New Field for USI - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 12, 2010 - It is now being tested (not by USI) for use as a fuel and ignitor for ram-jet and turbo-jet engines. Since USI is not doing the testing...
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CHEMICALS New Field for USI C o m p a n y e *ers metal alkyl field with tnmethylaluminum as l e a d e r ; m a y b e useful as jet engine ignitor JL RIMETHYLALUMINTTJM


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aluminum have m a d e entree into a n e w alkyl metal field for U. S. Industrial Chemicals, division of National Distillers. Both compounds are being produced in pilot plant amounts at USI's subsidiary, Metalectro Corp., Laurel, Md. The trimethylaluminum 'holds the most interest now, says USI. TMA is a highly flammable liquid which ignites spontaneously in air. It is now being tested (not by USI) for use as a fuel a n d ignitor for ram-jet and turbo-jet engines. Since USI is not doing the testing, it cannot say whether the compound is added to a jet fuel or is a supplemental fuel contained in a separate system. At any rate, high hopes are held that t h e material will be an answer to t h e flame-out problem common to many high flying jet airplanes. • Indirect Entrance. USI entered TMA production almost by the back door. Metalectro had a pilot plant for making hydrazine derivatives. In many respects, problems of producing TMA are similar. Both are highly flammable, for example. Also, metallic sodium plays a p a r t in trimethylaluminum's manufacture, and this metal has been a USI forte for several years. When asked by a company in the aircraft field to make TMA, USI felt it a natural. Further, only one other company, Rocky Mountain Research, was known to be a producer. • Market a Question. Long term success of USFs new metal alkyl venture hinges on two factors: •Trimethylaluminum's success as an ignitor and then acceptance and use in military jet planes. This application could carry over to commercial airlines when jets become a part of their operations in the next few years. • Development of other uses. Now, USI research people think the compound may also find use as a polymerization catalyst or as a chemical intermediate. But the company is not banking completely on t h e trimethyl compound. T h e TMA intermediate, methyl alumi-




2 8.


num sesquichloride—really a mixture of methylaluminum dichloride and dimethylaluminum chloride—may also find use as a catalyst or chemical intermediate, adds USI. USI hasn't said how it makes t h e trimethyl. One way, however, would be to treat the sesquichloride with sodium. Cost estimates for the trimethyl range from $2.00 to $5.00 a pound, if it were made in commercial quantities. But pilot plant prices are much higher. Although there are some plans for building larger facilities, these are far from fixed or firm at this time, explains a USI spokesman. C1

Highly Strained Diolefin Latest addition to the Shell Chemical product line is bicycloheptadiene. An insecticide component b y design, the compound is a reactive hydrocarbon, Shell's research people find. Available now in sernicommercial amounts, the bicycloheptadiene is a highly-strained diolefin. As such it reacts under more moderate conditions than those used for ordinary olefins, according to Shell. For example, the hard to make nortricyclene structure is easily made via an addition reaction. One such product is 3-(benzyloxy)nortricyclene which is made by treating the bicyclo compound with benzyl alcohol. In this case, p-toluene sulfonic acid is used as a catalyst. But there are some reactions which take place without a catalyst. A case in point here is the addition of 1-hexanethiol to form the mercaptan, 3(hexylthio) nortricyclene. Besides the above example, Shell researchers have made norcamphane structures and also cycloheptatriene. The latter is done by a direct isomerization of bicycloheptadiene at 450° to 500° C. C2

Vulcanizing Agent M. W. Kellogg has developed a new vulcanizing agent which permits the controlled curing of elastomers and (Continued on page 82)

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CHEMICALS (Continued




resins c a p a b l e of being cross linked with organic polyamines. Kellogg designates t h e n e w p r o d u c t as H M D A - C a r bamate and says it is an inner salt of w-amino hexyl carbamic acid. The compound w a s first developed for use in vulcanizing Kel-F Elastomer, but it also shows promise as an efficient curative for other r u b b e r s of t h e reactive halogen or acrylic ester types, company says. A primary advantage of H M D A - C a r bamate is said to be that of controlled reactivity; normally active amine groups are shielded until curative and polymer are thoroughly mixed. This minimizes p r e m a t u r e reactions and effects a more uniform distribution of cross links between elastomer molecules. Kellogg's c o m p o u n d is a free flowing 82



2 8,


white powder, readily soluble in water but insoluble in nonpolar solvents. T h e compound is available to r u b b e r compounders and fabricators. C 3

