New Books - Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (ACS

Food Chem. , 1954, 2 (17), pp 893–893. DOI: 10.1021/jf60037a613. Publication Date: August 1954. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, th...
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Bulletin was prepared by the AgriculType and paper are of good qualit! and tural Research Service’s Aircraft and author and subject indexes are adequate. Special Equipment Center. “Chemical Pathways of Metabolism” Edited bv DAVIDh l . GREENBERG, x probably will be of greatest value to 460 pages. Academic Press, Inc.. graduate students and it will find freNew York. K. Y . . 1954. 311.00. Western Fertilizer Handbook quent use by chemists, bacteriologists, Reviewed by SIDNEYS. CHERSICK;. nutritionists, etc., who may require Laboratory of Biochemistry and KutriCALIFORNIA FERTILIZER .\SSOCI.ATION, thorough understanding of the subjects tion. Sational Institute of A4rthritis 475 Huntington Drive. San LIarino 8. covered but are not obliged to cope Lcith and Metabolic Diseases, Kational Cal. 1354. 160 pages. $1.00. the voluminous literature in these fields Institute of Health. Bethesda, Maryof metabolism. This book is a n outThis is the second edition of the ferland. standing resume of progress in metabolic tilizer handbook. The first edition \vas research and \vi11 serve as a source of published in September 195.3 and the Chemical Pathways of Metabolism” inspiration for future investigators. supply has been completely exhausted. does very \vel1 what the editor? Dr. D. M. The original edition of this book reGreenberg, established as its purpose : ceived \videspread approval from farm Aircraft Spraying of Insecticides ‘‘. . , . to survey the existing knoicledge and industry representatives. The handof the chemical steps in the metabolism Office of Information. U.S. Departbook contains a wealth of information of the major constituents of living orment of Xgricuiture. TYashington 25, and is well illustrated, including eleven D.C. Singx copies free. ganisms.” The first volume is introcolor plates. It is primarily intended to duced by two papers of interest to those provide information for farmers and “How to Spray the Aircraft LYay” is who wish to understand modern conothers lvho use commercial fertilizer. the title of this nontechnical bulletin cepts of metabolism. “Free energy and The handbook is considered to be intended to give the farmer ivhat he metabolism’‘ is discussed by Dr. Pardee indispensable for anyone \vho \cants inneeds to knolv about aircraft application in brief but lucid form seldom encounformation about the use of fercilizers in of insecticides. tered in the field of thermodynamics. western agriculture, and the fact that it The bulletin also contains charts and The second chapter, “Enzymes in Metais once again available byill be ~velcome formulas on aircraft performance, spray bolic Sequences” by Ilr. D. E. Green, news to many who \vere unable to obtain formulations. and acreage calculation deals Lvith the reconstruction of metabolic a copy of the previous edition. for the aircraft operator. sequences in the cell from enzymatic data currently available. The prospects and pitfalls of this approach are critically reviewed by the author. The next four chapters cover carboD. A. STICKELL and Sons, hydrate metabolism completely and Hagerstown, have stepped up authoritatively. The authors, Stumpf, control and research activities Krebs. Cohen. and Hassid, have all made with their new LABCONCO important contributions and are active feed laboratory. LABCONCO in the area they review. In the orsrxcialized steel furniture and ganization of the material particular pparatus save time, permit attention has been paid to t!ie compara111 operation with minimum tive aspects of biochemistry. which are aff. too often neglected by “mammalian” Note safety dispensing biochemists. The free energy data preand (for acids and caustic) at sented by Krebs has not heretofore been far left. Carboys are stored in available for ready reference. cabinet. Dangerous solutions are elevated by vacuum, dispensed over lead top table. The volume concludes with two chapters on lipid metabolism. “Fat Metabolism and Acetoacetate Formation” by Chaikoff and Brown is distinguished by thorough presentation of the intermediary metabolism of fatty acids with particular reference to acetoacetate formation. In the last chapter, “Sterol and Steroid Metabolism,” Fukushima and Rosenfeld discuss the chemistry, biochemistry, and physiology of these LABCONCO KJELDAHL apparatus (for protein substances. determinations) is 12-unit hoodless combination Throughout the text liberal use is model complete with water control and digestion made of diagrams, structural formulas, timer. At right is LABCONCO illuminated titration table. equations, etc. Chemical formulas are clearly and accurately presented. Each SIX-UNIT GOLDFISCH fat extractor (for fat and carotene determinations) sits on cabinet chapter is thoroughly documented specially designed t o speed this work. with references extending into 1954. WRITE TODAY for free illustrated catalog BB-54. Tell us what you’re conI n many cases the authors have presidering. You’ll get helpful information by return mail. Laboratory Construcsented previously unpublished findings. tion Company, 1115 Holmes Street, Kansas City, Missouri.

Chemical Pathways Of Metabolism



Maryland mill installs new LABCONCO laboratory

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