New from Philips: Atomic Absorption - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 31, 2012 - New from Philips: Atomic Absorption. Anal. Chem. , 1978, 50 (3), pp 366A–366A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50025a754. Publication Date: March 1978...
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Calibrate your gai analyzer... objeitiuely. The Metronics Dynacalibrator gives you calibrations traceable to NBS standards for almost any gas analyzer or gas chromatography in the lab or in the field. That includes units you've rigged up yourself, and even instruments with suction rates up to 25 / / m i n . And since calibration is our only business, you get an in­ strument that's coldly precise, easyto-use and competitively priced. Key Dynacalibrator features include: • Oven control within ± . 0 5 ° C , NBS traceable • Variable oven temperatures up to 50°C, 110°C optional • Flow calibrated and stable to within 1 % of each individual reading • Our own calibrated permeation devices, certifications traceable to NBS standards

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The Riber 150 computer control and data acquisition system for quadrupole GC/MS instrumentation is a powerful and flexible approach to atuomating a GC/MS system. It permits the operator to set run conditions, specify maximum run time, and leave the system unat­ tended to acquire all of the desired data. The Riber 150 will control multiple ion detection, handle up to eight differ­ ent masses or mass ranges, and moni­ tor an unlimited number of mass sets. Output can be a digital presentation of either GC or MS data on a CRT. The system can be easily tailored to meet specific laboratory requirements. Riber Data Systems, Inc. 416

Computing Data Acquisition Device The Model 97S I/O calculator combines the HP-97 programmable printing cal­ culator with BCD interfacing to provide data collection and computation from a wide range of instruments. The HP97S manipulates the data according to user-designed programs and produces a printed hardcopy report. With the cal­ culator, the user can take an instrument measurement and compare it to a stan­ dard or calibrate in data, do computa­ tion on each individual reading, or take multiple measurements and conduct computation and statistical analysis. Basic system is $1375. Hewlett-Pack­ ard Co. 420

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