New Brunswick Scientific Co., Inc. - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 17, 2012 - New Brunswick Scientific Co., Inc. Anal. Chem. , 1962, 34 (4), pp 44A–44A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60184a734. Publication Date: April 1962...
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Pittsburgh Conference

A Bench-top Chromatography Oven

Pittsburgh Pa. A symposium was held during the recent Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy commem­ orating the 15th Anniversary of the Fisher Award in Analytical Chemistry. Eleven of the 15 recipients were present. Shown standing (left to right) are: H. A. Liebhafsky, P. J . Elving, N. H. Furman, M. G. Mellon, J. J. Lingane, E. H. Swift, and H. C. Diehl. Seated are: (left to right): I. M. Kolthoff, J . H. Yoe, Fritz Will III (chairman of the Pittsburgh Con­ ference), L. M. Melnick (moderator of the symposium), G. F. Smith, and H. H. Willard. Not present were: H. A. Laitinen, D. D. Van Slyke, J . I. Hoff­ man, and G. E. F. Lundell (deceased).


4-SHEET capacity at

$360 This bench-top drying oven develops four standard size chromatograms quickly and uniformly while under full view. Temperatures up to 110°C can be pre-set and controlled by the hydrau­ lic thermoregulator.

from droplets of combustible solvents. By connecting a motor or water aspira­ tor to the exhaust outlet, heated air is gently circulated over the chromato­ grams for fast, uniform drying, as sol­ vent vapors are evacuated.

High-output heating elements are concealed in the base and protected

Sheets hang on removable rods which easily hook in place inside the oven chamber. A large safety-glass door per­ mits full-length viewing of color devel­ opment and facilitates temperature reading. The metal-reinforced door is gasket-sealed and closes securely with a positive latch. The entire oven chamber is fiberglass insulated and constructed of corrosionresistant stainless steel.


26" Wide 35" High 15" Deep



New Brunswick Scientific Co., Inc. 1130 Somerset St.,New B r u n s w i c k , N.J.

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Pittsburgh, Pa. Dr. Gerhard Herzberg, National Research Council of Canada (left), was recipient of the 1962 Spectroscopy Society of Pitts­ burgh Award. Making the presenta­ tion is D. L. Petitjean, chairman of the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh. The award was given during the Pitts­ burgh Conference on Analytical Chem­ istry and Applied Spectroscopy. The 1962 conference and exhibit drew up­ wards of 4 0 0 0 registrants for the fiveday meeting, March 5 to 9.

Mid-America Spectroscopy Symposium T h e 13th Annual Mid-America Spec­ troscopy Symposium is being held a t the Conrad Hilton Hotel, Chicago, April 30 to M a y 3. Sponsors are sev­ eral sections of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy. I n addition to the tech­ nical program, there will be approxi­ mately 20 instrument exhibits. CONDENSED


Monday Morning, April 3 0 Symposium on Infrared and R a m a n of Fused Salts