certificate of analysis which accompa- nies each series of samples. The content of silica ranges from ... ...with no prior sample separation. You can ...
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Cholesteryl Esters Cholesteryl palmitate, cholesteryl stéarate, cholesteryl oleate, and cholesteryl linoleate high purity standards are available in 99% pure grade. These esters are prepared from cholesterol and from the corresponding fatty acids, all of which are at least 99% pure. Applied Science Laboratories, Inc., State College, Pa. 501

Portland Cement S t a n d a r d Samples A series of five standard samples of Portland cement are now available from the National Bureau of Standards. These standards, (Nos. 1011, 1013, 1014, 1015, and 1016), are used to calibrate instruments and check accuracy of both chemical and x-ray fluorescence methods. The composition of the cements and the concentration of the 12 oxides, plus loss due to ignition, were determined by cooperating laboratories. The results are listed in a provisional certificate of analysis which accompanies each series of samples. The content of silica ranges from 19.4g to 24.17%; calcium oxide, 61.48 to 66.6o%; and magnesia from 0.42 to 4.25%. Other constituents are in useful ranges; for example, the N a 2 0 content ranges from 0.08 to 0.55%. The cement standards are available for $6 per set from the Standard Samples Clerk, National Bureau of Standards, Washington 25, D. C. 502

Enzymatic Reagent An improved enzymatic reagent for the determination of glucose in blood and urine is available. The new re­ agent eliminates the deproteinization steps necessary with classical methods, such as Folin-Wu, Nelson-Somogyi, and other enzymatic tests. Only a 0.02-ml. specimen is required, 4 to 5 minutes working time, one test tube, and a few pipets. For more informa­ tion, write Clinton Laboratories, 6010 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 35, Calif. 504 S t a t i o n a r y Phases New highly stable stationary phases are available for use in steroid and re­ lated research. Included is HI-EFF8B, a polyester, which appears to be more thermally stable than the neopentyl polyesters. Applied Science Laboratories, Inc., P. O. Box 140, State College, Pa. 505

T r i t i u m Labeled Lithium Aluminum Hydride-T Improved techniques and quantity production have resulted in price re­ ductions for lithium aluminum hydride-T with a specific activity of 250 mc./mM. Prices range from $3.58 to $5.40 per millicurie depending on the quantity purchased. Volk Radiochem­ ical Co., 8260 Elmwood Ave., Skokie, 111. 506

CORRECTION The reagent chemical, benzenesulfinic acid sodium salt, available from the Gallard-Schlesinger Chemical Mfg. Corp., 1001 Franklin Ave., Garden City, L. Ι., Ν. Υ., was inadvertently re­ ferred to as benzenesulfonic acid sodium salt in the November issue (Item No. 505).

S E i î Î M I N E

Special Targets and Foils Enriched isotope foils and targets prepared by vacuum evaporation, rolling, electrolytic deposition, pressing, and casting are available for research. Evaporated foils are prepared on metal plates up to 2 χ 3 in. The backing material can be adjusted in thickness, shape, and composition. Self-sup­ ported foils are often deposited on glass plates in sizes up to 31/i X 4 in. Sizes of rolled foils are standardized as 1 X 1 in.; pressed and cast targets range from 1 / 4 to 2V 4 in. in diameter in increments of 1/i in. For more in­ formation, write Isotopes Development Center, Oak Ridge National Labora­ tory, P. O. Box X, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 503

...with no prior sample separation. You can now auto­ matically detect and measure Sodium Hydroxide without interference of other alkalies. Technicon® AutoAnalyzer® will give you the recorded analytical answers in your Plant ... on-stream, on-line spot analysis, or in your Laboratory. Let us send an abstract of the methodology plus a digest of over 50 other industrial methods... write, wire or phone ...






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