New Books and Booklets - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Analysis and Handling of Gases. Augustus H. Gill . 71 pages. Edward Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1935. Price, $2, with discount of 20 per cent fo...
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• New • Books * and • Booklets • nalysis a n d H a n d l i n g of G a s e s . Augustus II. Gill. 71 pages. E d A ward Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1935. Price, S2, with discount of 20 per cent f o r orders of 10 or more. T H I S book embodies in brief form n o t only t h e usual methods of gas analysis, b u t also m e t h o d s of qualitative analysis a n d data o n t h e properties of gases, including their physiological action. I t is intended for those who, as s t a t e d in t h e Preface, have e n o u g h chemical sense or ''gumpt ion" t o set ii]) t h e different pieces of a p p a r a t u s without m i n u t e directions. However, very little knowledge of chemistry is assumed, t h e v o l u m e changes in t h e explosion of methane a n d hydrogen, for example, being shown b y e l e m e n t a r y diag r a m s . A chapter is devoted t o t h e care of cylinders of compressed gases a n d t h e precautions to b e used in handling these cylinders. The distinction between sewer gas a s combustible gas which h a s leaked into sewers, a n d sewage gas as one resulting from t h e decomposition of sewage is new t o the writer b u t seems justified. Professor Gill has compressed into this little volume m a n y observations resulting from his long experience. T h e book is p u t o u t in photolithographed form, which gives i t somewhat t h e appearance of being a preliminary edition. I t is. however, clearly printed a n d is easy t o read. Only minor misprints have been n o t e d . A. H .


hemische Ingenieur-Technik. Band I I I . Ernst Berl. 580 pages. Julius C Springer, Berlin, 1935. Price, SO m a r k s . T H I S third and last v o l u m e completes this work.


I X D . E N G . CHEM.,


E D . , 1 3 , 150, 267 (1935) for reviews of t h e first t w o volumes.] I t h a s c h a p t e r s on crushing a n d grinding; screens a n d screening; sedimentation, decanting, a n d h y d r a u l i c separation; ore dressing, flotation; agitation; mixing; k n e a d i n g ; extraction; crystallization; centrifuging; filtration; pressing of liquid-containing masses; pressing; melting; subliming; evaporation; distillation a n d rectification; lowt e m p e r a t u r e t e c h n i c ; separation of gases a n d v a p o r s by w a s h i n g ; recovery of volatile solvents; d r y i n g of gases; purification o f gases; bleaching of liquids; a n d colloid, chemistry of suspensions with consideration of their particle size reduction. T h i s particular v o l u m e h a s a considerable a m o u n t of m a t e r i a l of interest t o t h e m i n i n g a n d metallurgical engineer, witho u t , however, being confined t o t h a t field alone- In fact, t h e s a m e c o m m e n t amplified t o cover other branches of engineering characterizes t h e whole work. While designed t o fall between a h a n d b o o k a n d a textbook for chemical engineers, it contains much valuable information for all engineers, some of whose specialties t a k e t h e m r a t h e r far afield from chemistry. Dr. Berl has a s s e m b l e d a n u m b e r of distinguished men t o c o n t r i b u t e t o w r hat m u s t b e for a long t i m e t o come a s t a n d a r d reference i n chemical engineering: R. B e m m a n n , A. Chwala, A . E r n s t , M . Gompertz, H. H a e h n d e l , E . H e g e l m a n n , C . H i l b u r g , IT. H o l d t , E . J a n e c k e , R. K r a n z , H. M a r k , C. M i t t a g , E . Richter, A . Romer, B. S c h m i t t , H . Schranz, L . C. S i m o n , W. Speidel, K . T h o r m a n n , A. T h u m , A. Walther, K . W i n n a c k e r , E . Wisotzky. These m e n , u n d e r t h e able editorship of D r . B e r l a n d w i t h t h e

assistance of the publisher, have produced a v e r y readable treatise on engineering as it applies t o t h e chemical industries in particular. E a c h chapter is r a t h e r short, well arranged, a n d profusely illustrated (there a r e 2264 pages a n d 1802 illustrations in t h e whole work, or nearly one illustration per page), so that despite t h e m o n u m e n t a l character of t h e work a s a whole, reference to a n y particular subject is not time-consuming. T h e writer h a s only one unfavorable criticism—namely, that each volume is separately indexed, which m a y require looking in three indexes before t h e desired subject is located. T h e work must be purchased as a whole, since t h e purchase of one volume, according t o t h e publisher's notice, obligates t h e purchaser t o t a k e t h e remaining volumes.

