order to accommodate the broader programs in the cur- riculum has ... tional curriculum by which students who enter college ... in human affairs. Noth...
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A s IN other fields of education, the methods and purposes of engineering cufricnla are being re-examined and evaluated. There has been an increased emphasis on the basic sciences, a more objective inclusion of the humanities, and a transfer of the more specialized subjects of the undergraduate cur~iculumto the postgraduate period. The new curricula in chemical engineering now usually comprise three parallel sequences-in the sciences, engineering, and humanitie~whichextend throughout the undergraduate program. The early concentration of the basic sciences and mathematics in order to accommodate the broader programs in the curriculum has emphasized the dependence on secondaryschool training. This has often proved to be inadequate. Consequently, several schools have adopted five-year curricula leadmg to professional degrees. There has been a considerable increase in graduate work in chemical engineering, often with greater emphasis on the Master's Degree than on the Doctor's Degree. Table 1 shows a comparison of the present curricula requirements in chemical engineering in eight schools in the United States. These have been selected as representative of present trends. The names of the schools are omitted from the list since adjustments have been made in order to place the curricula on a comparative basis, and the classi6cation and evaluation of the courses have been somewhat arbitrary. For instance, the course credits shown in the catalogs for schools on the quarter system have been convvted to semester credits. Five out of the eight schools either require more than eight semesters for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemical Engineering or else offer an optional curriculum by which students who enter college without thorough preparation in the sciences and mathematics may qualify for the Bachelor's Degree. In some schools two degrees are offered in the five-year curriculum,. the Bachelor of Science Degree being granted a t the end of the fourth year and the Bachelor of Engineering Degree a t the end of the fifth year. The five-year curriculum permits a broader training and is to be recommended for students who intend to leave school a t the end of their undergraduate training. Many of these men will 6nd positions in industry which not only require the highest technical skill hut will also demand a knowledge of human relations and business organization.

Coursesin chemistry occupy an important place in the curriculum for chemical engineering, and good teaching in these is essential. Most schools require two semesters of general chemistry and a t least one semester of analytical chemistry. Much can be done tou~ardcoordinating these subjects with the courses in chemical engineering. For example, the early use of pound molar quantities and English units will prepare the student for the stoichiometric calculations which are essential to his training. New techniques of measurements and analysis are important for the applications of instrumental control. A knowledge of organic chemistry is almost a necessity for the chemical engineer in the petroleum industry and is useful in many of the process industries. Physical chemistry is a principal part of chemical engineering. Chemical technology can best be presented as an application of theprinciples of physical chemistry and of colloidal substances to industrial practices. Thermodynamics in chemical engineering must include the energy transformations in flowing fluids, heat transfer, refrigeration, and high-pressure effects, as well as reaction equilibrium. For this reason this subject is best taught as a course in cheidical engineering rather than in chemibtry or in mechanical engineering. Much interest is now being taken in reaction kinetics, especially in heterogeneous. catalytic processes. While these subjects are found only in the advanced undergraduate and graduate courses,;,preparation for them must he carried on through theielementary physical chemistry courses. Mathematics and physics form the other two bases of the foundation on which chemical engineering is built. Calculus should be presented as early as possible in the curriculum. I t may be introduced in freshman mathematics and continued-with thorough drilling in differential and integral calculus in the sophomore year, followed by a course in differential equations. This pennits the teachmg of physics and mechanics from an analytical viewpoint and gives many opportunities for setting up and solving dierential equations. Courses in the humanistic-social subjects occupy 15 to 20 per cent of the undergraduate program in the newer curricula. Several schools have specified a continuous sequence of courses from the freshman through the senior year. Others provide a latitude of selection in literature, philosophy, history, and social sciences. Broad offerings and good teaching are necessary to the interest of the young engineer in society and ' Presented before the Division of Chemical Education at the arouse in human affairs. Nothing promotes knowledge and 111th meeting of the American Chemical Atlantic City, understanding of other people so much as an ability to April l k l 7 , 1947.

