New Literature - Environmental Science ... - ACS Publications

Apr 1, 1980 - New Literature. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1980, 14 (4), pp 476–477. DOI: 10.1021/es60164a612. Publication Date: April 1980. ACS Legacy ...
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LITERATURE Vinyl filter media. # FPD-VC4787-979 describes Vinyl-Core-brand filter media for secondary and tertiary treatment of wastewater. A rigid PVC filter is utilized. BF Goodrich ComPanY 151

Lab instruments. 1980 “Scientific Specialties” catalog lists many laboratory instruments, including precise pH meters, temperature devices, timers, and other items. Cole-Parmer Instrument Co. 159

Clamps and fittings. Brochure covers Q W I K-TAP@ clamps, service connectors, valves, tapping equipment, and other such items. Applications to water works. Dresser Industries, Inc.

Dosimeter calibrator. Application describes the 1986 “Omnical Calibrator” which verifies 1954-97 I O Noise Dosimeter (5-dB exchange rate). More than one frequency. GenRad 152

HPLC guard columns. Technical Bulletin 78 1 tells how guard columns protect high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analytical columns. Supelco, Inc. 160

Water treatment. Brochure describes “ENELCOB Water Treatment Systems” for many municipal and industrial uses. Entirely designed, fabricated, and installed by company. Environmental Elements Corp. 170

Water treatment. Buyers Guide summarizes latest water and wastewater treatment (wwt) systems/equipment available. Many data are given. The Permutit Company, Inc. 153

Particle size. 1980 Gilson Catalog lists laboratory equipment for particle size analysis. Pollution control is one application. Gilson Co. 161

Pressure pipe. Literature number TR-62A describes Transitem RingTitem asbestos-cement pressure pipe and serves as installation guide. Unaffected by rusting or galvanic and electrokytic corrosion. Johns-Manville 154

Titrator. Brochure BR 405 describes Metrohm microprocessor-controlled equilibrium titrator. Easy control with control card. Has printout facilities. Brinkmann Instruments, Inc. 155 Liquid sample concentration. LSC-2 brochure describes automatic purge and trap concentrator for water samples for analysis of organic pollutants by gas chromatography (GC). Fully automatic. Tekmar Co. 156 Scrubbers. Bulletin 25 1 OOB describes patented Dual-Throat Venturi Scrubber for simultaneous particul a t e / S O l removal, 99%/90% efficiencies, respectively. More than 6 million acfm possible. FMC Corp. 157

Liquid samplers. Brochure describes automatic liquid samplers with positive sample recovery for stream monitoring, water management, and other applications. Crane. Co. 158 Companies interested in a listing in this department shoir/d send their releases directljs to Environmental Science & Technolog),, Attn: Literature, 1 I55 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 476

Environmental Science & Technology

Ion chromatography (IC). Application note is called, “Ion Chromatography in Power Production,” and describes IC’s uses for feed water, steam condensate, stack gas scrubbers, and the like. Dionex Corp. 162 Reagents. Bulletin No. 4 I O lists over 150 chemical reagents ready for immediate delivery. Fisher Scientific Co. 163

Science supplies. 1980 catalog lists many instruments and items for the laboratory scientist, including pH meters, labware, others. Items offered by direct sale. Markson Science Inc. 164

Pollution control books. Catalog, listing books on this subject, is entitled, “Environmental Publications 1980.” Covers hazardous wastes, regulations, pollution, energy recovery, other topics. Technomic Publishing Co., Inc. 165

Sewage treatment needs. Catalog lists pipe, gates, filtration tank products, other items for sewage treatment. 166 Armco Heat recovery. “Heat Recovery Systems” describes how company can help to recover heat and reduce fuel consumption by up to 40%. Turn-key help available. Many applications. Midwesco Energy Systems 167 Infrared spectroscopy. Order No. 1R28A is a reprint bibliography dealing with applications of infrared spectroscopy. Perkin-Elmer 168


Precipitators. Bulletin describes S M O - K I N G precipitators to remove dust, smoke, oil mist, and other fine particles in the submicron range, with 90-9970 efficiency. Air Plastics, Inc. 171

Monitoring instruments. Bulletin describes instruments for monitoring water, automotive emissions, air, and other instruments for analytical applications. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 172

Cable reels. Bulletin TBR-879 describes electric cable reels for traveling bridges in sewage treatment plants. Weather-tight enclosures. Kalamazoo Reel Company 173 Butterfly valves. Brochures tell how to use butterfly valves as control valves with bubbletight shutoff to 1480 psig at temperatures to 500 OF. HillsMcCanna Co. 174 Particle size. Bulletins tell of devices which size and count particles, and use unique Dry Sample Feeder. HIAC Division, Pacific Scientific 175 NO, meter. Information is available describing the CSI 2200 Portable Oxides of hitrogen Meter for NONO? analysis with a 0.5-ppm range full scale. Columbia Scientific Instruments Corp. 176

Need more information about any items? If so, just circle the appropriate numbers on one of the reader service cards bound into the back of this issue and mail in the card. N o stamp is necessary.

