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Safety-Relief Valve. Farris Engineering Corp. has announced the addition of a compact, forged bar stock valve to its line of safety-relief valves. Kno...
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Safety-Relief V a l v e Farris Engineering C o r p . h a s announced the addition of a compact, forged bar stock valve t o its line of safety-relief valves. K n o w n as t y p e 2745, the new valve is supplied in stainless steel, steel, and brass, witb a choice of orifice sizes, for pressures up t o 10,000 lb. a n d , according to t h e company, has a coefficient of dis­ charge equal t o t h a t of a nozzle discharg­ ing direct to a t m o s p h e r e . F e a t u r e s of the n e w valve include a new lower b l o w - d o w n ring, self-aligning flat disk, and long spring for close adjustment. The nozzle, aligned for concentricity, is secured by a nozzle-retaining nut. Full capacity is o b t a i n e d through high disk lift, developed by utilizing the full force of t h e nozzle flow. Ε 1

HOKE PHOENIX REDUCING VALVE No. 605 Its 30OO lb. pressure gage registers the cylinder pressure and the 8 0 lb. gage indicates the delivery pressure controlled by means of the adjusting screw. Patented safety features include—double stepped heat deflecting nozzle; heavy bonnet with cutting edges and several openings for the easy release of excess pressure. Both pressure gages have safety backs.


In forged brass. For Complete Information Write for Folder NTS

HOKE, INC. · Englewood, N. J.

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T h e Patterson-Kelley Co., Inc., an­ nounces the d e v e l o p m e n t of the Patterson twin-shell blender, a mixing apparatus for blending dry materials. Essentially it consists of two cylindrical shells of equal diameter b u t so joined to­ gether a s to form a V rather than a long straight tube. This V - s h a p e d unit rotates about a horizontal axis passing through approximately the geometrical center. At the apex or point of the V is located a dust-tight discharge valve; at the e n d of the two legs are located standard access covers with swing bolts and dust-tight gaskets. If necessary to prevent dust while loading, t h e m a c h i n e can be set in the reverse position a n d fed through the discharge valve.

For f u r t h e r info*rmation on a n y i t e m o r process mentioned h e r e , see coupon o n p a g e 1516

or other obstructions t o retard cleaning or to cause products to *'hang u p " and pre­ vent thorough mixing while in operation. Sizes of t h e Patterson twin-shell blender range from 1- to 2 5 0 - c u . ft. capacity. Power requirements ( b a s e d on materials of 50 lb. p e r cubic foot density ) range from 0.25 to 2 0 lip. Other drives are available for heavier products. Standard motors supplied are integral gear-head * t y p e with built-in magnetic brake for close control in "spot^ng" tzhe unit for charging a n d discharging. T h e company has available at nominal cost small test blenders built of transpar­ e n t plastic so that t h o s e in charge can watch how the blending takes place and check its effect ivctn ess. T h e company maintains a test laboratory where those with b l e n d i n g problems can send samples for time a n d effectiveness tests. Ε 2

Humidity and T e m p e r a t u r e Indicator T h e Bendix Aviation Corp. announces that a new direct r e a d i n g humidity and t e m p e r a t u r e indicator t o b e called the I lygrodial is n o w coming off the p r o d u c ­ tion lines after field a n d laboratory tests. T h e Hygrodial is a direct reading in­ strument w h i c h shows at a glance t h e relative h u m i d i t y and t e m p e r a t u r e of the air to which it is exrposed. T h e humidity scale is graduated into 10 equal divisions from 0 t o 10θ9ί o v e r an area of 2.5 inches and is clearly marked. T h e thermometer is a red-liquid—filled, lens-front type and is accurate to within one d e g r e e at 70° F \ Ε 3

C o l o r i m e t e r for C o t t o n

I n operation, t h e unit is set in normal u p ­ right position a n d c h a r g e d through either or both access openings until a b o u t half full (this point varies with different prod­ u c t s ) . With valve and access openings closed, the m a c h i n e is rotated slowly about t h e horizontal axis. In a few min­ utes, t h e time varying according t o differ­ ent products, a perfect blend is obtained. After setting the m a c h i n e at n o r m a l ver­ tical position ( V ) , t h e mixed product is discharged through the discharge valve. If the unit requires cleaning out after each blend, it can b e easily done through t h e access opening. T h e r e are n o baffles


This n e w instrument was developed from perfonnance specifications p r e p a r e d b y D o r o t h y Nieke-xson of the P r o d u c t Marketing Administration of the U . S . D e ­ p a r t m e n t of Agriculture for an instru­ m e n t that could b e used in the cottonclassing room t o show automatically, a n d without manipulation by the operator, t h e exact color of e a c h sample of cotton brought t o it. Richard S. H u n t e r a n d Marshall G. Powell of t h e H e n r y A . Gardner Laboratory, Inc., applied t h e successful color-m&asurement methods of the m a n u a l Hunter Color and Color-Dif­ ference Meter to t h e automatic m e a s u r e ­ ment of the color of cotton. F o r cotton colors, H u n t e r ' s coordinates " I V a n d 'V provide, with conversion, a picture close to t h a t of measurements in terms of M u n sell v a l u e a n d clrroma. T h e instrument was designed to s h o w graphically on a




two-dimensional scale simultaneous values for reflectance and yellowness. T h e instrument is self-contained in a movable cabinet about table height, with a minimum of exposed parts. T h e exposure of samples and reading of re­ sults is done* in the horizontal p l a n e of t h e table. While this particular instru­ ment is limited to the range of cotton colors, the principles upon which it is designed a r e a d a p t a b l e t o other limited ranges of color, in either two or three dimensions. Ε 4

