NEW BOOKS over a range—10 m l . / m i n . to 100 m l . / min. Flow p a r a m e t e r s were evaluated for changing sizes and responses of t h e new instrument. Introduction t o Chemical Instrumen tation. E. J. Bair. viii + 3/f9 pages. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 330 West 42 St., New York 36, Λ\ Y. 1962. $10.75. This book is "an over-all examination of the process of generating signals
which contain chemical information and reducing these signals to a useful form." I t is intended to give begin ning research workers insight into new advances in instrumentation and a p preciation for the art of designing in struments. C h a p t e r 1 outlines some basic rela tionships of information, block dia grams, transducers, and signals and their frequency spectra. C h a p t e r 2, 108 pages, considers chemical signal
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from droplets of combustible solvents. By connecting a motor or water aspira tor to the exhaust outlet, heated air is gently circulated over the chromato grams for fast, uniform drying, as sol vent vapors are evacuated.
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sources b y describing qualitatively some relationships among representa tive physical phenomena which pro duce electrical signals with chemical in formation, and explaining some ter minology in specialized fields. In cluded in this chapter are discussions on t h e electromagnetic spectrum and spectrometry, and descriptions of some typical instruments. C h a p t e r s 3 and 4 discuss t h e operation of electronic in s t r u m e n t components, and the use of t h e oscilloscope in observing circuit sig nals. C h a p t e r 5 introduces non-linear circuits and their use for q u a n t i t a t i v e analysis b y simple graphical methods. C h a p t e r 6 describes amplification, feed back, and impendance matching, while C h a p t e r 7 considers noise and the limi tations caused by noise. C h a p t e r 8 introduces t h e practical elements of in s t r u m e n t a t i o n in the laboratory. Fi nally, C h a p t e r 9 gives details of the circuits and construction of some chemical i n s t r u m e n t s : potentiometer null spectrophotometer, automatic potentiometric recorder, optical null spec t r o p h o t o m e t e r , time of flight mass spec trometer, controlled potential and de rivative polarograph and chemicalmodulation spectroscopy.
New Brunswick Scientific Co., Inc. 1130 S o m e r s e t St.,New B r u n s w i c k , N.J.
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of Precision
I n addition to 100 annotated bibli ographical references, this publication contains 16 graphs, charts, and tables t h a t describe the effects of high pres sures on various basic material p a r a m eters, such as melting t e m p e r a t u r e , selfdiffusion coefficient, hardness, and ther mal e.m.f. Principles of Radioisotope M e t h o d o l o g y . 2nd éd. G. D. Chase, J. L. Rabinowitz, editors. viii + 372 pages. Burgess Publishing Co., J,26 South Sixth St.. Minneapolis 15, Minn. 1962. This book is a substantially enlarged and revised version of t h e first edition published in 1959. F o u r t e e n additional, thoroughly tested experiments have been added. Among these are experiments on properties of neutrons, t h e vibrating-reed electrometer, g a m m a ray spectrometry, radiometric analysis, activation analysis, radiation chemist r y , and recoil reactions. Other new experiments illustrate intermediary metabolism and clinical applications of radioisotopes. T h e book is designed to introduce research workers in chemis-
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