New Design of an Internal Proportional Flow Counter for Radio-Gas

New Design of an Internal Proportional Flow Counter for Radio-Gas Chromatography. F. Schmidt-Bleek, F. S. Rowland. Anal. Chem. , 1964, 36 (8), pp 1695...
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was constructed, consisting of a 22-foot length of 1/2-inch i.d. copper tubing wound into a 4-inch diameter helix and filled with 10- to 20-mesh coconut charcoal, as shown in Figure 1. The purifier is conveni2ntly operated a t a pressure of about 40 p s i g., which permits throttling and control of the flow of the purified helium into the carrier-gas systzm a t the chromatograph. Operation above at,mospheric pressure also increases slightly the adsorption capacity of the charcoal for neon and hydrogen impurities in the carrier helium ( I ) . When a conventional pressure regulator attached to the sample cylinder was used to regulate the pressure of the sample, difficulty was encountered in obtaining reproducible data when the impurity content was less than 50 p.p.m. Apparent,Iy the arrangement of the internal volumes of the regulator was such that a few parts per million impurities were picked u p by the sample stream. Since the regulator could not easily be purged in less t'han 25 minutes the sampling system shown in Figure 1 was adopted. .A cylinder valve connector having a small needle control valve, 2, is attached to the cylinder, I , containing the gas to be analyzed. A flexible 0.0625-inch 0.d. by 0.04inch i.d. stainless steel capillary tube, 3, is used to deliver the sample to the gas inlet of the chromatograph. A tee-connection, 4 , is placed a t the end of the t,ube just ahead of the gas inlet of the chromatograph. From the side connect,ion of this tee, a length of plastic tubing, 6, carries excess sample flow to a glass tube, the open end of which is submerged in mercury to provide a seal. X short length of plastic tubing is used to connect the gas sample inlet' of the chromatograph to the other outlet of the tee. When the sample flow is dead-ended a t the chromatograph for a second or so when the sample loop is switched to t,he carrier-gas stream, the sample gas escapes through the mercury leg. The system is ready for operation when the bridge current of the Beckman GC-PA chromatograph is set at

400 ma. The carrier-gas pressure gauge on the chromatograph is set a t 20 p.s.ig. giving a flowrate of 80 cc. per minute; there is liquid nitrogen around the purifier; the recorder is t,urned on and properly attenuated; and sample is flowing through the sample loop.

Table 1. Chromatograph Concentration Comparison with Analyses in P.P.M. by Volume

Sample Impurity 1

s2 0 2



2 The first peak that appears is due to a pressure surge and serves as a convenient starting mark. The recorder pen returns quickly to the base line, and about 30 seconds later the neon peak appears with a sharp, well defined height. hbout 30 seconds after the neon peak, the oxygen peak appears and the nitrog-n peak appears about 20 to 25 seconds later. Typical scans are shown in Figure 2. Hydrogen, if present, appears between neon and oxygen. Oxygen and argon normally appear as a single peak. This, however, can be resolved by operating the column a t reduced temperatures (SI Analyses of the helium samples are obtained by comparing the peak heights registered for the various impurity components with their calibration curves which were obtained by comparing the chromatograms of synthetically prepared mixtures previously analyzed by another method ( 2 ) . The two different sample volumes gave the same peak height for neon at low parts-permillion concentrations; the peak area, however, was doubled for the large sample. This does not affect the accuracy of the neon analysis from 0 to above 150 p.p.m. Table I gives the results of comparative analyses of 10 samples of heliini obtained with the chromatograph method and with the impurity concentration method ( 2 ) commonly used. The analyses for the concantration method are the average of dual analyses of the same samples a n d demonstrated


Ne N2


Ne N2 0 2


0 2



N2 0 2

Ye 6

NZ 02




200 1 8 310 1 8

0 2


Chromatograph 5 1

E2 0 2


Tracea 8 48 16 9 11 2

9 3 1

9 8 s* 28 4 02 54 Ne 9 ?;2 370 Trace5 0 2 8 Ne 630 10 NO 180 0 2 9 Ne a Below 0.5 p.p.m.

