New Literature Digest - ACS Publications

air. So, the city decided to build an underground sewage treatment plant topped with a hotel and amusement complex. The plant occupies 2.5 acres and h...
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NEW LITERATURE DIGEST Oil interceptors. A 14-page booklet covers a line of interceptors designed to prevent oily liquids from entering drain lines. The booklet diagrams examples of installations for a manufacturing plant, steel plant, service station, a railroad yard, airplane plant, and food plant. Josam Manufacturing Co.: -1 3 $ 85 Drainline systems. A 12-page engineering catalog describes Vulcathene corrosion-resistant polyolefin drainline systems. Specifications are included for pipes, traps, fittings, sinks, and dilution tanks. The catalog also outlines methods of installing and supporting drainline systems. Nalge Co., Inc. 86 Water chlorination. A 16-page brochure covers chlorination for water and waste water treatment. It gives background information on chlorination and descriptions of types of treatment usually encountered in handling various kinds of potable and industrial process waters. It also covers the use of chlorination in the treatment of municipal and industrial wastes. Many of the installations described are illustrated or diagrammed. Capital Controls Co. 87 Activated carbon abstracts. A new periodical will compile abstracts on activated carbon developments. The periodical will cover articles on theory, manufacture, analysis, and applications of activated carbon. Among the uses to be covered are: water purification and stream pollution, environmental health, chemical processing, and catalysis. Initially, Acticated Carbon Abstracts will review 107 U.S. and foreign publications. It will appear semiannually, with the first issue scheduled for March. Witco Chemical Co., Inc. 88 Rust preventer. A fact sheet covers the properties and uses of a rust preventer. Diluted in water or solvent, it protects ferrous metals during production, storage, and shipment. It can also be used as an additional coating over black oxide and phosphate coatings for extended




Sewage Plant, Japanese Style

Atami City needed a new sewage treatment plant. But, as in all of Japan, land is scarce. And as a sightseeing spot and hot spring resort, Atami City wanted neither to mar its natural beauty nor to pollute its air. So, the city decided to build an underground sewage treatment plant topped with a hotel and amusement complex. The plant occupies 2.5 acres and has a 9.5 million gallons per day maximum treatment capacity. Plant efluent is discharged through an outfall line into the ocean and does not harm the bathing area. The exhaust, deodorized with ozone, 108 is discharged from atop the cliff. Bulletin, Welsbach Corp.

protection, and as a dual-purpose cleaner and rust preventive in singlestage washers with water or solvent. S. C. Johnson & Son, lnc. 89

Inductance alarm unit. A fact sheet on an inductance-type alarm unit is available. The unit is for use in an alarm instrument case to open or close an electrical circuit at a preset value of the measured process variable. Two types of alarm functions are possible: adjustable differential type where a relay changes

state when process variable passes through a differential switching band; and acceptable zone-type where a relay changes state while process variable is in the differential band. Fischer & Porter Co. 90

Modular automation system. A 4-page bulletin covers a modular automation system for control of critical variables that cause scale or corrosion in recirculating cooling water equipment. Four modules are available: inhibitor, conVolume 1, Number 2, February 1967 173

ductivity, pH, and corrosivity. The basic system provides a prewired panel with a junction box to accommodate independent modules, and a sensor box. Independent modules permit selection of those needed for one installation. Betz 91 Laboratories, Inc.

Industrial wastes. An 8-page bulletin describes high heat release burner equipment for incineration of combustible liquid, gaseous, solid, and semisolid wastes. The bulletin features complete system packages for waste concentration and incineration, heat recovery, catalytic combustion, solvent vapor recovery, and other waste disposal techniques. Thermal Research & Engineer92 ing Corp. Resistance temperature detector. A bulletin describes a resistance temperature detector for industrial use. It has a response time of less than 3.5 seconds and an operating temperature range of -220” to f500” C. Immersion lengths of 6, 12, 18, ana 24 inches are available. 93 Thermo-Electric Co., Inc. Hygrometer recorders. A 4-page bulletin lists a variety of hygrometer recorders plus two types of recordingcontrollers. Both round-chart and stripchart recorders are featured, from singletrace recorders to multiple-trace, 24station models. Included in the bulletin are tables listing specific combinations of compatible components necessary to complete a number of working systems. Hygrodynamics, Inc. 94 Water softener. A 4-page booklet gives information o n a zeolite water softener. Called the Gravex Industrial Softener, it is designed for the industrial user whose treatment demands d o not exceed 190 g.p.m. The bulletin includes dimensions, photographs, and specifications. Graver Water Conditioning Co. 95 Labware catalog. A 40-page catalog of plastic labware introduces 12 new products to the company’s line. Included are PVC bottles in 4-, 8-, 16-, and 32ounce sizes, as well as rectangular carboys, aspirator bottles with tubulation, and aspirator carboys with spigot. Another catalog (16 pages) gives information of polyethylene tanks, both cylindrical and rectangular, with capacities ranging from 5 to 1000 gallons. Nalge Co., Inc. 96 174 Environmental Science and Technology

