The support is said by thecompany to be particularly suited for prepara- tion of packings when theconcentra- tion of stationary phase is to be less th...
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MATERIALS n-Butyllithium

A new form of n-butyllithium, said to have vastly improved handling prop­ erties over the conventional product, is being produced by Lithium Corp. of America. The product is described as a homogeneous suspension of n-butyl­ lithium in a specially blended paraffin wax medium. The company says the material is nonpyrophoric and is classed as a flammable solid, n.o.s. It has good stability on moderate exposure to air. Commercial production is limited to cast sticks measuring one inch in diam­ eter by five inches long, with either 20 or 30% by weight of butyllithium. Ac­ ceptable orders are limited to x / 4 -pound quantities, and shipment is made in hermetically sealed disposable unpressurized cans. The company says that production of two-pound cast trape­ zoidal ingots is scheduled for an early date. 501 lodine-125 Produced a t O R N L

Curie quantities of a relatively new isotope, iodine-125, are currently being produced at Oak Ridge National Labo­ ratory. It is said that the new radio­ isotope will complement—and could eventually replace in medical investiga­ tions—the better known iodine-131, one of ORNL's largest selling isotopes. Although it can be produced by several reactions, the best yields of the isotope have been obtained by irradiat­ ing xenon gas in the Oak Ridge Re­ search Reactor. Iodine-125, previously available in research quantities at $15 per millicurie, is now produced for SI per millicurie on a production basis. It is said to have several advantages over iodine-131. The absence of beta radiation reduces severity of internal radiation dose when used for diagnostic work. Iodine-125 has a half-life of 60 days compared to eight da\ r s for iodine131. 502 Rare Earth

rates are markedly different for the in­ dividual metals. Magnetic properties vary from those of diamagnetic yttrium to ferromagnetic gadolinium. These and many other variables indicate to the company that a reproducible source of supply of the metals will stimulate research in metallurgy, solid state phys­ ics and chemistry, and in other funda­ mental studies. 503 Serotonin Hydrogen

A new form of 5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin hydrogen oxalate, has been developed by the Regis Chemical Co. The compound is described as consist­ ing of white needles having a melting point of 197° to 199° (dec.). The com­ pany's product is determined for homo­ geneity by paper chromatography. Some of the advantages claimed by the company for the product are that it is water soluble, free of external nitrogen, and contains 66% of the active ingredi­ ent 5-hydroxytryptamine. Research


G a s C h r o m a t o g r a p h y Supplies

Another product has been added to its line of solid supports for gas chro­ matographic columns by the Applied Science Laboratories, Inc. Known as Gas-Chrom Z, the material is a fluxcalcined diatomaceous earth that has been acid washed and treated with dichlorodimethylsilane. The support is said by the company to be particularly suited for prepara­ tion of packings when the concentra­ tion of stationary phase is to be less than 5%. At these low concentrations there is a tendency for materials such as sterols to "tail." The company says that this effect 'is minimized when a silane-treated support is used for separations where tailing is likely to occur. 505

FWft/fc l/aeuuwi I s d A i Specify Vactronic The New Vactronic Line of pneumatic or manual high-vacuum Valves can be depended upon to faithfully control your vacuum system over many long years. Advanced in design and precision machined from solid bar stock, Vactronic valves feature: • L o r R Type Valves in 11 standard sizes to f i t 1/2" to 4 " systems. • Conical, tapered Valve seats. • Positive seating with self-aligning KEL-F plasticized seals. • Bellows Sealed Stems. • Heavy duty Acme threaded stem. • High conductance with non-restrictive ports. • Stainless Steel or Brass construction. • Quick, sweat, weld or flanged connections.


Sixteen rare earth metals are being offered by Kleber Laboratories, Inc. The company points out that the metals have widely variant physical properties as contrasted to the relatively similar trivalent oxides. Melting points vary from 804° C. for cerium to 1650° C. for lutetium, and boiling points vary from about 1500° C. for europium to 3500° C. for lanthanum. Corrosion


quantities of the compound are avail­ able from stock, and developmental quantities can be supplied upon request. 504

Send for descriptive literature. HIGH VACUUM VALVE Model CVS-200R-F

Vactronic LAB. EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED East Northport, Ν. Υ. · Tel. ANdrew 1-2660 Circle No. 174 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 33, NO. 12, NOVEMBER 1961

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