X R a y Diffraction Unit Ohio X-Ray I n c . is now in production ι)η a unit package which can b e used with any x-ray t u h e t o record x-ray intensities automatically. Cameras can b e removed from existing x-ray diffraction equipment a n d the high-angle Spectron spectrometer substituted. A recorder automatically pro­ duces a record relating t w o theta angles a n d reflected x-ray intensities. T h e Victoreen multiple-chamber Geiger tube gives a straight-line relationship between x-ray intensity a n d chart reading, up to t h e full o u t p u t of any x-ray diffraction tube. T h e rate meter is e q u i p p e d with four sensi­ tivity ranges, T h e high x-ray intensities found as close as 0.1° from the undeviated beam can b e recorded on the least sensi­ tive range, while background counts can be made half scale on t h e most sensitive range. T h e unit enables one to utilize high x-ray intensities without correcting for the dead-time errors existing in singlec h a m b e r Geiger t u b e s . Ε 5

Feeder f o r L a b o r a t o r y Use A new precision m a c h i n e for laboratory operations has b e e n announced b y the manufacturer, %Proportioneers, I n c . % . T h e Micro-Feeder is designed to inject a smooth, uninterrupted flow through a capillary t u b e a n d injection needle. Ca­ pacity of standard unit is 100 cc. with feeding rates as low as 1 cc. per hour. Either change gears or variable-speed drives are available to provide constant rate or flow proportional feeding. A syn­ chronous 110-volt, a.c. motor drives the unit and is automatically stopped w h e n limit of plunger travel is reached. Signal light a n d four-figure totalizer are in­ cluded. Ε 6

Heavy-Duty Agitator A new heavy-duty liquid agitator devel­ o p e d by Mixing E q u i p m e n t Co., Inc., can be moved quickly from o n e tank to an­ other for batch mixing a n d blending. A single unit will serve up t o 40 tanks, in any order desired, it is reported. Originally developed for paint tinting, the Lightnin agitator is a turbine-type unit. W h e n connected t o plant electrical supply, it is ready to operate. Mounted on casters, it rolls on a track from tank t o tank as required. Correct mixing speed for each individual batch can be selected quickly with a simple variable-speed control.


2 8,



T h e impeller shaft and t u r b i n e - t y p e im­ peller are raised and lowered in t h e tank hydraulically. To switch from o n e tank t o another, t h e operator merely sets two levers, releases a floor lock, and wheels t h e unit to its new position. T h e agitator is fitted with two integral baffles that raise and lower with t h e im­ peller. They eliminate the expense of at­ t a c h i n g baffles to a number of tanks, with c o n s e q u e n t cleaning problems. T h e unit is supplied in capacities up to 4 . 5 h p . at t h e impeller. T h e manufacturer r e c o m m e n d s and supplies t h e correct elec­ tric motor a n d impeller size for t h e indi­ v i d u a l application. Shaft, impeller, and baffles can b e furnished in a variety of metals to suit individual process require­ ments. Ε 7

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Recording Counter Potter Instrument Co., Inc., has an­ n o u n c e d the availability of a high-speed Teledeltos paper recorder for use in con­ junction with the company's electronic counters and counter-chronographs. T h e count, or time interval normally registered on the electronic counter indi­ cator lamps, is transferred to Teledeltos paper at t h e completion of each measure­ ment a n d the counter is automatically reset for t h e next measurement. Twenty-four styli ( four for each decade ) are used for recording a six digit number. T h e stand­ a r d Potter 1-2-4-8 decimal designation for each digit is used. This new recorder, in combination with other Potter counting circuits, is suited for m a n y applications, such as Doppler frequency measurements, radiation meas­ urements, telemetering recording a n d simi­ lar recording problems, which require a record of rapidly changing conditions.

Ε8 Time Delay Valve Production of a time delay valve, operat­ ing on a principle of air control, has been a n n o u n c e d by Ross Operating Valve Co. Unlike t h e old spring-pressure con­ trolled valves, this Ross model operates by volume measurement of air. T h e use of regulated air assures constant repetition of t i m e sequence. T h e new unit is available for use on all Ross in-line operating bodies which range from 0.25 to 1.25 inches in size, a n d a r e furnished in straightway, 3-way, normally open, and normally closed models. It is especially adaptable for jigs, fixtures, machine tools, and other applica­ tions requiring a time sequence of t w o or more operations. Ε 9

Gives instant, direct reading of Air Velocity ...Anywhere! Here is a precision-built, self-con­ tained, portable instrument that gives instant, accurate reading of air velocities — anywhere. The Velometeris com­ pact, po rtable — a c c u r a t e in a i l ranges from high to low. Needs no c a l c u l a t i o n s or reference charts. Anyone can use it and get accurate measurements. A v a i l a b le i η a w i d e r o n g e o f scales, and with a wide assort­ ment of jets and fittings if needed. ΥουΊΙ want full details and prices, so write for Bulletin IMo. 2448-G. Illinois Testing Labora^ries, Inc., Room 503, 420 N . La Salle Street, Chicago ΙΟ, HI.

Plug Valve T h e Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co. h a s announced its cylindrical plug valve w h i c h incorrporates n e w design fea­ tures. T h e s e valves are available in either m a n u a l or motor-operated construction in 0.5- to 6-inch sizes. They c a n be supplied with either T - or L-plugs a n d in several alloys t o suit specifications. Ε 10


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