New books - Organic polarography - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

New books - Organic polarography. Petr Zuman and Charles L. Perrin. Anal. Chem. , 1969, 41 (14), pp 65A–66A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50159a016. Publication D...
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New Books

troscopy are among the methods examined. Of the four reviews presented in this second volume of a continuing series, two are concerned with the field of infrared spectroscopy, one with various spectroscopic studies that can be used in investigations dealing with the hydrogen bond, and one with an important type of analysis in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The reviews presented coT-er a broad range of research, so that all spectroscopists may find information useful in the particular spectroscopic application and studies in which they are actively engaged. The book also includes both an author and a subject index. Electrophoresis-Technical Applications, A Bibliography of Abstracts. B. J. Haywood. vii 440 pages. Ann Arbor-Humphrey Science Pub. lishers, Inc., Drawer 1425, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106. 1969. $18.75


This book includes two sections: abstracts of current literature (19651969) and abstracts for background reference. The primary purpose of the book is to present a selective survey of the literature which describes electrophoretic techniques. An effort was made to present this survey in a form useful t o persons actually performing electrophoretic separations. Enough experimental detail is included t o enable the reader t o determine whether the technique described fits his purposes. Journal review articles are included in the “Books, Reviews, and Symposia” section. Poison Detection In Human Organs, 2nd 280 pages. ed. Alan Curry. xxiii Charles C Thomas Publisher, 301327 East Lawrence Ave., Springfield, Ill. 1969. $13.50


This book is a modern authoritative and practical work unique in toxicological literature. Whether the clinical chemist is asked to screen for poisoning or t o check for the presence of a particular poison, he will be able to find tests described that are suitable for both the larger and smaller laboratories. This book was designed for anyone concerned with the problems of toxicology. It gives experimental details of the analyses for all common poisons and drugs. rlnalyses of blood and urine samples from the living patient, problems of exhumed and decomposed bodies, and the analysis in abortions and of examinations of poisoned food are described in great detail. -4 careful selection of literature references has been maintained, providing up-to-date information for those who wish t o delve deeper into

the #subject of poison detection. This book contains both a name index and a subject index. Fluorine Chemistry Reviews, Vol. 3. Paul Tarrant, Editor. vi 154 pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 95 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 10016. 1969. $12.50


This book is volume three of an international publication concerned with the theoretical and practical aspects of fluorine chemistry. The aim of this book is to provide complete coverage of current research in this rapidly expanding field of fluorine chemistry. These papers cover historical background and recent developments, and present previously unpublished studies from research still in progress. The four major areas covered in this volume are fluorine compounds in anesthesiology; reactions of fluoro-olefins with electrophilic reagents; fluoroalicyclic derivatives of metals and metalloids; and phosphorus, arsenic, and antimony pentafluorophenyl compounds. The authors are internationally known fluorine chemists who are making contributions t o their special fields. This book will be a valuable asset to all researchers interested in the fast-growing field of fluorine chemistry. This volume contains both an author index and a subject index. Fifth International Symposium on Chromatography and Electrophoresis. 594 pages. Ann Arbor-Humphrey Science Publishers, Inc., Drawer 1425, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106. 1969. $21.50.

This book contains the lectures and scientific papers presented a t the Fifth International Symposium on Chromatography and Electrophoresis organized by the Belgian Pharmaceutical Science Society. This volume deals with problems connected with biochemical and analytical research and solved by modern methods applied in the fields of chromatography and electrophoresis. There are 7 2 papers in this volume, presented either in Dutch, English, French, or German. This book also contains an author index. Organic Polarography. Petr Zuman 206 and Charles L. Perrin. v pages. lnterscience Publishers, John Wiley & Sons, 605 Third Ave., New York, N. Y. 10016. 1969. Paperbound $9.95




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This book is a reprint of three contributions published in “Progress in Physical Organic Chemistry,” Volumes 3 and 5 (S. G. Cohen, -4.Streitwieser, Circle No. 45 on Readers’ Service Card ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOLi 41, NOi 14, DECEMBER 1969 65A

New Books

Number 5 in a Series

Signal Averaging Principles and Practices e.e

And After Averaging? A f e a t u r e not to be overlooked when comparing Signal Averagers these days is d a t a reduction capabilities. All of o u r 1070 systems allow you to add o r s u b t r a c t constants, to t r a n s f e r d a t a additively o r subtractively, a n d to integrate stored data. With o u r “S” option, t h e 1070 will also compute a 3-point runn i n g average a n d t h e derivative of stored data. E a c h of these mathematical operations, particularly when coupled with FabriTek’s Numerical Display option, find g r e a t utility when applied to spectroscopic data. How often have you s p e n t considerable time in zeroing a n d

and R. W. Taft, Eds.) and “Advances in Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation” (C. N. Reilley, Ed.). Two of these contributions deal with the techniques used in the collection of polarographic data and their interpretation and the third gives a general picture of the type of organic electrode process involved. One of the reasons for the limited application of polarography to the solution of problems of organic chemistry is that, few organic chemists realize which problems can be solved by polarography and how the basic information can be obtained. Therefore, these contributions were reprinted in the absence of a modern textbook on this subject. The authors hope that even with the limitations imposed by rapid progress, this volume will contribute t o a wider use of the polarograph in organic chemistry.

U. S. Government Publications Complimentary copies of the following two reports may be obtained from the Office of Information, Ohio Basin Region, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 4,5226 An

CUTE” button permanently stores t h e integral information in memory. Using these digital techniques, t h e time required is reduced f r o m minutes to seconds. Subtraction of background spectra a n d normalizing “averages” f o r t h e number of sweeps made f o r easy comparison a r e t w o good uses of t h e D a t a T r a n s f e r capabilities of this system. Quite often slopes a r e of real importance in these measurements. How nice to differentiate simply by pushing a button! Is t h e derivative “noisy” due to t h e emphasis of high frequencies in t h e differentiating process? Then do digital filtering (or “Smoothing”) , , , again by pushing a button. F r o m t h e above, i t becomes obvious t h a t if you need quantitative information some of t h e Fabri-Tek d a t a reduction capabilities may come in handy. On t h e other hand, if your d a t a reduction needs a r e more sophisticated, t h e 1070 interfaces to a general purpose computer. Ask u s about o u r Fourier T r a n s f o r m capabilities. Better yet, why not call LIS a n d ask f o r a 1070 demonstration a n d see these capabilities first h a n d ?

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Investigation of Light-Catalyzed Chlorine Oxidation for Treatment of Wastewater (TWRC-3). U S . Depart121 ment of the Interior. v pages. December 1968.


Ozone Treatment of Secondary Effluents from Wastewater Treatment Plants (TWRC-4). U. S. Department of the 62. April 1969. Interior. viii


The following report may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, U. 9. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402. Continuing Education for R&D Careers (NSF 69-20). National Science X 215 pages. Foundation. Paperbound. $1.75


The SSF has released a report on the organization and management of Continuing Education (CE) programs for research scientists and engineers in large laboratories. Initiated to obtain better understanding of the motivational and management factors involved in efforts t o keep such personnel up-to-date in science, the study was conducted and the report prepared by Social Research, Inc., Chicago, Ill., under contract to NSF.