New Literature Digest - Environmental Science ... - ACS Publications

New Literature Digest. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1970, 4 (5), pp 439–439. DOI: 10.1021/ ... Published online 13 December 2004. Published in print 1 M...
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n e w literature diaest

Water quality monitors. Brochure describes Series 1600 water quality monitors, which automatically measure the physical and chemical properties of water. Sample flow-through chamber can hold up to eight sensing probes. Brochure has information on the number and type of parameters that can be measured. Union Carbide 91 Corp. Air flotation cell. This 4-page brochure gives details of Petreco dissolved air flotation cells which are designed as integral components for waste treatment systems where solid contaminants can be made to float. Specifications of the various models are included. International Pollution Control, Inc. 92 Process instrumentation. Publication 197 gives a list of books written by Foxboro experts, together with article reprints and bulletins. Several of the books are on the specific subject of waste water treatment plant instrumentation. A summary of contents accompanies each listing. The Foxboro 93 c o.

Solid separation. Bulletin lists ways in which magnetic forces can be used for separation, reclamation, and pollution control. Described is a complete line of vibration. separation, and magnamation equipment, including ferrous traps, magnetic flocculators, coolant cleaners, can washers, and chip and parts conveyors. Eriez Magnetics. 94

ogy in an interesting and easily understandable way. The booklet is first in a planned series called “The Markets of Change.” Kaiser Aluminum and 96 Chemical Corp.

Ion exchange media. Technical paper covers an evaluation of the ion exchange characteristics of ammonium form cation resin used in regenerable bead mixed beds in a high p H environment. The paper also reports on an analysis of 11 samples of mixed resins used for condensate polishing. Color photos are used in the paper. Graver 97 Water Conditioning Co. Incinerators. Full-color bulletin describes a line of clean air incinerators that exceed IIA standards for emission control in continuous or intermittent operation. The incinerators are claimed to provide total disposal of burnable wastes without smoke, smell, or constant attendance. Specification sheet for use of the customer is also available. Progressive Trade Corp. 98 Burner equipment. Catalog offers range of blower-mixers, nozzles, inspirators, mixing tubes and proportioning valves for air-gas premixing systems, and line burners for air pollution control and air heating applications. Catalog features illustrations and descriptions of products. Maxon Premix Burner Co., Inc. 99

Pollution services. Brochure describes the broad scope of environmental engineering services offered by the company. Thermal effects, plant siting, monitoring projects undertaken, and recent work are summarized. NUS Corp. 95

Pollution management systems. 4-page brochure schematically illustrates six basic pollution management systems for the metal processing and finishing industries. A custom, turnkey facility work progress schedule is provided, together with information on the companies offerin’g the system. Swift Laboratories, Inc. and Plateq Corp. 100

Ecology booklet. Beautifully illustrated booklet entitled “Ecology: The Man-made Planet” probes the complex subject of man’s impact on global ecol-

Chlorination. Bulletin no. 914 is a condensed source of information on chlorine and chlorination. Characteristics, advantages, handling procedures,

and applications for industry and municipalities are all discussed. The Advance system and its installation are emphasized. Capital Controls, Inc. 101

Gas cleaning. 3 catalogs detailing collectors and scrubbers are available: Catalog 204 describes self-cleaning Dynaclone dust filters for moderate or large air volumes; Catalog 301A outlines the Pactecon dust filter for low volumes; Catalog 151 covers Impinjet wet gas scrubbers for industrial 102 use. W. W. Sly Mfg. Co. Water control gates. Illustrated bulletin describes Ni-Resist cast iron water control gates for use in very corrosive environments. Tests outlined in bulletin show durability of gates. 103 Armco Steel Corp. Water pollution biology. Book published by federal government agency is entitled “The Practice of Water Pollution Biology” and is written for engineers, chemists, control officials, and others interested in broadening their knowledge of the subject. Office of Public Information, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Washington, D.C. 20242 (Write direct) Paper industry environmental group. Handbook describes the organizational structure and functions of the National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement. The group is devoted to basic and applied research in air and water pollution abatement. NCASI, 103 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017 (Write direct)

Need more information about any items? I f so, just circle the appropriate numbers on one of the reader service cards bound into the back of this issue and mail in the card. N o stamp is necessary. Volume 4,Number 5, May 1970 439