New Literature Digest - Environmental Science ... - ACS Publications

New Literature Digest. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1970, 4 (6), pp 522–522. DOI: 10.1021/ ... Published online 14 December 2004. Published in print 1 J...
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new literature digest Fume scrubber. A 4-page bulletin B760 describes the model 760 crossflow fume scrubbers for removal of mist, gases, and solid pollutants in the fertilizer, chemical, pulp and paper, steel, plating, and metal finishing industries. Heil Process Equipment Corp. 91 Combustible gas detector. Brochure describes the new models 170 and 175 detectors for hydrogen, hydrocarbon gases, alcohols, ketones, ethers, and the like. The detector can be used for pipelines, refineries, process industries, and aerospace applications for fixed installations. General Monitors, Inc. 92 Solvents for pollution studies. A 4page catalog describes 47 solvents which can be used to extract residues from air pollution or water pollution samples, pesticides residues in foods, and other spectrophotometric uses. Burdick & Jackson Laboratories, Inc. 93 Waste water analysis. Bulletin 69-1 2A describes an automated titration procedure for low-level COD analyses. The automated procedure follows APHA Standard Methods except that end points are measured potentiometrically rather than colorimetrically. Fisher Scientific Co. 94 Slurry feed control. A 2-page leaflet describes the operation of Mixmeter in a step-by-step sequence to show how the three major variables of influent volume, influent quality, and concentration of slurry are automatically compensated for in the Mixmeter, a system which treats millions of gallons of water per day. Shirley Machine Co. 95 Temperature control guide book. An 8-page guide illustrates the complete line of 400 series indicating temperature controllers. The 400 series provides precision control (&0.25% potentiometric accuracy). Thermo Electric. 96 Conversion booklet. A 16-page handy reference is available for weights and measurements and their conversion 522 Environmental Science & Technology

factors for converting from one- unit to another. Matheson Coleman & Bell 97

Paint Arrestors. Bulletin PA-1 507 describes Paint Arrestors, disposable air filters which trap paint and other overspray solids from the air before they reach the spray booth exhaust stack. Bulletin PA-1633 offers information for maximum efficiency of paint spray equipment with minimum air pollution. Research Products Corp. 98 Sewage treatment. A 4-page brochure describes sewage treatment by a batching method. Bio-Pure manufactures secondary sewage treatment equipment in plant size ranging from 600-32,000 gallons per day. Bio-Pure 99 Industrial waste treatment. Three bulletins describe continuous treatment of industrial wastes. Bulletin P-100 describes neutralization of general eWuents; Bulletin P-200 describes continuous treatment of chromium wastes, and Bulletin P-300 describes treatment of cyanide wastes. Baker Bros. 100 Automatic GC sampler. Data sheet 7670A describes the automatic sampler for gas chromatography which automates sample and injection. The sampler can be left unattended over weekends and is capable of 36 consecutive samples. Hewlett-Packard 101 Mobile facilities catalog. A 32-page catalog describes mobile units of the truck or trailer type for technical services, instrumentation, and laboratory uses. The units are designed for use in engincering and pollution monitoring. Calumet Coach Co. 102 Reverse osmosis. An 8-page brochure describes the industrial applications of ROGA water treatment systems. The systems are used for high purity water, waste treatment, potable water, water recovery, and water concentration. Gulf General Atomic 103 Chromatographic analyzer. A 4-page bulletin describes the technique of

gas phase controlled thermolytic dissociation (CTD) for positive identification of gas chromatographic effluents. The Pyrochrom analyzer is used in studies of odor control, pollution control, pesticide analyzers, and the like. Chemical Data Systems, Inc. 104

Petrochemical waste waters. “Characteristics and Pollution Problem Associated with Petro2hemical Wastes” presents a comprehensive report covering water pollution control for the petrochemical industry. Robert S. Kerr Water Research Center, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, U S. Dept. of Interior, P.O. Box 1198, Ada, Okla. 74820 (Write direct) Heated water. Two reports describe the effects of heated water on aquatic life. The first report, “Surface Heat Exchange at Power Plant Cooling Lakes,” contains findings related to temperature predictions near thermal discharge. The second report, “Effects of Elevated Temperatures Upon Aquatic Invertebrates,” is a review of literature concerning effects of elevated temperatures on both freshwater and marine invertebrates. It is written for the nonprofessional biologist. Edison Electric Institute, Attn: Research Division, 750 Third Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10017 (Write direct) Film

Education on pollution. “Pollution: Crisis in Our Environment,” is a 40minute program for audiences such as conservation and garden clubs, business, civic, church, and youth groups. Covering air, water, and land pollution, the film strip is available for $29. George H. Clement, Ward’s Natural Science Establishment, Inc., P.O. Box 1712, Rochester, N.Y. 14603 (Write direct)

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