Fluoride analyzer. A 6-page bulletin describes a continuous fluoride analyzer. The system amperometrically measures the fluoride content in water and linearly indicates or records the amount of fluoride directly in parts per million. The system can be equipped t o control automatically a fluoride feeder or hydrofluorosilicic pump, or to sound alarms and simultaneously shut down the feeding equipment should the fluoride content exceed the limit selected. Fischer & Porter Co. 97 Ultrahigh furnaces. A 6-page catalog lists a series of furnaces which provide sustained temperatures from 2500” t o 3000” C. Specifications and illustrations are given for laboratory models, intermediate size, and large volume furnaces. Both graphite-tube and tungsten-meshtube heating element models are shown. Astro Industries, Inc. 98 Activated carbons. Two booklets are available o n granular activated carbons made from liquid hydrocarbon feedstock. The granules possess high purity and uniform particle size. Grade 718 is specifically designed for purification of household and industrial water. Others in the series are intended for general purpose gas phase applications, including air pollution control. Witco Chemical Co., Inc. 99 Laboratory column. A bulletin describes a laboratory column for analytical and preparative, as well as for semi-industrial scale, applications in gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography. A flexible design permits operation of the column with aqueous systems at a constant temperature as part of an automatic or semiautomatic system. Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Inc. 100 Water management. “The Challenging Problems of Water” discusses the background of the water problem. Handsomely illustrated, the 14-page brochure stresses the importance of keeping water reusable at a price the nation can afford. Also available are booklets o n water management techniques and on pollution abatement services for industry. Calgon Corp. 101 Superfine filtration. A bulletin is available on Ultipor. 12 high-strength disposable cartridges for superfine filtration of fluids and for bacteria removal.

Applications listed include production of deionized and process water where the cartridge can remove colloidal particles and improve color, taste, and odor of water. The bulletin discusses operating characteristics and various special options that are available. Pall Trinity Micro Corp. 102

Sewage testing lab guide. Equipment and supplies recommended for sewage testing laboratories are listed in a brochure prepared from lists compiled by federal and state organizations involved in water pollution control. Matheson Scientific Co. 103 Variable area flow indicator. A bulletin describes an inexpensive, all-metal variable-area meter for high pressure, high temperature flow applications. The unit is suitable for corrosive atmospheres and outside installations. Meters with capacities ranging from 10 g.p.h. t o 100 g.p.m. of water are available. Fischer & Porter Co. 104 Process conductivity instrumentation. A 36-page catalog describes a line of process electrolytic conductivity equipment for measurement and control of solution concentration. The catalog reviews the theory of electrolytic conductivity and the factors influencing selection of specific instruments and cells for process applications. Among the instruments discussed in this catalog are: conductivity controllers and recorders, electrodeless systems, sample coolers, steam and condensate analyzers, and dissolved oxygen analyzers. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 105 Turbidity, smoke, and combustion instruments. A fact sheet describes two turbidity instruments for monitoring and recording color, turbidity, and fine dust loadings. Also available is an 8-page bulletin describing smoke and combustion instruments using Hazegage scale. Photomation, Inc. 106 Air pollutants. A bulletin containing descriptions of the glass apparatus referred to in PHS publication 999-AP-11 (“Selected Methods for the Measurement of Air Pollutants”) and PHS monogram 60 (“Sampling Microbiological Aerosols”) is available. It includes, also, other related apparatus, such as a flow rate kit for measuring liquids and gases. 107 Ace Glass, Inc.