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Nov 5, 2010 - The oil cup cover is equipped with the specified flashing mechanism. The flash burner has a gas tip which may be provided with an oil wi...
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maximum working pressure), a n d coml nation duplex style ( each side for a d ferent maximum working pressure), wi various maximum displacements accordi to pressure. Ε




Electric Flash Tester

For f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n on a n y

item mentioned here, see cou­ Precision Scientific Co. has developed pon on p a g e 3986 an electrically heated Closed C u p Tester for flash and fire point determination of volatile, flammable liquids flashing below the cover mechanism automatically opens 175° F., in accordance with ASTM t h e port and introduces t h e flash flame into t h e oil cup. Ε 1 Method D - 5 6 . Advantages of this Chemical Proportioning Pumps tester over gas or alcohol heated ones Displacement of all liquid in the cylin­ are: greater accu­ der at every stroke, with stroke adjustable racy of temperature . while the p u m p is running, are features of control, achieved by a chemical proportioning p u m p recently the Handi-Hot Plate being made by American Instrument C o . heater; wide heater A locking nut maintains the stroke adjust­ temperature range ment. Both t h e stroke adjustment m e c h a ­ (from 100° to 700° nism and the indicating scale are station­ F. ) ; and greater ary while the p u m p is running; the piston safety, since the is reciprocated by a positive mechanical only open flame linkage to the crank arm; check valves present is that used to create the flash. can b e removed easily for cleaning or re­ Essentially, it is the same as the design placement; powered by Class I, G r o u p D specified by ASTM. T h e hot plate is pro­ explosion-proof motors. vided with a metal collar which supports Piston and cylinder assemblies of stain­ a water bath in which t h e standard oil less steel (or other alloys) for 7500, 15,cup is suspended. T h e oil c u p cover is 000, and 30,000 lb./sq. in. working pres­ equipped with the specified flashing sures, are readily interchangeable in t h e mechanism. T h e flash burner has a gas same p u m p frame. tip which may b e provided with an oil These pumps are available in simplex wick if desired. Pressing the handle on style, duplex style ( each side for t h e same

If you need α fêyie' organic in i«r«^r-than-laboratory amounts, write to •Methyl


JÎ&. -

Lighted Magnifier. An eiectrica lighted magnifier for industrial use being m a d e b y Bausch & L o m b Optic Co. It comes equipped with either of t\ types of illuminator handles, one battel powered, the other for connection wi a 110-volt power source. T h e instrumen lens system magnifies five times a n d corrected to eliminate virtually all s p h e cal and chromatic aberration and distc tion. It has a wide, flat field. Ε Water Baths. Labline, Inc.'s line Utility a n d Serological W a t e r Baths ha polished 18—8 stainless steel interiors a exteriors. A thermostat gives compl· range from room to 100° C., with sen tivity a n d uniformitv better t h a n */ a ° any point to 100° C. Ε Expansion Joints. Flexonics Corp., 1 improved its Flexon expansion joints, a added a 3-in. size to its line. T h e join in both controlled- and free-flexing tyi are said to offer greater pipeline moti control with less over-all expansion jo dimension required to handle a giv amount of pipeline expansion. Ε Resistance Thermometer. Weiller strument Corp.'s type BU-1000 Spe Bridge is intended to indicate t e m p e turcs to 0.001° C. over a restricted ran It is provided with a 1000 division, 10-ti slide wire. If the range is m a d e 1° one division will indicate a temperati change of about 0.001° C. Extra brid arms can b e plugged in to change t range. T h e significant bridge arms ;

Intricate Teflon Parts Production Molded


for e x a m p l e

*>Ά %

Valve Operator. An air motor d; phragm-type valve operator is bei made by General Controls Co. T h e op< ator can b e used on any General Contrt valve, normally open, normally close three-way, or slides. It is a d a p t a b l e ί manual or remote control systen Mounting space is provided for conti instruments a n d p n e u m a t i c pressure reg lators. It is available in 13 a n d 16 : diaphragm sizes, with other sizes ava able by special order. Ε

Sparta Heat-Treat Co. is now produci molded intricate parts of Teflon at lov cost than machining t h e m . Note d e e p ι dcrcut in p u m p diaphragm shown Ε



