New Literature Digest - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS

New Literature Digest. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1969, 3 (4), pp 403–403. DOI: 10.1021/es60027a607. Publication Date: April 1969. ACS Legacy Archive...
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new literature digest Water treatment systems. An illustrated 4-page brochure includes specifications and design features of six Uni-Loc automated water treatment systems. Designed for continuous measurement and regulation of chemical balance of cooling tower water, the models are available for all size cooling operations, according to the manufacturer. The brochure also includes a reference chart summarizing features of each model. Universal Interloc, Inc. 91 Submersible electrodes. The Series Three p H Electrode Submersion Assembly is described in Bulletin 4085. Designed for continuous process p H applications in which p H electrodes must be submerged, the units are available in stainless steel or polyvinyl dichloride. The manufacturer says the assemblies are suitable for a variety of applications in a wide range of temperatures and pressures. Beckman Instruments. Inc. 92 Flocculant polymers. The Hercofloc flocculant polymers are organic, water soluble polyelectrolytes for use in sludge conditioning. Bulletin ESD-102 describes the use of these polymers, listing case histories to demonstrate their advantages. Also included in the 1 ?-page brochure are plant applications, methods of evaluation, and characteristic and properties of the polymers. Hercules, Inc. 93

list, and other details of the 500 series of gas detectors-510 Duotector; 550 Chart-0-Gas, chart recording detector; and 520 Multitector. niultiple channel detector. The company claims that the Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Analyzer (Bulletin H A 722 A E X ) is useful for process stream monitoring, atmospheric sampling, air pollution measurement, and pipeline H2S detection. The Model 750AEX total Syulfur Analyzer (Bulletin H A L 750) protects catalyst beds, monitors putiry of hydrocarbon feedstock. and automatically controls process streams, the company says. A Calibration Kit (Bulletin 722K) contains items for preparing accurate p.p,m. samples. Houston Atlas, Inc. 95 Air pollution detection. A 4-page bulletin describes the Mobile Air Pollution Monitoring Laboratory, which is designed to offer a complete battery of tests for monitoring ambient atmospheres. The laboratory features the CSM 6 AutoAnalyzer which utilizes continuous, automatic wet chemical techniques for analysis of air samples for up to six different parameters, according to the company. The bulletin also includes schematic drawings, photos, and specifications of the mobile unit. Technicon Corp. 96

Spectroscopy accessories. An illustrated 32-page catalog ( 1969-BE) lists the company’s line of infrared spectrophotometer cells and accessories. Prices and parts numbers, performance characteristics, spectra, and application data are given for such analytical accessories as gas chromatograph fration collector, high speed pyrolyzer, and mirror beam condensor. Barnes Engineering Co. 94

Textile mill wastes. Charles D. Livengood, instructor, North Carolina State University, has compiled an annotated bibliography of literature references relative to textile wastes as stream pollutants. The work-Report No. 18 of the Water Resources Research Institute, University of North Carolinais an updating and expansion of a previously compiled listing of chemical literature on sources of pollution from textile mills for the period 1954-64. “Textile Wastes-A Bibliography” includes abstracts published through June 1968. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N.C. (Write direct)

Gas detection equipment. A series of bulletins describes the company’s line of gas detection instruments and equipment. Bulletin HA500 includes principles of operation, specifications, price

Pollution abatement plan. “Water Pollution Problems and Improvement Needs: Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River Basins” is the title of a 125-page report published by the Federal Water

Pollution Control Administration and the New York State Department of Health’s Division of Pure Waters. Outlining a 3 1 -point pollution control program for the area, the report describes the pollution problems. improvement needs, costs and benefits, and makes recommendations for immediate, long-range, and research needs. FWPCA, Room 805, 633 Indiana Ave., N.W., Washington. D.C. 20242. (Write direct) Estuarine resources and conservation. Two motion pictures, in color, and featuring original musical scores by the Charlie Byrd Quintet, are available from the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. Both films were made in cooperation with the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission. “Estuarine Heritage” runs 28 minutes, and covers the role of estuaries as nurseries for various species of fish; as the habitat of waterfowl and furbearing animals; and as a recreational and esthetic resource. Major threats to these resources are examined. “The Boy and the Biologist,” a 14-minute film narrated by Arthur Godfrey, tells of a boy interested in fishing and fun, and his meeting with an outdoorsman who teaches him a sense of responsibility. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Branch of Audio-Visual Services, 18 15 N. Fort Meyer Dr., Arlington. Va. 22209. (Write direct) Phosphate removal. “Tahoe Revisited,” a 12-minute color film with sound track, examines the phosphate removal process in operation for the South Tahoe Public Utility District. The film covers all phases of the Lake Tahoe project, including solids removal and incineration. activated sludge aeration, and chemical clarification and phosphate removal with lime recalcination for reuse. Cities, consultants, and all officials concerned with environmental protection and water pollution abatement are eligible to borrow the film. BSP Corp., P.O. Box 8 158, San Francisco, Calif. 941 28. (Write direct) Volume 3, Number 4, April 1969 403