NEW CHEMICALS A N D SPECIALTIES M e t a Phenols f r o m Coal Hydrogénation
1. BORON ACETATE 2. BORON ESTERS (a) Tricresy! (b) Tricyclohexyl (c) Tri (methylamyl)
Meta-Phenols 220, a product of coal hydrogénation, is available in commercial quantities from Carbide a n d Carbon Chemicals C o . T h e product is a mixture of reactive cresols, xylenes, a n d etfiyl phenols with a boiling range of 207° t o 230° C. It is a transparent, dark ambercolored liquid. Total phenolic material is about 9 8 % of the mixture b y weight, with a high proportion of meta substitution. T h e company says t h e product will b e useful a s an intermediate for all types of phenolic resins, particularly surface coatings with chemical, alkali, a n d soap r e sistance. Meta-Phenols 220 is said to have toxicological properties similar to those of phenol. CS 1
D o w Produces o-Phenylphenol f o r Use as an I n d u s t r i a l P r e s e r v a t i v e A purified grade of o-phenylphenol for use in the industrial preservative field is offered by D o w Chemical Co. T h e chemical is i n t h e form of white flakes and is said to b e essentially colorless and odorless. CS 2
(d) Tri-n-dodecyl (e) Tri (tetradecyl)
(f) Tri (tetrahydrofurfuryl) (g) Tri (2-ethylhexyl) These are but a few of the new products from Trona's continuing research into BORON and Its important derivatives. For further information, samples, prices and technical data use coupon below.
American Potash & Chemical Corporation 3030 West Sixth Street, Los Angeles 54, Calif. AMERICAN POTASH & CHEMICAL CORPORATION Sales Development Department 3030 W. Sixth St., Los Angeles 54, Calif. Please send me further information on the following Trona organo-boron compounds. (Check)
Improved Flooring. An improved oil a n d grease resistant flooring, called Sylox, has been developed b y U n i t e d Laboratories, Inc. T h e p r o d u c t is a type of oxychloride cement. Sylox is said to be a complete flooring unit in itself, requiring no addition of w a t e r or outside ingredients. CS 3 Noncaloric Sweetener. Sucaryl sweetening solution, manufactured by Abbot Laboratories, is n o w available in pint-size containers. Sucaryl is a noncaloric sweetener for diabetics a n d weight-reducers, according t o t h e manufacturer. CS 4
Detergent. Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. C o . is introducing a detergent, Pennsalt PowerPak, which is said to give high moisture control in d r y cleaning charge systems. T h e detergent is designed specifically for use in strong soap or supercharged d r y cleaning systems which use either petroleum o r synthetic solvents. CS 5 Synthetic Waxes. Synthetic replacements for polishing waxes and carbon paper formulations are offered b y Emulsion Chemical C o . T h e waxes a r e light in color a n d possess the hardness a n d conchoidal fracture of C a r n a u b a wax, according to t h e company. Specific waxes are available for self-polishing floor waxes, paste waxes, a n d carbon paper. CS 6 Extender Clears. Aula Chemicals, Inc.. has introduced a 100 Series of low-cost CHEMICAL
For f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n on a n y i t e m mentioned h e r e , s e e coupon on p a g e 3 3 2 2
Extender Clears, w h i c h w h e n formulated w i t h extender concentrates are said t o give printpastes w i t h o u t s t a n d i n g laundering a n d d r y cleaning resistance. T h e ext e n d e r clears permit t h e u s e of extender concentrates a t concentrations as low as 0.25%. CS 7 Mold Release. C h e m i c a l Development C o r p . is offering C D Mold Release Β as a release agent for phenolic, melamine, a n d similar plastics. T h e p r o d u c t , said to b e fast drying, c a n b e a p p l i e d by brushing, spraying, or w i p i n g w i t h a cloth d a m p e n e d in t h e solution. CS 8 Fabricating Materials. Three m a t e rials for chemical, electrical, and m e c h a n ical applications are manufactured b y American H a r d R u b b e r Co. Ace-Flex is a tough, flexible, light-weight plastic m a t e rial w h i c h is said t o h a v e good electrical properties a n d to b e resistant to chemi cals. It is available as t u b i n g or sheet. Riviclor is a n unplasticized thermoplastic for pipe, tank linings, a n d similar p r o d ucts. Dur-Ace is a thermoplastic, multipolymer material w h i c h is suggested for formed a n d d r a w - m o l d e d parts, corrosion resistant p i p e , and m a c h i n e d parts. CS 9 Silk Screening Finish. A silk screening finish for cellulose acetate plastics, called L o g o q u a n t Series AV-46, h a s b e e n devel o p e d by L o g o , Inc. It is said to h a v e good adhesion, resistance to plasticizer migra tion, and to b e flexible. T h e coating m a t e rial is available in a w i d e range of stand ard, m a t c h e d - p i g m e n t e d , a n d p i g m e n t e d metaliic colors. CS 10 Car Wax. A car-wash-and-wax com bination, called P u r p l e Magic, is avail able from Choldun Mfg. Corp. This p r o d uct, w h e n applied in a w a t e r solution, is said to w a x as it cleans. I t can b e used as often as necessary without removing prior wax, according to t h e manufacturer. CS 11 Refrigerant. A refrigerant which, w h e n pajcked i n a n y insulated b o x after freez ing, will keep food or o t h e r material cold for 7 2 hours is offered b y Thrift Prod ucts Co. T h e c o m p o u n d , called Kand-Ice, is p a c k e d in v a c u u m cans. It m a y b e in definitely renewed b y refreezing again before use, according to t h e company. CS 12 Aerosol Spray. Meyer Scientific S u p ply Co. is offering an aerosol spray, Royalton Glad-Air, for u s e in laboratories a n d animal rooms. F o r m u l a 2 1 5 is for use as a laboratory insecticide a n d is said t o h a v e a pleasant odor. F o r m u l a 2 1 1 , for use as a germicidal deodorant, is said to aid in t h e reduction of air-borne bacteria. CS 13 AND