New Text ^"^^ In the Laboratories a f the Hooker Electrochemical Company (illustrated above), the SIGMA MO TOR is used for routine gas samplings and analysis. SIGMAMOTORS can be used for small flows or proportional flows of t w o or more liquids. Flew rates range from V/2 to 30 gats, per hr. without speed changes. Quickly adaptable to handle different fluids and solids in solution. Send TODAY for complete, detailed folder on the efficient, economical SIGMAMOTOR.
proved but spotty. Perfect usage is found in some chapters and imperfect i n others. For example, the definition of "aDcamines" (i.e., containing hydroxyl a n d amino groups) is really the definition for hydroxyalkylamines. T h e cross reference t o page 7 7 3 on page 170 should b e to p a g e 629. The curious slip refers to p a g e 7 7 3 of the first edition but the cross reference is new in the revision. I Whitmore's "Organic Chemistry" has been an important book from t h e first. It contains a wealth of material well or ganized for advanced study. T h i s revised edition will continue to hold Its place and will deservedly gain many n e w users.
Tonerde and Aluminum. W . FUZJDA A N D H. GINSBERG, vii -{- 2 2 6 pages. Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin \V. -35, Ger many. 1951. S6.20. Reviewed bv
FRANCIS C. FRARY, Aluminum Research
1 I I I I I I I I I I I I
I I j j J I
T H E authors were among the chief technical men in the German alumina industry during World War II and present a di>cussion of the equipment and practices of the German alumina plants of that period. They describe chiefly the u s e of the European (monohydrate) bauxites, with only brief discussions ( based on fiearsay > of American practice with trihydrate bauxites. There is a wealth o f detail, previously unpublished, on German Bayer process practice, including a detailed description of the continuous "tower process" developed and commercialized early in the war. There is also a g o o d discussion of the composition and behavior of the various European bauxites, a n d proc ess variations involved in changing from one to another. The Bayer process discussion *s fol lowed b y a section on the sinter process, using either soda ( Lautawerke ) or so dium sulfate (Peniakoff ^*^^ess, Giulini Bros.), and its combinations w i t h the Bayer process. The Pedersen process and similar processes, involving furnacing or sintering bauxite with limestone and leaching the slag or sinter with soda solu tion, are discussed on the basis o f pracrical experience. A discussion of trie Haglund (electrothermal) process, giving details of its practical operation, is followed by a discussion of typical and alkaline processes proposed for treating aluminum silicates.
NEW BOOKS ASTM Standards on Rubber Products (With Related Information). ASTM Committee D - l l o n Rubber a n d Rub ber-Like Materials. 656 pages. Amer ican Society for Testing Materials, 1 9 1 6 Race St., Philadelphia 3 , Pa. 1 9 5 1 . $5.00. Materials Handbook, 7th ed. C . S. BRADY. vii 4- 913 pages. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 3 3 0 West 42nd St., N e w York 18, Ν . Υ. 1951. $8.50.
A symposium,
viii -f- 3 3 3 pages. T h e National Ferti lizer Association, Washington, D . C. 1951. $4.00. A Source Book of Technical Literature on Fractional Distillation. 259 + 1 2 9 pages. Gulf Research and Development Co., P.O. Box 2938, Pittsburgh 30, Pa. 1951. Not for sale—no cost to teachers and graduate students of chemical engi neering. The Structure and Mechanical Properties of Metals.
Vol. 2.
i\ -{- 132 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. 440 Fourth Ave., New York 16, X. V. 1951. $3.50.
ACS News (Continued
Molesworth's Handbook of Engineering Formulae and Data, 34th edT A . P, Thurston, editor. 168 pages. Macmillan Co., 60 5th Ave., New York 11, X. Y. 1951. $6.50. The Peanut—The Unpredictable Legume.
cover loeal handling cost. The ACS can not service these covers. They can be mailed to the postmaster in New York in accordance with instructions above ( see "First-Day Covers," paragraph 2) or given to someone w h o will b e in New York on Sept. 4. T h e latter can buy the stamps and mail the covers ( s e e above) either at the New* York Post Office or at a special substation in the Hotel Statler (see below, "Substation"). Industrial U s e . Industrial use of these stamps has been suggested in paragraph 3 . In addition, sales and advertising de partments should consider the potential value of first-day covers as a unique serv ice and approach to their clients. T h e practice can b e considered either a s a goodwill gesture because of the value of such covers or as a keynote for a promo tion piece. However, it must be Borne in mind that the special first-day cancella tion is obtainable only in New York City and only on Sept. 4 . One company is re ported to have ordered 125,000 special envelopes for this purpose. Substation. T h e N e w York postmaster has made arrangements for a substation to b e located on the mezzanine of the Hotel Statler on Sept. 4, the first day of sale. T h e ACS commemorative stamp will be available and envelopes will be ac cepted for first-day cancellation. Fleet wood Cover Service will operate a booth nearby for the sale of special envelopes, the same ones available in wholesale lots through the ACS. However, these con veniences obviously will be available only to those present at the meeting. Ceremonies. Postmaster Goldman of N e w York is organizing a special cere mony to take place on the steps of the Post Office at 1 1 : 3 0 A.M., Sept. 4, in con nection with the first-day sale. In case of inclement weather, the ceremonies will b e moved into the spacious rotunda of the Post Office. T h e building is located be tween 31st and 33rd Sts. on Eighth Ave.