ganizations a n d a number of independent experts h a v e developed a graphical dictionary of drawings, which has "bem adopted b v t h e American S t a n d a r d s Association. 29 West 39th S t . , New Y~ork, N. Y . Questionnaires were sent t o 900 organizations interested in mechanical drawings, asking for details as to t,heir individual practice, and the answers "were codified a n d used a s the basis of the firt draft of t h e standard. T h e work wis divided into six important phases of drawing: specifications for p a p e r and cloth, methods of indicating dimensions, lettering, drawing layout, hue work:, and graphical symbols for drawings. Pharmaceutical


t a n d a r d M e t h o d s for T e s t i n g P e troleum a n d I t s P r o d u c t s . Institution of Petroleum Technologists. 3rd edition. 228 -f- xii pages. \Y. JSpeaight a n d Sons, L t d . , 9S -99 P e t t e r Lane, London, E. C . 4, England, 1935. Price, 7 s. G d. net. IN* t h e new edition t h e methods are a r ranged in t h e general order adopted by t h e American Society for T e s t i n g Materials, while in previous editions t h e tests were grouped under headings of t h e individual products. M e t h o d s n o t sufficiently established in detail are classified as * 'tentative tests." Twenty-five new m e t h o d s are included, which cover also the testing of greases n o t considered in t h e previous editions. W i t h t h e following exceptions most of the new methods a r e either in complete accord or differ only slightly from those of t h e American Society for Testing M a terials: aniline point of kerosene, gas oil a n d fuel oil; drop point of greases, p e troleum jelly, and asphaltic b i t u m e n ; m a t t e r insoluble in carbon disulfide in n a t u r a l asphalts a n d asphaltic b i t u m e n ; sediment insoluble in benzene; smoke point of kerosene; sulfur (corrosive) in gasoline; tetraethyllead in gasoline; kinematic viscosity in absolute units which is of particular interest because of the present tendency in t h e petroleum industry to replace present commercial instruments b y absolute viscometers; burning test for kerosene; cold test for motor fuels; g u m (existent a n d potential) in m o t o r fuels; analysis of tar-bitumen m i x t u r e s ; a n d viscosity by means of t h e redwood a p p a r a t u s (multiple cup b a t h ) . While t h e book is of particular importance t o those who are primarily interested in B r i t i s h testing methods, it should also be of value to those who need reliable tests n o t y e t developed by t h e American Society for Testing M a t e r i a l s . It is to be regretted, however, t h a t u p t o the present t i m e t h e difference in standardization of tests in this country a n d in England makes books published in o n e c o u n t r y n o t completely a d a p t a b l e to t h e needs of t h e other. T h e book is well edited a n d is supplied with a comprehensive index.


V. A.



Dictionary of D r a w ings NDER t h e sponsorship of the Society for Promotion of Engineering E d u cation a n d t h e American Society of M e chanical Engineers, t h i r t y national or-



T H E 1935 revised edition of the Manual JL of Pharmaceutical Standards, Including Tolerances a n d M e t h o d s of Analysis, is ready for distribution. This'compilation, prepared by the Combined Pharmaceutical C o n t a c t Comroittee of t h e American Drug M a n u f a c t u r e r s Association a n d t h e American Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, withi the cooperation of the Food and Drug Administration, U. S. D e p a r t m e n t o f Agriculture, consists of 17 monographs on Anxpuls, 36 monographs on Compressed Tablets, and 18 monographs on Hypodermic Tablets. T h e price of the manual i s S3. Copies may be o b t a i n e d from t h e American Drug Manufacturers Association;, 506 Albee Building, Washington, D . C , or f r o m the American Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association, 246 High St., Mewark, IN. J. Orders should b e accompanied by checks. J o u r n a l of C h e m i c a l Education, for S e p t e m b e r ^HE September, 1935, issue of the . Journal of Chemical Education contains, among others, the following articles:



The; Discovery of

Tellurium. JAMES K. SENIOR.

Evaluation of the Struc-

tural Theory of Organic Chemistry. I. ATHERTONSEIDELL.- Filmstats, a New IVleaas for the Advancement of Science. B. S. HOPKINS. T h e Cultural Value of Chemistry in General Education. ALEXANDER SILVERMAN.

T h e Prerequisite

and Collateral Value of Chemistry. VICTOR E . L E V I N E . The Vitamins. H . SAUL DUSHMAX. Elements of the Quantum.

Theory. V—A. J. R . CALDWELL. Surface Energy Experiment. Technical Association Papers. Ronald G. Macdonaldy editor. Eighteenth series papers a n d addresses presented f>efore the Technical Association of the P u l p and Paper I n d u s t r y . 668 pages. Published by Technical Association of the Pulp* and Paper I n d u s t r y , 122 East 42nd St., New York, N . Y., 1935. Warmtechnische Tafeln. Unter!agen. fiir die R e c h n u n g e n des Warmeingenieurs in Schaubildern u n d Sahlentafeln- F. Habert. 145 pages. Verlag Stahleisen.,, m. b . H . , Dtisseldorf, and Julius Springer, Berlin, G e r m a n y , 1935. Price, paper, 14.50 m a r k s .