New books - Separation techniques in chemistry and biochemistry

ing various methods of sizing particles: manual counting (4 ... lands) to a Conference on Particle Size. Analysis ... In Europe: Mechelen, Belgium. Ci...
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The treatment begins with a discussion of nucleation phenomena and crystal growth kinetics. These concepts are then intimately involved in the later chapters on coprecipitation, surface properties and morphology in such a manner as to display the interrelationship between the initiation and growth processes and the properties of the final product. Kot only is this aspect clearly exhibited, but the author also points out the importance of a fundamental knowledge of precipitation from solution to the areas of analytical and physical chemistry, physiology, and geophysics. Of particular interest to American readers will be Chapter 6 contributed by Dr. Helga Furedi of the Ruder BoSkoviC Institute of Zagreb, Yugoslavia. This chapter is a great contrast to the remainder of the book in that it departs from the fundamental descriptions and interpretations and explores graphical and three-dimensional graphical methods of representing multicomponent precipitation systems. Utilizing the methods that have recently come into popularity in this country for solving equilibrium relationships, this work applies the technique to some extremely complex precipitation problems. Although essentially a review of material in the literature, many of the original articles are in the Croatian journals and not readily available in translation. The book is well illustrated with ample drawings and graphs and the chapters are Jvell referenced with articles into 1966 included. I n addition to the more common subject and author indexes, there are included organic compound and inorganic compound indexes !yhich should prove very helpful t o many readers. In summary, Professor Walton has presented an excellent over-view of an extremely important and active area of chemical research. This book should prove extremely valuable t o scientists and students just beginning work in this area, to those active in the area for suggestions of neTT relationships and insights, and to those working in related areas, who wish to review and update their knowledge.

New Books Separation Techniques in Chemistry and Biochemistry. Roy A . KelZer, Editor. xvi 415 pages. Marcel



Dekker, 96 Madison Ave., New York, N . Y . 10016. 1967. $12.75.

The Nineteenth Annual Summer Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, entitled “Separation Techniques,” was held a t the University of Alberta, Ed-






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Circle No. 181 on Readers’ Service Card

VOL. 39,

NO. 14, DECEMBER 1967


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monton, Canada, June 1966. This symposium, consisting of the presentation of 28 papers was jointly sponsored by the ACS Analytical Division and AKALYTICAL CHEMISTRY.The majority of the papers have appeared in a number of issues of Separation Science. I n addition, a summary of the meeting was carried as a separate report in the January 1967 issue of ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, page 47 A. The papers are collected here in a single yolume.

below 150°C retains inorganics



vi6 368 pages. Society for Analytical Chernrstry, Book Dept., 9/10 Savile Row, London, W . 1, England. 1967. $29.

Particle Size Analysis.

. .”



This book contains 27 papers covering various methods of sizing particles: manual counting (4papers) ; automatic counting ( 5 papers) ; sedimentation (6 papers) ; centrifugal sedimentation (4 papers) ; surface area measurements (4 papers); and two papers each on general subjects and on applications of particle size analysis. The papers were originally contributed by the authors (from Great Britain, U. s.,India, Japan, and the Netherlands) t o a Conference on Particle Size Analysis, organized by The 5’ociaty for Analytical Chemistry, and I-eld a t Loughborough University of Technology in September 1966. The discussions elicited a t the presentation of these papers were recorded and edited and. are included in this volume. Solvent Extraction Chemistry.


Dyrssen, J.-0Liljenxin, J . Rydberg, Euifors. xxvi 682 pages. John Wile5 61. Sons, 606 Third Ave., New York, N . Y . 10016. 196P. $33.


This book presents the Proceedings of the International Conference on Solvent Extraction Chemktry, held in Gothenburg, Auzar,t 27 to September 1, 1966. This conference was organized to emphasize the basic molecula ideas of solvent extraction. An effort was made also a t the meeting to bring the “applied” approach to the attention of theoretical chemists. The conference was attended by 190 active members from 25 countries. The papers given, collectcd in this book, are divided into sections uccording to the kind of reactions, molecular or physical, dominating the extraction process. These sections are: complexing in aqueous solutions by solvent extraction ; chelate extraction and adduct formation; neutral and acid phosphoryl compounds as extractants; alkyl ammonium salts and other ion pairs as extractants; structural effects and interfacial phenomena ; molten phases, Circle No. 188 on Readers’ Service Card

82 A


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2030 WRIGHT AVENUE, RICHMOND, CALIFORNIA In Europe: Mechelen, Belgium Circle No. 153 on Readers’ Service Card