New books - Mathematics for scientists - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

Thor A. Bak and W. A. Benjamin. Anal. Chem. , 1966, 38 (13), pp 79–80. DOI: 10.1021/ac50155a015. Publication Date: December 1966. ACS Legacy Archive...
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NEW BOOKS quire an activation procedure which probably converts them t o nonstoichiometric oxides. The principal advantage of a prism monochromator ( p . 47) is the gain in energy obtained at short m-avelengths, but the basic design probleni with any monochromator is t o make effective use of its theoretical performance-the extent to which it is attained is usually determined by the geometry of the absorption part of the experiment-Le., the disposition of the source, burner, and associated lenses and stops. Instrument makers will hardly support the view (p. 5 2 ) that a double-beam system offers any financial advantage over a single beam, surely the cost of the extra optics far outweighs any saying on the electronics in these days of cheap stabiliser systems. These however are minor criticisms. Chapters 3 and 4 on analytical parameters and applications, respectively, are exceedingly good. The section on recommended procedures is coniprehensive and well documented. The descriptions of commercial equipnient are incomplete, but this is probably a criticism of the manufacturers' publicity departments rather than of the author! Particularly welcome is Chapter 5 which deals with o d l a t o r strengths, vacuum ultraviolet lines, and atomic fluorescence. This is up to date and most interesting. The book as a whole is eminently readable and is m l l produced, being pleasingly free from typographical errors. The price, S9.i5, seems a little high wen by today's standards, and this may deter chemists from purchasing individual copies, but the book should, I think, find a place in all laboratories where atomic absorption techniques are used or contemplated.

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NEW BOOKS Mathematics for Scientists.

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Bak, Jonas Lichtenberg. xiv 487 pages. W . A . Benjamin.Im., One Park Ave., New York, iY.Y . 10016. 1366. $15.

This book is directed t o undergraduate and graduate students in science and engineering t o strengthen their niatheniatical background and aid them in the use of mathematics for solving scientific problems. The book is divided into three parts: the first part deals with vectors, tensors. and groups; the second part treats functions of one and several variables; and the third part presents advanced


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UV Atlas of Organic Compounds. Vol. 1 . Plenum Press, 22’? West 17th St., New York, N . Y . 10011. 1968. 837-60.

Ultraviolet a n d Visible Absorption Spectra. Index for 1960-1 963.

This volume is the third in the series ‘Ultraviolet and Visible Absorption Spectra.” It provides a four-year supplement Fvitli more than 25,000 references to spectra published during 1960-63. Sixty-six journals and one collection of spectra in book forni are covered. Also included are references t o optical rotatory dispersion and circular dichroism spectra.

This Atlas has been published in collaboration with the Photoelectric Spectometry Group, London, and the Institut fur Spektrochemie und Sngemandte Spektroskopie, Dortmund. Information is given in both English and German. The Atlas consists of a carefully selected collection of solution spectra of compounds containing typical chromophoric groups, supplemented by tables showing the effects of substituents and solvents. Included are sections dealing with biologically important compounds, inorganic systems of interest t o organic chemists, spectrophotometric standards and solrents, in addition t o surveys of chromophoric groups.


Technique of inorganic Chemistry. Vol. VI. Hans B . Jonassen, Arnold

Herbert M , Hershenson. xx f 223 pages. Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Ave., New York, AT. Y . 10003. 1966. $14.

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Francis A. Gunther, Ed. 164 pages. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 17.5 Fifth Ave., New York, N . Y . 10010. 1966, $6.60. Volume 11 of this continuing series on foodstuff residues includes an article on the application of thin layer chromatographic techniques t o the analysis of pesticide residues by C. Abbott and J. Thomson, in addition to other articles on pesticide safety, public health problems, Rogor (dimethoate) residues in food crops, and herbicide residues. Residue

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Francis A . Gunther, Ed. 201 p a g e s . Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 176 Fifth Ave., York, N . Y . 10010. 1966. 67.

This volume contains the following articles: The analytical determination of strontium-90 in foods, S. Davis; Use of ion-exchange resins in residue analysis, A . Calderbank; Determination of organophosphorus insecticide residues using Cooke’s emission spectroscopic detector, C. A. Bache, D. J. Lisk; Inhibition us. excessive use of vitamin K and other nutrients for the contro1 of carpet beetles, R. J. Pence, 1cI. S. Viray; and Antibiotics: in foods; naturally occurring, developed, and added, E. H. hlarth.

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The U s e of X-Ray Diffraction in t h e Study of Protein a n d Nucleic Acid Structure. K . C. Holmes, D. M . Blow. 126 pages. Interscience Pub-

lishers, 605 Third Awe., New York, N . Y . 10016. 1966. Paperbound. $3.96.

This is a reprint of the Chapter by the same name in Glick, “IIethods of Biochemical Analysis,” Volume 13.

TT’eissberger,Editors. 271 pages. Interscience Pttblishers, 606 Thil-d Ave., h’ew York, Y . 10016. 1986. 810.76. This volume contains two articles: T a p o r Pressure Measurements,” 82 pages, by R . Cooper, University of Xelbourne : and “Techniques of High Pressure Experimentation,” 173 pages, by Stanley E. Babb, Jr., University of Oklahonia. Handbook of Electronic Circuits. R . Feinberg, Editor. xii 195 pages. Barnes & Noble, Inc., 106 f i f t h


Ave., New York, N . Y . 10003. 1966. $9. This book is designed t o be a reliable source of information for making an electronic circuit t o perform a particular function. I t contains a representative collection of some 7.5 proven circuits. Each circuit is accompanied by diagrams, uses, list of components, and a brief description of operation. Included are the following general chapter headings: power supplies, waveform generators, amplifiers, frequency convertors, counters, modulators, demodulators, waveform modifiers, limiters, clamps, reference circuits, logic elements, input circuits for transducers, interval timers, and electromechanical control circuits.

U. S. Government Publications The following publications may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, U . S.Government Printing Office, TBashington, D. C. 20@2; the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific alzd Technical Information, Springfield, Va. 22161; or from local U . S. Dept. of Commerce Field Offices.