and i n t e r p r e t the results. All of t h e experiments can be done without special A E C license, with an inexpensive package of 13 radioactive compounds. Only basic nuclear detection equipment is re quired, a n d no radiochemical experi ence is needed b y t h e instructor or t h e students. T h e r e arc 10 introductory experiments, and these are followed b y 23 chemical experiments designed to be easily worked into established chem istry courses—introductory chemistry, q u a n t i t a t i v e a n d qualitative analysis, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, biochemistry, or instrumental analysis.
/μΐ/ξ/β makes them unbreakable... and keeps making t h e m ^ ^ f c / '
Official M e t h o d s of Analysis of t h e Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 9 t h Ed. William Horlritz, Editor, xx + H32 pages. As sociation of Official Agricultural Chemists, P.O. Box 5Jt0, Benjamin Franklin Station. Washington 4, I). C. 1960. $17,if ι domestic, SIS foreign. This book presents AOAC methods as revised since publication of t h e 8th edition in 1955. All changes in m e t h ods adopted u p to and including those made at t h e annual meeting in October 1050 are given. A new format and typographical design provide improved readability and conservation of space. This edition has been expanded in t h e fields of fertilizers, pesticides, bever ages, flavors, pesticide residues, drugs, and nutritional adjuncts. N e w chap ters on b o t h disinfectants and drugs in feeds have been added, as well as nu merous individual methods of analysis in almost every chapter. Purchasers of the book m a y keep u p t o date on the methods by obtaining, at cost, re prints of changes in methods adopted at t h e annual meeting* lOfiO to 1063, inclusive. Organic Analysis. Vol. IV. Editorial Board: John Mitchell. Jr., I. M. Kolthoff, E. S. Proskauer. A. Weissbcrger. vii + Jfl9 pages. Inter sci ence Publishers, Inc.. 250 Fifth Ave., Xew York 1, N. F . 1960. $13,50.
New Nalgene® Beakers feature oval sandblast marking area plus new 2 0 0 0 ml. size.
Nalgene beakers pay for themselves every time you drop one! N o w N a l g e n e beakers a r e b e t t e r t h a n ever! T h e y satisfy j u s t a b o u t every l a b o r a t o r y r e q u i r e m e n t y o u can t h i n k o f — a n o t h e r big step in N a l g e ' s continuing p r o g r a m of p r o d u c t i m p r o v e m e n t t h r o u g h plastics research for y o u . N e w Nalgene beakers (made of l a b o r a t o r y - g r a d e polypropylene) a r e corrosion-resistant, light weight, t a p e r e d for safe a n d easy stacking, a n d specially designed for easier pouring. N o w each beaker h a s a n oval s a n d b l a s t e d a r e a t o m a k e m a r k i n g easier for y o u . J u s t t h i n k of t h e m o n e y you'll save b y n o t b r e a k i n g Nalgene b e a k e r s — b y n o t losing their valuable c o n t e n t s . S t a r t replacing glass w i t h safer, economical Nalgene b e a k e r s — a n d y o u w o n ' t h a v e t o replace again. C o m p l e t e line, from 30 t o 2000 ml. A s k y o u r l a b o r a t o r y supply dealer. N e w catalog on t h e full line of Nalgene plastic l a b o r a t o r y ware. Write D e p t . 111.
A critical review of this book is scheduled to a p p e a r in a future issue of A N A L Y T I C A L
on page 63 A
The Quality Standard of Plastic Laboratory Ware Circle No. 100 on Readers' Service Card VOL.
3 3 , N O . 1 , JANUARY 1 9 6 1
59 A
NEW BOOKS Continued
Quantitative Analysis. Ray U. Brumblay. xvii + 235 pages. Barnes