New electrokinetic focusing method Following single-protein folding

David Ross and colleagues at the Nation- al Institute of Standards and Technology have created a new tool for the rapid, sensitive, and selective sepa...
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Following single-protein folding

New electrokinetic focusing method David Ross and colleagues at the Nation-

can support micelle formation. The re-

al Institute of Standards and Technology

searchers applied the new technique to

have created a new tool for the rapid,

focus the zwitterionic dye rhodamine B. A

sensitive, and selective separation of

concentrated band formed within seconds,

neutral and ionic hydrophobic analytes.

and a 13-fold increase in concentration oc-

Called micellar affinity gradient focusing

curred after 50 s. Similarly, they used MAGF

(MAGF), the technique combines micellar

to focus anthracene. In that case, the con-

electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC)

centration increased 27-fold in 30 s. Finally,

and temperature gradient focusing (TGF).

they successfully used MAGF to simultane-

MEKC separates neutral analytes on the

ously concentrate and separate two similar

basis of partitioning into an ionic micelle.

dyes—rhodamine B and rhodamine 110.

TGF separates species on the basis of dif-

With any separation method, there is a

ferences in electrophoretic mobility. When

tradeoff between sensitivity and resolution.

they are combined together as MAGF, the

However, with MAGF, the injection time is

two techniques are more sensitive than CE

also a factor. An improvement in detection

or MEKC alone. In addition, MAGF can be

limit therefore does not always mean poorer

readily implemented in a microfluidic device,

resolution. For example, if higher concen-

with shorter channels than CE or MEKC.

trations are needed, a longer injection time

MAGF is both a concentration and sep-

could be used without degrading the resolu-

aration method. The concentration or fo-

tion. The researchers are currently investi-

cusing mechanism involves creating a

gating the limits of this three-way tradeoff.

temperature gradient along the separation

(J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 1936–1937)

channel. The phase ratio (the ratio of the volume occupied by the micellar phase to


the volume of the mobile phase) decreas-

High retention

Low retention


es with temperature. By establishing a Buffer Micelles Analyte

gradient in the phase ratio, a spatial gradient in the retention factor is created. The end result is a spatial velocity gradient,



which allows the velocity of the analyte to

10 s

be zero at a particular point in the chan-

20 s

nel, where focusing and separation occur.

30 s

Ross and colleagues demonstrated MAGF by utilizing the surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate, which is commonly used in MEKC, and a carbonate buffer. Unlike TGF, which requires a buffer whose ionic strength is dependent on temperature, MAGF can be performed in any buffer that

40 s 50 s

(a) Schematic of MAGF. (b) MAGF focusing of rhodamine B over time. Each image shows a 1.5-mm length of the separation channel.

Julio Fernandez and Hongbin Li of Columbia University have observed the complete folding course of a single protein. Their measurements show that protein folding occurs through a series of continuous stages, challenging the commonly held perception that protein folding consists of discrete, well-defined steps. Fernandez and Li used force-clamp atomic force microscopy (AFM) to monitor the end-to-end length of the small protein ubiquitin as it underwent the unfolded to folded transition. In particular, the investigators studied ubiquitin in the form of a polyprotein, in which nine ubiquitin molecules were arranged in tandem. In the force-clamp AFM experiments, the polyprotein was picked up by an AFM cantilever and unfolded by a 120-pN stretching force. The 120-pN stretching force was then released to 15 pN, and the folding of the polyprotein was monitored. To confirm the polyprotein had completed its folding course, the investigators reapplied the 120-pN stretching force to unravel the polyprotein again. Fernandez and Li performed 81 experiments and found that most of the folding trajectories of the ubiquitin polyprotein were qualitatively similar. But they were unable to observe identical sets of trajectories. The results suggest the existence of multiple folding pathways for ubiquitin. During the course of their experiments, the investigators found that the time taken for the protein to fold was dependent on the contour length of the unfolded protein and the applied stretching force. As the protein collapsed after stretching, Fernandez and Li found the end-to-end protein length fluctuated widely, but the fluctuations disappeared when the protein underwent its final folding contraction. These findings open up avenues to future investigations for a more detailed understanding of the physical basis of protein folding. (Science 2004, 303, 1674–78) M A Y 1 , 2 0 0 4 / A N A LY T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y

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