New Literature Digest - Environmental Science ... - ACS Publications

New Literature Digest. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1969, 3 (9), pp 862–863 ... Published online 7 December 2004. Published in print 1 September 1969. L...
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Low cost flowmeters. A new line of flowmeters, which the company claims has an accuracy of ? 2 % , is described in a 6-page brochure. The devices feature fine-line readout, and make it possible to check flow on every line in a plant. The low cost units will accommodate a wide range of operating temperatures to 400’ F. and pressures to 230 p.s.i.g., the company says. Marine Electro Mechanical. Inc. 91 6 ” x 6”

x 9”

Applications bulletin. “Automatic pH Control in Biological Growth Media” is a 4-page bulletin describing a system which the company claims will expedite culture media research in water chemistry, water treatment, biochemistry, and bacteriology laboratories. The system uses the Model 220 Accumet pH meter and the Luft Model 77 Controller. Fisher Scientific Co. 92

the Whittaker

“Nox Box” Clocks Air Pollutants portable 6 Ib. I R 100 winner moniters vehicle, stack and plume emission

Industrial waste treatment. A 4-page bulletin describes and illustrates the company’s line of diffused air flotation treatment systems for municipal and industrial wastes. The two stages used to remove sludge-air diffusion and air release-are detailed. Drawings illustrate the process and equipment used. Special features and a list of applications are included in “Flotation Treatment Systems.” Suburbia Systems, Inc. 93

Sensing element is a seaied farad a i c device f u n c t i o n i n g as an eiectrochemica: transducer. This sensor permits continuous analysis of s u i f u r dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the oresence of other gases.

other features no response to hydrocarbons, CO, C02, oxygen, aldehydes, and nitrogen. linear calibration over entire concentration range. wide operation range-full scale ranges from 2 t o 5000 PPM. compact size, low weight-six pounds, 6” x 6” x 9” size. Battery operated model available. maintenance free-sensor i s sealed u n i t . No h a n d l i n g of chemicals. Electronic procedure only. simple to operate-only three control knobs: range selector, full scale span, and zero adjust. recorder output for continuous monitoring. accuracy -- 2 % full-scale. for ,nrormation write P P M U a r k e t i n g Dept.

Research & Development 3540 Aero Court San Diego, California 92123 (714) 277-3040 Circle Ne. W oa Readers’ Service C a r l

862 Environmental Science & Technology

Clean air. A 4-page booklet, “Air Pollution’’ discusses the causes, effects, and some of the cures for the problem of contaminated air in the U.S. The article is reprinted from Ranger Rick’s Nature Magazine. National Wildlife Federation 94


Microbiological analysis of water. Membrane filtration procedures for isolating and analyzing microorganisms in municipal water supplies, swimming pools. treated sewage, or industrial process waters are described in a new publication (AR-81). The 25-page manual, “Microbiological Analysis of Water,” covers such areas as detection of virus in water, bacteriological examination of sewage, iron bacteria, and standards. In addition, field tests and staining techniques are detailed. The book also includes

discussion of the company’s line of filters and associated apparatus, technical support programs, and available literature. Millipore Corp. 95

Handling solvent wastes and chemical vapors. “A Complete ‘Turn Key’ Program for the Installation of Solvent and Chemical Vapor/Waste Recovery Systems” (Bulletin 1268) is a 4-page folder describing the company’s background and qualifications in recovery technology, and outlining legal, financial, and technical aspects of their program. Chemical & Pollution Sciences, Inc. 96 Hydrocarbon removal. Bulletin G3B143 discusses the recovery of oils, carbon black, naphthalene, fibers, plastics, and similar materials from industrial waste waters by means of flotation processes. The bulletin covers the principle of flotation, various flotation processes, and effectiveness of flotation in treating waste waters. Denver Equipment Div., Joy Mfg. Co. 97 Ultrafiltration handbook. A 52-page handbook on ultrafiltration techniques and products for laboratory concentration, separation, and purification of colloids and macromolecules is available. The publication also includes a practical manual of techniques, detailed guides to selection of ultrafiltration systems, literature references, and description of a new line of ultrafiltration cells and accessories. Scientific Systems Div., Amicon Corp. 98 Pollution free waste disposal. A 4-page folder describes the capabilities of an automatic process for disposal of meat, pulp and paper, chemical, and oil and fat industrial wastes, municipal rubbish and garbage, sewage sludges, food processing wastes, and other industrial wastes. The Dehydration Process features three basic components : fluidizing tank, evaporator, and centrifuge. The company claims that the oil-based evaporative drying technique is odorless, creating no air or stream pollution, and produces dry, sterile solids of uniform consistency that can be burned as boiler fuel, stored without decomposition, or bagged and marketed. Carver99 Greenfield Corp.

n e w literature’ digest Noise abatement. The 2nd edition of “Directory of Noise Control Services for Industrial Hearing Conservation Programs” is available. The 24-page book includes a listing of consulting and engineering services, as well as manufacturers or primary sources for acoustical instruments, hearing protectors, noise enclosures, noise control devices. Noise related standards are also listed. American Mutual Insurance Alliance, Accident and Fire Prevention Department, 20 N. Wacker, Chicago, 111. 60606 (Write direct) Careers for American Indians. An 8-page publication discusses job opportunities in careers involving land and land resources. Aimed primarily at American Indian high school students interested in furthering their education, the leaflet describes such fields as agricultural research, resource management, and veterinary medicine. Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20242 (Write direct) Films

Refuse dump revisited. “A Day at the Dump” is a 16 mm color film which examines the Kenilworth Dump (Washington, D.C.). The 15 minute film shows how, prior to its conversion to sanitary landfill, the dump spewed 25,000 tons per day into Washington’s air. Available on loan from National Medical Audio-Visual Center, Chamblee, Ga. 30005 (Write direct, including title and order number M-1600-X) Interstate nature of air pollution. The shared air pollution problem of New York and New Jersey is illustrated in a 16 mm color film. “Air Pollution in the New York-New Jersey Interstate Area” deals, in particular, with sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide, and includes scenes of the 1966 Thanksgiving smog episode, New York City under smog, and plumes of smoke drifting back and forth across the N.Y.N.J. state line. Available on loan from National Medical Audio-visual Center, Chamblee, Ga. 30005 (Write direct, including film title and order number M-1624-XI

all by itself! Unico model 400 precision gas detector can detect and analyze over 80 gases and vapors A precision volumetric piston pump and glass

detector tubes do the trick.. . quickly, accurately and economically. The ampoules contain chemical reagents which absorb and react to the gas or vapor producing a constant color stain. The stain varies in length according to the concentration of the material being analyzed. The length of stain is measured against a calibration chart. This method eliminates the possibility of error due to color comparison. Results are always reproducible. A Test Certification comes with each set of tubes which guarantees their accuracy. For complete information, write . , Curtin Scientific Company, P. 0. Box 1546, Houston, Texas 77001.









Circle No. 15

on Readers’ Service Card Volume 3, Number 9, September 1969 863