NEW DRILLING FLUID - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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ATLAS P O W D E R C O M P A N Y , W I L M I N G T O N 9 9 , DELAWARE Atlas Powder Company, Canada, Ltd., Brantford, Ontario, Canada


Tougher rayon tor stronger tires...made using Atlas surfactants

...using Aquaness emulsifiers— speeds drilling of oil wells

One of the reasons why your automobile tires rack up mileages that were impossible a few years ago is that they're made with a new, extra-strong grade of viscose rayon cord. This "super-tenacity" rayon goes into such other strengthdemanding products as fire hose, conveyors and drive belts. There's a unique bit of surface active chemistry at work here. Atlas surfactants have long been recognized for the part they play in static control and lubrication on the surface of man-made fibers. In this new type of rayon, however, another Atlas surfactant performs a different kind of function inside the rayon fiber. From 1 to 4% by weight of this Atlas

The guys who drill oil wells have been telling us nice things about a new oil emulsion drilling fluid that recently appeared on the market. These fluids, in case you didn't know, are pumped into a well hole to lubricate and cool the drilling bit, and raise the chips cut out by drilling. From all reports, the new fluid makes the drilling operation faster and more economical. Out in the Permian Basin, in West Texas and New Mexico, a test run of more than 20 wells were drilled using the new oil emulsion fluids and conventional types. The results: only 26 drilling bits on the average were needed per hole with the new fluids, compared to 45 bits when water and conventional muds were used. Furthermore, the new fluid permits use of greater weight on the bit, and gives faster penetration rates . . . all of which further adds to economy of drilling. The drilling fluid uses synthetic emulsifiers, manufactured by the Aquaness Department of Atlas, long recognized as a leading developer and supplier of special emulsifiers for the oil industry. Several of the largest drilling mud companies market the Aquaness emulsifiers under their own brand names, and engineer their application to individual wells. If you'd like more facts, write to Baroid about "Trimulso"—to Magcobar about "Drilling Milk"—and t o Macco about "Lumul,"—all top names in the drilling mud business. 5234



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surfactant is added to the "liquid rayon" just before it is converted to solid form. The surfactant slows down the rate at which the rayon molecules re-arrange themselves. Then, before the rayon has become thoroughly solidified, i t is stretched. This process gives it a tougher, more uniform cross section, extending all the way through the fiber. The result is far greater strength per unit of diameter. . .and a lot longer life in an auto tire. This is just one of the many interesting jobs that Atlas surfactants are doing in scores of products. We've developed a wide variety of these useful materials, and a stock of knowledge on how to use them. Let us know your problem and we'll be glad t o offer recommendations.

When things look hazy... call on DARC0 Ifjyou t havçT q Hçjyjç^ product ,that ? some- Λ 'product isestill. una*er;your control, in your - j times turns nazyfoircloudyrâfterlMè^aye!^ your, plant, * Dorco Ζ activated Λ c a r b o n ^ >' Floc-fbrming timpurities! i n , sugar, which \ "j usually can «"prevent this-troublé;. / t ; à n d : ^ 1 Λ, would cause naze-in f carbonated Jaever- *£-* , save ,you embarrassing - complaints ^f rem'; V ages,'"'are'"an^example. ΓΜάην* sugar r e - \>1 customers.\^ *s'~λ- "• IT" ' « ^ N . ^ » - ΐ -5 '" ^τ"®* ^ • • v . s \r"·^ '--^"-t^i changes such: os ^température; drop orV„ ' ' J-r·-^ D a r c o - t r e a t e d / b e é r r they find r> ;can b e ^ C | addition of other* ingredients/ brîngJon" I - k e p t : i n cold storage-, f a r - longef.NWÎthôvt V j developing chiiLhaze; due t o précipita-:, r 1 -precipitatlohr ^ H a ppily^-_ntany~. o£^ihésfiùjtrouble-makers a r e large'molecules which' , a r e easy to remove awhile still in solution" , Let^us know a b o u t l y o u r h a z e p r o b l e m ; ^ by'treatment with DyrVro^ac^iviatedfcâT-^ \ ^ a n d r y f è ' l l Jb/e g l à c T t b Suggest w a y s t h a t " \ ' 'J$ bon. You correct the /condition" while' the*> "^Dqrcq^activqtëd carbon can help.