New Literature Digest - ACS Publications

range papers, each with steps of 0.3 pH unit. Each dispenser pro- vides about 100 tests and the kit sells for just $10.00...that's about 2Yz0 per test...
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new literature digest

Instruments catalog. Technical help and application examples for uses of low pressure gages, flowmeters, manometers, and air operated electric control switches are offered in a new catalog. Prices and description of differential pressure, air velocity, and combustion testing instruments are included in the more than 100 page publication. Dwyer Instruments, Inc. 91 Combustion control instrumentation. Bulletin 4099, “Beckman Steam Plant Instrumentation for Combustion Control and Water Purity Analysis” describes the full range of the company’s electronic and pneumatic combustion control instrumentation and shows typical systems. The 20 page brochure includes specifications, principles of

operation, special features, and appli:ations of instruments, and is illustrated with photographs, diagrams, and flow charts. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 92

An approach to water pollution problems. The company’s pollution control consulting services are outlined and described in a 4 page bulletin ( P C S ~ ) . Two key steps for minimizing water treatment costs are discussed, as well as some tips for cutting pollution control costs. Nalco Chemical Co. 93 Articles on activated carbon. The sixth issue of “Activated Carbon Abstracts.” summarizing articles (from 163 US. and foreign periodicals, plus patents and nonpublished papers and theses) on theoretical and practical applica-


tions that utilize the adsorptive qualities of activated carbon, is available. Subjects covered in the 15 page publication include process design, stream pollution, environmental health, radioactive containment, and chemical processing. Witco Chemical Corp. 94

Automatic nitrogen system. Design features, specifications, and applications of an on-site automatic nitrogen system are described in a new bulletin. The compact air separation plant is available in a range of producing sizes from 14,000-100,000 standard cubic feet per hour of high purity nitrogen, the company says. Food processing, semiconductor and float glass manufacture, as well as chemical, petrochemical, and metallurgical processes are some of the industrial applications of the system. Airco Industrial Gases. 95 Instruments for water analysis. The company’s line of C R ~Water Instrumentation is described in a 6 page folder. “A New Way of Looking at Water” provides complete specifications for continuous reading analyzers, as well as a discussion of effective water management. Hach Chemical co. 96


“pocket pH meter”variety pack Now you can buy DUAL-TINT’” indicator paper ...the “pocket pH meter’’ ... i n a new convenient four-pack that contains one wide range paper with indicator steps of 1 pH unit and three narrow range papers, each with steps of 0.3 pH unit. Each dispenser provides about 100 tests and the kit sells for just $lO.OO..,that‘s about 2Yzg per test. So, to put a pH meter in your pocket order the new DUAL-TINT kit (Comm. #2877) from your J.T.Baker local distributor of J. T. Baker “extra value” products. J. T. BAKER CHEMICAL CO.,PHILLIPSBURG, NEW JERSEY 08865


Circle No. 1 on Readers’ Service Card 164 Environmental Science & Technology

Wet scrubbing device. The Petersen Separator, a wet scrubbing device that removes submicron liquid and solid impurities from gas and air is described in a 4 page bulletin. Other features of the unit are discussed, as well as operating design details, performance data. and typical applications. Union Carbide Corp. 97 Water-borne waste treatment. A 12 page brochure is fully illustrated. and, in layman’s language, highlights the features of the company’s system f o r treatment and purification of municipal sewage and industrial water-borne wastes. Flocor systems are designed for waste water biological oxidation, are engineered to increase unit efficiency and loading capacity of sewage and waste treatment units, and may be

automated colorimetric analysis ot SO, and NO,

Waco’s Air Analyzer is truly a continu-

ous sampling colorimeter, automating the accepted chemical methods of analysis for sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide providing: reliability.. . highest quality components used throughout. Designed for continuous operation with flexibility,. , convert from SO2 to NO2 in 20 minutes. Variable range, from 0.5 to 4 p p m f u l l scale. Zero drift.. . less than 1-3% in 7 day periods. Automatic zero and photometer calibration every 24 hours,

For complete information, contact: W I L K E N S - A N D E R S O N CO. 4525 W e s t Division S t r e e t Chicago, Illinois 60651

Circle No. 14 on Readers’ Service Card

used to replace conventional packing or to create new tall biological oxidation towers, the company claims. Ethyl Corp. 98

Solid wastes projects. A compendium of 42 projects undertaken from July 1, 1965-June 30, 1968 with funds appropriated under the Solid Waste Disposal Act is available. “Summaries of Solid Wastes Program Contracts” covers such topics as appraisals of current solid waste practices in Europe and the U S . and development of a new solid waste technology. Objectives. approach, and summary of progress, as well as contractor, project director, cost, and inclusive dates are included for each project. Bureau of Solid Waste Management, Environmental Control Administration, 5555 Ridge Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45213 (Write direct) An alternative disposal m,ethod. The “Tezuka Refuse Compactor System” is a report on and analysis of the major elements, operations. and cost of the Japanese developed system. The report is part of an American Public Works Association waste railhaul study, which suggests that refuse compression is the key to successful waste railhaul operations. Bureau of Solid Waste Management, Environmental Control Administration, 5555 Ridge Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 4521 3 (Write direct) Flow studies in Texas rivers. Report 97, “Base-Flow Studies, Leon and Lampasas Rivers, Texas, Quantity and Quality, January 16-17, 1968” describes an investigation of the Bell County rivers. By measuring discharge and collecting water samples for chemical analysis, the authors found that both generally gained flow in the research area. Concentration of dissolved solids, chloride, and sulfate were within limits suggested by the U.S. Public Health Service for municipal water supplies. The water also was found of a satisfactory quality for many industrial and agricultural uses, Texas Water Development Board, P.O. Box 12386, Austin, Tex. 7871 1. (Write direct)

Analyzer Introducing the Model 1600. For real time, unattended measurement of total organic carbon content, for industry and waste water applications. Our answer to all the drawbacks of the BOD and COD procedures. And there is no equipment with similar capabilities available anywhere in the world:’ ‘Worldwide patent rights reserved

135 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, LI, NY 1 1797; (516)364-0200 Formerlythe Environmental Systems Operation

of Fairchild Camera &Instrument Corporation Circle No. 15 on Readers’ Service Card Volume 4, Number 2, February 1970 165