New closed-cycle Cryo-Tip® systems put cryogenic temperatures

Secretariat, Budapest, 5, P. Ο. Β. 457,. Hungary. ... computer operation in Irvine, Calif. Plans call for ... include operations formerly carried ou...
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NEWS Nov. 9 to 10—Interpretation on Infrared Spectra. San Francisco, Calif. N. B. Colthup. ACS. Contact (8) Nov. 14 to 16—Fundamental Concepts in the Design of Experiments. Charlotte, N. C. Roger D. Smith, Gayle W. McElrath, C. R. Hicks. ASQC. Contact (9) Nov. 18 to 19—Science of Color Measurement. Chicago, 111. IDL. Contact (5) Nov. 21 to 23—Evaluation and Interpretation of Physical and Chemical Testing Meth­ ods. University of Houston. J. Earl Williams, John Mandel, Grant Wernimont ASQC. Contact (9) Nov. 29 to Dec. 1—Thermal Methods of Analysis. Houston, Tex. W. W. Wendlandt, I. M. Sarasohn, E. L. Simons, or A. E. Newkirk. ACS. Contact (S) 1

Education Officer, The Royal Institute of Chemistry, 30 Russell Square, London, W.C. 1, England 2 Industrial Division, Coulter Electronics, 260 Mannheim Rd., Franklin Park, 111. 60131: Tel: (312)455-7712 3 Paul Halter, Jr., General Electric, 4855 Electric Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. 53201 4 Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. Tel: (215) 382-7800 5 James Shearer, Instrument Development Laboratories, 67 Mechanic St., Attleboro, Mass. 02703. Tel: (617)222-3880 0 Mrs. Miriam L. Fallert, McCrone Research Institute, 451 East 31st St., Chicago, 111. 60616. Tel: (312) 842-7105 7 Russ Crawford, Varian Aerograph, #25 Route 22, Springfield, N. J. 07081 8 Education Office, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 20036. Tel: (202)737-3337 9 American Society for Quality Control, Donald A. Wright, Eastman Kodak Co., Bldg. 10, Kodak Park, Rochester, Ν. Υ. 14650 theory, construction, and application of ion-selective electrodes. Further de­ tails, the program, and application forms may be obtained from IMEKO Secretariat, Budapest, 5, P. Ο. Β. 457, Hungary.

Industry Items Robert C. Mackenzie, head of the Dept. of Pedology at the Macaulay Institute for Soil Research, Aberdeen, U.K., is the recipient of the first Mettler Award in Thermal Analysis. This $1000award (sponsored by Mettler Instru­ ment Corp., Princeton, N.J.) which honors distinguished service in the field of dynamic thermal analysis was pre­ sented August 21 at the Second Inter­ national Conference on Thermal Analy­ sis, Holy Cross College, Worchester, Mass.

Symposium on Ion-Selective Electrodes The International Measurement Con­ federation (IMEKO) will hold a sym­ posium on "Electrochemical Sensors," Oct. 3 to 5, 1968, in Vcszprcm, Hun­ gary. This meeting is being organized by the Hungarian Member Organiza­ tion of IMEKO, the Scientific Society for Measurement and Automation. Chairman of the symposium will be E. Pungor, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Among the out­ standing participants are Professors Eisenman, Chicago University; Sultz, Leningrad University ; and Erdei, Hun­ garian Academy of Sciences. The con­ tributors will cover the entire field of

Digital Automation Co., Inc., Pen­ nington, X. J. 08534, is a newly formed company specializing in instruments and data handling for the scientific community. DAC offers a complete card or tape automation system includ­ ing counting electronics to the users of X-ray diffractometers and spectrome­ ters. Granite Equipment Leasing Corp., Garden City, N. Y., has reached a co­ operative agreement with Varian As­ sociates, Palo Alto, Calif., under which Varian will offer leasing programs to domestic customers of its scientific in­ struments, recorders, small digital com­ puters, and other electronic devices. Varian Associates, Palo Alto, Calif., has announced formation of an Infor­ mation Systems Group which includes Varian Data Machines, the company's computer operation in Irvine, Calif. Plans call for internal development of this group plus acquisitions in related areas. Ventron Corp., Beverly, Mass., an­ nounces the formation of a Metal Chemicals Division. This division will include operations formerly carried out by the Metal Hydrides Division and the mercury chemicals plant at Wood Ridge, X. J., acquired with the purchase of Wood Ridge Chemical Corp.

"PLUG IN" 44°K! New closed-cycle Cryo-Tip® systems put cryogenic temperatures where you need them. • Maximum flexibility to fit individual needs • Made up of standard Cryo-Tip components • Long operating life at low cost • Wide variety of vacuum shrouds available Air Products' new "plug-in" approach makes laboratory temperature from 4.4°Κ to 300° Κ as easy to obtain as power, water or gas. Using widely acclaimed Cryo-Tip refrigerators and basic "buildingb l o c k " components, you can put together a closed-cycle cryogenic system exactly suited to your needs. Operate as many as five Cryo-Tip refrigerators, each in its own labora­ tory, with only one remote compres­ sor per gas system. No line losses; no exhaust gases to vent; no chance of introducing contamination. Continuous operating time is lim­ ited only by the compressor dia­ phragm (typically 2,000 plus hours). Operating costs are lower than liquid transfer or open-cycle systems. Vacuum shrouds available for spec­ troscopy, X-ray diffraction, Hall ef­ fects, field-ion microscopy, EPR, ESR, NMR, laser cooling, IR detectors, mossbauer effects, and many other studies. Forfull technical information,write:


Air Products


Chemicals INC.

ADVANCED PRODUCTS DEPARTMENT Box 5 3 8 , A l l e n t o w n , P a . 1 8 1 0 5 Circle No. 15 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 40 NO. 11, SEPTEMBER 1968


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