Alternate method (2)

6 1 12 210 1 10 305 I

8 310 1 6 50 15 12 9 2 9

5 1 12

28 5 50 370

Tracea 8


170 8

a deviation of 10% as compared to 5% for the chromatograph when 10 analyses of the same sample are obtained. LITERATURE CITED

( 1 ) Czaplinski, A., Zrelinski, E., Prremysl Chem. 38,87-8 (19%). (2) Kirkland, C. G., Brandt, L. W., Deaton, W. M., Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations ?io. 5644, 12 pp.. (1960). ( 3 ) Mosen, A . W.,Buzzelli, G., ANAL.

CHEM.32, 141-2 (1960).

New Design of an Internal Proportional Flow Counter for Radio-Gas Chromatography F. Schmidt-Bleek and

F. S.

Rowland, Chemistry Department, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan.

separation and G immediate . chromatographic assay of separated radioAS

active compounds have been frequently applied over the last 8 years ( I , 4, 5, 8, 9 ) . ITse of internal proportional flow counters for the high efficiency, practical assay of low energy beta-emitting radioisotopes has also been discussed in detail (6-9). Since the widely used glass counters with silver cathodes are susceptible to chemical attack by some gaseous compounds--e.g., amines-lead-

ing to the eventual destruction of the cathode, other counter designs have been sought which are more inert toward possible components of the flow stream (8). Figures 1 and 2 show the design of a brass-Teflon counter proved to have the following qualities after a variety of testing and after analytical use over a 2-year period: I t can be used a t elevated temperatures (tested up to 160" (3.); background is low even without further

shielding; by simply unscrewing, the counter can be taken apart and cleaned, if necessary; counting volume can readily be adjusted by variation of the cathode length (we have a set of different cathode party); and the counter is virtually indestructible. Table I gives indication of the properties of the metal flow counter. The counter ha? been constructed from inespensive materials with simple machinis$'s tools a t a cost of les- than VOL. 36, NO. 8, JULY 1964






Ift - 8

f' DEEP Figure 1 .

Table I.

Detailed design for brass-Teflon proportional counter

Properiies of Metal Flow Counter



Operating temp. "C. Volume ml. Counting gas

24 24 160 45 104 45 He PropaneHe Propane P-10 1:1.2 1:1.2 4200-4900 4200-4900 1700-1800 30 30 20 50 120 77


Plateau voltages Gas flow ml./min. Background c.p.m. (Without extra shielding)

160 45 P-10


1600-1800 200 30

$100. The proper volume for use in a particular experiment must be determined by such considerations as specific activities and column resolution (5, 9); sizes available with these dimensions provide volumes useful for our variety of experiments. When used in conjunction with chromatographic columns operating a t temperatures greater than 200' C., it is frequently more convenient t o pyrolyze or combust the components as they emerge and operate the counter a t 100' C. or less than it is to operate the counter a t higher temperatures ( 3 ) . LITERATURE CITED



Figure 2.


Construction of Teflon ends for proportional counter


(1) Cacace, F., Nucleonics 19, No. 5, 45 (1961). (2) Christman, D., Chemistry Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, private communication, 1963. (3) Diehn, B., Stocklin, G., Wolf, A. P., Rowland, F. S., 2. Anal. Chem., in press. (4) Evans, J. B., Willard, J . Am. Chem. Soc. 78,2908 (1956). (5) Herr, W., Schmidt-Bleek, F., Stocklin, G., Z . Anal. Chem. 170,310 (1959). (6) Lee, J. K., Lee, E. K. C., Musgrave, B., Tang, Y. K.,Root, J. W., Rowland, F. S., ANAL.CHEM.34, 741 (1962). (7) Rowland, F. S., Lee, J. K., White, R., Oklahoma Conference, TJD-7578, U.S. AEC, p. 39, 1959. (8) Wolfgang, R., MacKay, C. F., N u r h n i c s 16. Xo. 10. 69 11958). ( 9 j Wolfgang, R., Rowland, F. S.,ANAL. CHEY.30,903 (1958). THISresearch has been supported by AEC Contract No. AT-( 11-1)-407.