New improved Emersol 120 Stearic Acid gives you lighter-colored

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Initial Color : The color of stearic acid is one indication of its purity. Color of solid acid is measured in molten state by spectrophoto­ meter (A.O.C.S. Test Method Td 2a-64) and expressed as Photo­ metric Index (100 χ absorbency, i.e. optical density, at each of two wavelengths, 440 mmu [yellow cast) and 550 mmu [red cast]). Higher Photo Index numbers indicate darker colors. The terminology "7c Transmission" is frequently used. Relation­ ship between Photo Index and % Trans, is:


1 100 - Ph t I d % Transmission ' Thus, lower % Trans, numbers indicate darker colors. Reading of 100/100 is colorless. Photo % Trans., Index 440/550 mmu Emersol 120 2.2/0 95/100 Leading competitive D P stearic acid 5.5/0 88/100

New improved Emersol 120 Stearic Acid gives you lighter-colored derivatives... 4 critical tests show why If light, color is important in your finished product, it will pay you to investigate Emersol® 120. New Emery processing techniques now make this double pressed type stearic acid lighter colored to begin with and more resistant than ever to heat darkening effects.

Emeryfacts 22


Customer Test #1 : Sample in covered beaker is placed in forced draft oven at 105°C for 15 hours, Photo Ψ Trans Index 440/550 mmu Emersol 120 11.9/1.7 76/96 Leading competitive D P stearic 33 7 δ Χ 46 89 · / · /

Four exacting tests dramatically demonstrate this out­ standing new color stability of Emersol 120. Comparisons made using the color stability tests of three major fatty acid consumers, and the American Oil Chemists' Society Method Td 3a-64, show it to be equal or superior to leading competitive stearic acids. Such superior resistance to color degradation can give your product that extra edge in quality for added sales. Even in heavily colored products such as candles, lip­ sticks, and rouges, the light color of Emersol 120 will improve the clarity of tone and prevent the dulling of bright colors that normally occurs when ordinary stearic acids are used.

Customer Test #2: Sample is melted on steam bath and mixed with 25 ml reagent grade H2SO4; heating is continued for 10 minutes. Photo % Trans., Index 440/550 mmu Emersol 120 53/17.4 29/67 Leading competitive D P stearic 57/18.7 27/65

Customer Test #3: Sample in open beaker is placed in forced draft oven at 300°F for 20 hours. Photo % Trans., Index 440/550 mmu Emersol 120 92/10.8 12/78 Leading competitive DP stearic 92/8.1 12/83

In addition, Emersol 120 offers you these other major advantages: excellent oxidation stability, which mini­ mizes breakdown of emulsions or texture during storage and use; outstanding resistance to rancidity, which mini­ mizes the development of undesirable odors; and con­ trolled crystalline composition which assures uniform appearance and performance of your product. With all this, Emersol 120 costs no more than other double pressed type stearic acids. Discover how you can profitably apply its quality and economy to make your products better and keep them that way longer. Use the convenient coupon to request an evaluation sample.