Water treatment. Water treatment systems efficiently separate oils, gases, suspended solicls, and combinations thereof, acceding to brochure. C-E 177 Natco CO monitor. Brochure describes Model El-IO carbon monoxide monitor for better means of maximizing boiler efficiency. Uses infrared. May lead to energy savings up to 10%. Princeton Sensors Inc. 178

Mass spectrometers (MS). New catalog lists full line of mass spectrometers and related instruments for MS anal179 ysis. VG-Isotopes Limited Waterlwastewaiter tests. Bulletin N o 546 gives easy, step-by-step procedures for 50 water/wastewater tests for facilities seeking permits. Complies with Standard Methods. Fisher Scientific 180 co. Analytical serviice. G C / M S services available for industrial priority pollutants. Brochures also list other analytical capabilities. LFE Environmental Analysis Laboratories 181 Oxygen ana1y;zers. Brochure lists ECOLYZERB 600 series of personal oxygen analyzers and monitors; they can warn of oxjgen deficiency. Audible alarm. Energetics Science 182 Respirator. Data Sheet 10-00-09 describes respirator and optional filters to protect against dusts, fumes, mists, radionuclides, gases, vapors, and combinations of particulate/gaseous matter. Mine Safety Appliances 183 Co m pa n y FGD system. Paper by plant engineer fully discusses flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system which uses alkali values of its ash, as well, at Minnesota Power & Light. About $20 million saved. 184 Peabody

Toxicology research. Bulletin 8700 describes the TOXSYSTM integrated laboratory information system for toxicology research. Direct recording of pathological findings is one feature. Beckman Instruments. Inc. 188 Personal radiation monitor. Sheet No. 352/X describes a personal radiation monitor. Other such items described in other sheets. D. W . Jared, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, PO Box X, Oak Ridge, T N 37830 (write direct). Fuel from grain. “Fuel from Farms: A Guide to Small-Scale Ethanol Production.” U S . Dept. of Energy, PO Box 62, Oak Ridge, T N 37830, Att: Fuel From Farms (write direct). Petroleum effects. “Effects of Petroleum Compounds on Estaurine-Fishes.” Environmental Research Laboratory, EPA, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 (write direct). Growth and environment. The pamphlet “Growth and the Environment” addresses, among other things, environment/energy balance. U S . Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, First International Building, 1201 Elm St., Dallas, TX 75270 (write direct). Soil/water conservation. Briefing package discusses the Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act of 1977 and policy development pursuant thereto. RCA Coordination Committee, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D C 20250 (write direct). Waste as a resource. Winter, 1980 Phoenix Quarterly. Institute of Scrap Iron and Steel, 1627 K St., N W , Washington, DC 20006 (write direct).

Clarifier. Bulletin I210 explains unique peripheral-feed design with spiral downflow for more efficient sedimentation in clarifier. Lakeside Equipment Corp. 185

Transportation safety. What is being done for safe chemical transport. “Transporting Chemicals Safely: What We’re Doing About It.” Chemical Manufacturers Association, 1825 Connecticut Ave., N W , Washington, D C 20009 (write direct).

Black liquor reclovery. Application report tells how recovery of black liquor spills at pulp mills is brought about and how valuable chemicals are also reclaimed. Foxboro Analytical 186

Solar heating. Bulletins address frequently asked questions on solar energy. Centerline Company, 401 s. 36th St., Phoenix, A Z 85034 (write direct).

Clean air. Brochure describes equipment, capabilities, systems, and technologies available from company for many phases of air pollution control at utilities and industries. Envirotech/Air Quality Control Group 187

Pollution control in fields. How conservation practices for soil and water enhance pollution control. Report No. EPA-600/3-79-106. U.S. EPA, Environmental Research Laboratory, Athens, G A 30605 (write direct).

Keep up to date about what has been happening on the important subject of water pollution during the 70s - a decade of growing environmental concern - with this valuable collection of 136 articles that appeared in Volumes 7-1 1 of ES&T. This sequel to ”Water Pollution” is the sixth in a continuing series, complimenting earlier titles on air pollution, environmental monitoring, and solid wastes. CONTENTS Federal and state policies are discussed in detail to give a basic understanding of the long and short term goals trying to be achieved in water quality The business of water pollution control companies and the industries which use such control equipment and technology are examined A section on technology includes the answers for water reuse, and there are articles on specific pollutants and monitoring activities

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Volume 14, Number 4, April 1980