Eastman Organic Chemicals Department, Distillation Products Industries, 741 Ridge Road West, Rochester 3,N.Y. (Division of Eastman Kodak Company). There are more than 3 500 regularly supplied Eastman Organic Chemicals for science and industry. Also . · , vitamins A and Ε . . · distilled


monogtyccridcs . . . high vacuum






jated under a hood with a heater and ermostat to keep them always at t h e me temperature. Ε 8 Air Line Moisture Indicator. King lgineering Corp. is making a n Air Line oisture Indicator for use in air or gas îes to give visual indication of t h e presce or absence of moisture in t h e line. ie unit consists of a Pyrex glass cylinder led with moisture-sensitive blue granes, and has e n d plates tapped for V*-in. pe. Units with glass cylinders are tested 100 lb./sq. in.; for higher pressures astic cylinders are available. Pressure •op is less t h a n 1 in. of water at a flow te of 5 cu. ft./min. Ε 9


/ * * ' *·*

NA1C h a s achieved a n e w and amazing precision a n d dependaBility w i t h the PC-3 Proportional Counter employ­ ing the Candid Decade Scale of 1,000, a coixxiting system of highest accuracy. The entire range of elements from Tritium t o the Transuranics may now b e recorded with less than 0 . 5 % instrumental error. The scaling factor of 1,000 comprises three Candid Decade plug-in strips. Resolution time i s 5 microseconds over all, scaler resolution, 2 microseconds, a n d maximum counting rate, 1,000,000 CPM.




In addition the PC-3 features the tixne-proveEi, high efficiency hemispherical counter chamber which may b e demounted, decon­ taminated, and reassembled in less than 10 minutes—automatic gas flow system with controlled 30 second preflusb—a built-in calibrator for verifying scaling accuracy a n d amplifier sensitivity—the rapidly reset six digit mechanical register, enabling resetting of the counting system a n d automatic preflush of the chamber in one resetting stroke —the high precision preset timer, realizing accuracy of b e t t e r than 0.2 seconds for any time period up to 55 minutes.

Sulfur Determinator. The Dietertetroit Sulfur Determinator has a peranent titration vessel. T h e bubbler ves maximum gas absorption and, hning parate, allows easy cleaning and lowst replacement, Solutions are fed directly to the titra>n vessel for visible storage bottles. T h e imination of pipets speeds up prepara>n of the absorbing solution. Complete id effective rinsing is quickly accomished using a movable tip. Ε 12

3 0,

. .

·" less than 0.5% e r r o r

Low Pass Filters. A series of filters ith low attenuation in the pass band, gh attenuation in the rejection band, îear phase transfer, and high characristic impedance is made by Gulton fg. Co. These units are three section, constant networks designed for general laborary use, but more specifically for use ith Glennite Accelerometers and Cathie Followers for shock a n d vibration easurements. They have sharp cutoff laracteristics. Attenuation exceeds 55 ). in t h e rejection band. Ε Π



the transuranics.

D e w a t e r i n g S c r e e n s . For processing ie materials, t h e Hendrick Mfg. Co. has îveloped a Wedge-Slot Screen that is id to have double the open area of other pes of dewatering screen. It is m a d e ith stainless steel bars, which have a •shape profile. Type 10A is for openings nging from 0.004 in. to Ό.04 in.; Type 5A is for openings from 0.012 in. to 0.06 . Slot spacings are uniform; the spacing îtween rivets is only 1 in. Both T y p e 10A and Type 15A can be ovided with tension clasps for either le or end tension, interchangeable with iy other tensioned screen type, for any ake of vibrator. Installations can also be ade without tension clasps. Ε 10

W a t e r Vapor Indicator. T h e improved ninco-Weaver Water Vapor Indicator easures water vapor content of comessed gases within the range of satura>n d o w n to 0.003 mg./l. or less, with ι accuracy within 1 0 % of the amount water present. Measurements are reoducible to 0.002 mg./L T h e water ipor content of the gas being tested is îtermined through comparison with the [iter vapor content of a standard gas, tu rated under pressure and expanded to mospheric pressure. Determinations are ade in 2 to 5 minutes. Ε 13

f r o m tritium

The PC-3 detects alpha and beta activity simultaneously ( i n the presence of gammas) while discriminating one from the o t h e r . The PC-3 is ideal for soft beta work. W i d e applications i n c l u d e the fields of: radiochemistry, radiobiology, health ptiysics, w a t e x and sewage assay, arid nuclear physics. Background: Geometry: Résolution loss: Plateaus: Price:

Alpha 5 c / h r ; b e t a 4 5 c/m. 2 % for alpha and beta. 1% p e r 100,000 c / m . Alpha, 10OO v. - 140O v.; beta 1700 v. - 200O v. slope 0.5% for the best 1O0 volts. $1,145.00 f.o.b. Indianapolis.






measurements corp. ÏÈMsMM^M^


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