AUGUST, 1947

use their language. Courses in foreign languages should he reqnir~dof s t ~ ~ d e nint schrrnical engineering not only for ~rofessionalrwsons so I hat tliev will Iw ul~lrto read techical literature +but also to promote an ability and fluency in English. A recent survey of schools accredited by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers shows that approximately one-third require some foreign language in the undergraduate curriculum. In general, French or German is specified, although recently a study of Russian is being recommended. Since all schools require an ability to read foreign literature as a prerequisite for the doctorate, it is desirable to ad.+e students who are likely to continue in postgraduate work to take a t least two of these languages with their undergraduate courses. The chemical engineering courses required for the Bachelor of Science degree occupy about one-fourth of the curriculum and are about equal in number of credit hours to those required in chemistry. I t is desirable to have the student make contact with chemical engineering as early in the curriculum as possible so that he will learn the language and understand the applications of his profession. Courses in stoichiometry and chemical technology may be offered in the sophomore year. The principles of chemical engineering are found in the applications of thermodynamics and kinetics to energy and material balances and rates of physical and chemical processes. These constitute the unit-operations, such as the handling of liquids and gasej, the

transfer of heat, the absorption of gases, extraction, distillation, drying, and evaporation. Other engineering courses include engineering drawing, the principles of direct and alternating circuits and machinery, and courses in materials of construction, including metallurgy and the applications of alloys and plastics. A comprehensive course in plant design involving all of these principles is often given in the senior year. This permits the student to integrate his training and to consider economic problems similar to those which he will encounter in the modern chemical industry after graduation. Many of the schools offering chemical engineering curricula are finding an increasing interest and pressure from certain industries to include specialized courses in specific fields. The food processing industry is espe cially mindful of the broad training of chemical engineers. Special options are being offered in some schools taht include courses in bacteriology and biochemistry for students who desire to take employment in this industry. Another option which is gaining favor for inclusion in the curriculum is that of plastics. A recent survey indicates that about one-third of the accredited schools are now offering courses in chemical engineering departments devoted exclusively to plastics and high polymers, and others have such courses available in other departments. Some schools have already established curricula in this subject. In all, the undergraduate curriculum in chemical en-

TABLE 1 Comparison of Curricula Requirements in Chemical Engineering


Shol Semesters Required Chemist~ General and Qualitative A n a l v t----iral ----" Organic Phvsioal ~athkmaties Trigonometry, Algebra, Analytic Geometry Calculus Differential Equations Humanistic-Social Rhetoric Language History or Economies Others Specified Chemical Engineering Stoiohiometry and Chemical Technology Unit Operations Engineering Thermodynamios Thesis Others Other Engineering Subjects Engineering Drawing Meohanios and Materials Electrieitl Engineering Mechanical Engineering Others Other Subjects Required Professiaal Electives Free Electives Total Semester Hours

8 (47) 14 Q

(9) 3 6

't? 10

I1 10 (

8 (


(1;) 6 3


10 )


( 1 6









9 (2791

8 (2:)

10+2S (3:)


( )

8 (3;)








3 '


12 9

12 3





8 R

13 (341)

19 (3:)



7 (139)

16 8 3

18 8

6 8


6 8 ' 2



($1 7 5 2

7 .



8 8


7 7




;; 13 3

(285) (258) 9

10 4 3


6 4 8 5

3 149

11 184

5 2 136

9 12 167



(31) 12 13 3 3



3 144






(18) 10


( )


15 4

10 6


17 -.






11 3

5 2 11 2

4 3 2

9 6



17 141



(2;) 6

14 146


gineering is comprehensive and complete. Perhaps the greatest criticism is that it is too comprehensive and does not permit the students to exercise enough selection of -their outside courses or to have time to enjoy leisure and relaxation. The reading of books, the ap-


preciation of music and art, and the enjoyment of good fellowshipare as much a part of the engineer's life as his profession. Much can be done by the faculty adviser in establishing a place and an interest in these so that he may shape a well-balanced college graduate.