New Coal Tar Chemicals by Reilly - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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New Coal Tar Chemicals

by Reilly 2 - Mercaptoethylpyridine PHYSICAL CONSTANTS OF THE PURE COMPOUND Molecular Weight


Freezing Point


Boiling Point at 13 mm

106 °C.

Boiling Point at 39 mm


Density at 25 °C


Refractive Index n20D


Solubility in 100 g. water at 20°C

0.3 g.

Solubility of water in 100 g. at 20 °C

10.7 g.

• 2-Mercaptoethylpyridine is a most unusual organic compound, possessing a sulfhydryl group in addition t o the pyridine ring. T h e presence of the sulfhydryl group makes 2-Mercaptoethylpyridine a most reactive and versatile pyridine compound. 2-Mercaptoethylpyridine is available in 9 5 % minimum purity, with a minimum freezing point of —27.4°C. A few of the suggested uses are: as a polymerization modifier in synthetic rubber; as a vulcanization accelerator; as a plasticizer; as an insecticide and fungicide; as a raw material in the synthesis of dyestuffs and pharmaceuticals; as an intermediate in the preparation of sulfides, thioesters and metal salts; as a starting material for the synthesis of pickling inhibitors, flotation reagents, emulsifying and wetting agents and as a solvent. F u r t h e r information on 2-Mercaptoethylpyridine and other new Reilly Coal T a r Chemicals will be furnished on request. REILLY



This 56 page second edition and supp l e m e n t d e s c r i b i n g t h e complete


Reilly line of coal tar chemicals, acids, oils, bases and intermediates will be

Merchants Bank Bldg. · Indianapolis 4, Ind. 2513 S. Damen Ave., Chicago 8, III.


sent on request.

5 0 0 Fifth Ave., New York 18, N.Y

Reilly Coal far Chemicals for Industry 17





