New ComSci Strategy Emphasizes Multidisciplinarity

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New ComSci Strategy Emphasizes Multidisciplinarity, Entrepreneurship SADIQ SHAH, CHAIR, ACS COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE

mittee on Science (ComSci) has developed a five-year strategic plan to identify emerging frontiers in science and better prepare ACS members for 21st-century careers. ComSci’s purpose is to focus ACS attention on new and emerging areas in which chemical scientists will play an important role. It does so by identifying new frontiers for chemistry and making recommendations for the field’s advancement, promoting understanding of interdisciplinary challenges and opportunities in the chemical enterprise, examining the scientific basis of public policies related to the chemical sciences, and making recommendations for action related to those policies to the appropriate ACS entities. Over the past few years, ComSci has advanced a priority Alternative Energy Systems initiative to facilitate research, education, and thoughtful dialogue on a topic critical to chemical science and economic sustainability. This effort focused on four energy areas: hydrogen, solar, nuclear, and biofuels. The committee organized several symposia at national meetings, conducted literature searches, and is currently finalizing summary documents in these four areas. ComSci also worked with the journal Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research to publish special issues on these topics. One issue was published on nuclear fuels, and a combination issue on hydrogen, solar, and biofuels is planned for publication this fall. Today ComSci focuses on implementing its 2011–15 strategic plan, which identifies challenges and opportunities for scientific progress and the chemistry enterprise. The plan serves as a blueprint for broadening ComSci’s impact on the professional growth of ACS members and on the development of science for the benefit of society. The strategic plan—which can be viewed at the committee’s website, www.—focuses on four areas: new and emerging frontiers in science, national science policy priorities, science for diplomacy, and recognition and celebration of scientific achievements. These strategic areas are consistent with the society’s

mission and involve collaboration with other ACS units. In keeping with the strategic plan, ComSci has developed two innovative new program series for ACS national meetings:

reates. The second session on this theme will be the inaugural symposium of Presidential Young Investigator awardees at the national meeting in Philly. By including Nobel Laureates and Presidential Young Investigators, this emerging-frontiers series ENTREPRENEURSHIP SERIES. ComSci will feature science visionaries of today and has organized successful entrepreneurship tomorrow. The Nobel forum will be held at symposia at the past three ACS national each spring ACS national meeting, and the meetings, including sesyoung investigator forum sions on intellectual propwill be held at fall meetings. erty protection, start-up To advance ComSci’s financing, and technology science for diplomacy and commercialization. These global collaboration theme, forumsshowcasedexamples the committee organized of chemistry-based start-up a well-received session on companies and key ingredialternative energy at the Inents for entrepreneurial sucternational Union of Pure & cess. A third session at the Applied Chemistry’s World March San Diego meeting Chemistry Congress in featured the first business Puerto Rico in August 2011, plan competition to be held which featured internationat an ACS national meetally recognized scientists in ing. During the open part of the field. A second effort in this session, entrepreneurs ComSci’s purpose this area included a very sucshared information about cessful meeting with a deleis to focus ACS their new chemical science gation of chemists from Iraq attention on new and technology platforms at the March ACS national and start-up company focus. and emerging meeting to support and ofareas in which An executive session was fer advice on their efforts to chemical scientists rejuvenate the Iraqi profesthen held where entrepreneurs presented their ideas will play an sional scientific society. for potential financing ComSci is also well on important role. and gained constructive its way in planning actions feedback on their business related to other items in its plans from angel investors strategic plan. The commitfrom the San Diego area. A fourth session tee will continue to build on its successful in this series is set for the national meeting outreach and collaboration with ACS techin Philadelphia this month. It will showcase nical divisions, and it encourages collabochemical start-ups that are the direct outrations with other ACS units with interest comes of university technology transfer. and expertise in the ComSci focus areas. ComSci invites ACS member ideas, EMERGING SCIENCE FRONTIERS. To feedback, and involvement in advancing a identify emerging multidisciplinary fronbetter dialogue within ACS and the broader tiers in science where chemistry will play a science community on these efforts. Only critical role, a first-of-its-kind Nobel Laureby working together with like-minded ates’ Forum was organized for the San Dimembers and groups can we make a lasting ego national meeting. This forum attracted impact on these important initiatives—on more than 120 participants and drew praise behalf of ACS members and the chemical from attendees on both the concept and the enterprise. Please send any comments to insights provided by the three Nobel [email protected]. ◾



THE AMERICAN Chemical Society’s Com-


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