• Beta L a b o r a t o r i e s is offering radioactive mescaline, a c o m p o u n d ©f interest to researchers in the field of mental illness, nervous disorders, as well as tranquilizing drugs. T h e company believes this to be the first time the compound, mescaline-carbon-14 sulfate or [ 2- (3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl) ethylamine-l-carbon-14-sulfate] has been offered for sale. The c o m p o u n d has a specific activity of about 4 microcuries per milligram. C4 • Potassium silicate in two commercial grades, Cowles Potassium Silicates Nos. 28 a n d 40, is offered by Cowles Chemical. No. 28 is recommended by company as an adhesive and binder for welding r o d coatings, for special cements, a n d for other coatings. N o . 40 is said to b e more alkaline t h a n N o . 28. It is also recommended as an adhesive and binder for welding rod coatings as well as for certain detergent uses, such as a builder for soaps and for rapidsudsing soaps and synthetic detergents normally prepared in liquid form. C 5 • Softener



for use in

resin formulations on wash-and-wear cottons is offered by Dexter Chemical. Called Ampitol PE-30, compound is nonionic emulsion of polyethylene. Company says it increases considerably the tear a n d abrasion strength of washand-wear fabrics as well as imparting an excellent hand. Compound is compatible in formulations of urea formaldehyde, melamine formaldehyde, or cyclic ureas. C 6 p A c e t o Chemical is offering Solaset, a sodium salt of a predominantly 12carbon sulfated, ethoxylated fatty alcohol. Company says remarkable property of Solaset is its ability to maintain almost its original viscosity on dilution with water with t h e addition of small percentages of sodium chloride or sodium sulfate. Solaset's main use is as a r a w material for preparation of liquid a n d lotion shampoos, household liquid detergents, and liquid foaming agents. C7 • Desamino




butyric acid analogs of 3,5-di-iodo-Lthyronine, 3,3',5-tri-iodo-L-thyronine, and G^'^jS'-tetra-iodo-L-thyronine are now offered b y Chemicals Procurement. Additionally, the company is supplying t h e thyroxine inhibitor, butyl-3,5-di-iodo-4-hydroxybenzoate. C8 • Titanium d i o x i d e has been a d d e d to

line of white pigments produced b y N e w Jersey Zinc. C 9 • Benzpyrene l a b e l e d w i t h carbon-14

is now offered b y Isotopes Specialties as a cancer research tool. CIO

EQUIPMENT (Continued

from page 67)

• Double p a d d l e mixer for small batch work h a s been introduced by Cincinnati Hildebrand. T h e 8-gallon model has a 2 hp. motor. E1 8 • Illuminator for liquid level gages, b y Jerguson Gage & Valve, is said t o light up the whole gage glass w i t h a bright, even fight. E 19 • N e e d l e v a l v e s of PVC, Teflon, a n d 18-8 stainless steel are now being m a d e by Chemtrol for service under corrosive conditions. T h e valves are m a d e in 1 / 8 and 1 / 4 in. female pipe sizes and 1/s, V 4 , 3 / 8 o.d. male tube connections. "E 2 0 • Teflon tubing in AWG wire sizes of 0 to 7 and 2 8 and 30 is n o w available from Polymer C o r p . of Pennsylvania, supplementing its current line containing A W G sizes from 8 through 2 6 . E21 • Low b a c k g r o u n d counter, by Tracerlab, is said to offer, in o n e package, reduction of background to less t h a n one count per minute with, a sensitivity of 0.05 c.p.m. T h e unit allows assay of samples with low specific activity, p r e viously counted only w i t h difficulty, Tracerlab says. E 22 • Axial c o m p r e s s o r s witli full stator blade control have been iotroduced b y Allis-Chalmers for u s e over an extended range of operating conditions. Each row of stator blades can be adjusted individually or tied togerJher t o move at one time. E 23 • Centrifugal b l o w e r of PVC is n o w available from Industrial Plastic Fabricators. The 40-in. diameter blower h a s a capacity of 15,000 cu. ft. p e r inin. E24 • A 6OO0-lb. capacity f o r k truck has

been introduced by Elwell-Parker Electric. T h e stand-up model travels at 5 miles/hr. loaded, hoists a t 20 ft. p e r min. u p and 40 ft. p e r min. down when loaded. E 25 • Scintillation p r o b e , by Atomlab, can b e used with both a shielded lead collimator for uptake and tracer studies (Continued

on page 92)