New Compounds-N, N, N'N'-Tetraalkylhomopiperazinium Salts

The residue was taken up in warm. C6Hs and filtered through hard paper and the solvent again was removed in z'ucuo. The renidiie was taken tip in .\[e...
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h-R \CH,CH~CH~/

Yield," . more potent than, morphine. Lastlj-, Abood reviews the family of atropine-like g1yc.olate esters, with special emphasis on the interrelationship hctween their structures and their mechanism of action. Issue may be taken with the employment of the term ' L p s y c h ~ t o ~ n i metic" in his title of this rrview of highly activc, :iritic.lioliiic,rgic. drugs, for this usage conflicts with the generally accepted definition given by Hofniann. -411 in all, this volume is an excellent reference work and \vi11 be of value to all scientists in this field. The printing is clcar, the chemical formiilas are free from typographical error to a n unprecrdented degreca. and the siihject and author indosw :irv cxtensivc :&ridconiplrtc. The appearanc~eof the n r s t volume. of this set, corirerning pharmacological testing methods, should complete a trilogj- indispensible to anyone active in this area of research. 1483 SHULGIN ROAD LAFAYETTE, CALIFORSIA94549