New Literature - Environmental Science ... - ACS Publications

New Literature. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1972, 6 (2), pp 178–178. DOI: 10.1021/es60061a606. Publication Date: February 1972. ACS Legacy Archive...
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fresh insights on environmental

new literature Perchlorate fumes. New 16-page publication reviews exhaust systems and associated equipment used to handle perchloric acid fumes. Publication lists special hazards, case histories, recommendations, and gives selected references. Plastic Fabricators, Inc. 91 Apparatus. Bulletin lists comprehensive line of glassware for analysis of environmental pollutants. Tudor Scientific Glass 92 co.

America’s Land & Its Uses Marion Clawson This compact account of the nation’s land and its many uses ranges from the three traditional uses of land - farming, grazing, and forestryto the two that today pose the severest problems, urbanization and outdoor recreation. $8.50, $2.45 paper

Environmental Quality Analysis Theory & Method in the Social Sciences Allen V. Kneese & Blair T. Bower, editors Today’s environmental crisis calls for coordination among many disciplines the sciences, economics, law, management, government. The authors offer a comprehensive approach for coping with the myriad problems of our beleaguered environment. $12.00

Economics & the Environment A Materials Balance Approach Allen V. Kneese, Robert U. Ayres & Ralph C. d‘Arge * “It is as good reading for the amateur who wonders what the outcry of the environmentalists is a l l about as for the professional ecologist, residuals engineer, and economist.” -American lnstitute of Planners journal $2.50 paper

Suburban Land Conversion in the United States An Economic & Governmental Process Marion Clawson “Examines the complex relationships underlying land conversion in the United States.” - Public Works $12.50

lnterbasin Transfers of Water Economic Issues & Impacts Charles W. Howe & K. William Easter “Provides a setting for consideration of large-scale transfers in terms of regional demands.”-Engineering Societies Library $9.50 Published for Resources for the Future, Inc.


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Environmental Science & Technology

Spray irrigation. Technical bulletin describes use of Aquatower to dispose of process wastes and sewage by spray 93 irrigation. McDowell Mfg. Co.

Flow recorder. Bulletin describes Gravity Flo-Recorder unit which provides accurate volume flow record. Operating specs and typical applications are given. BIF SaniTrol. Inc. 100 Analytical service. Literature describes BGI/Werby Hi-Vol filter analysis service. Billings & Gussman, Inc. 101 Cooling water contaminants. Reprint of article on controlling contaminants in cooling water discusses types of microbial contamination and their control, and gives information on corrosion inhibitors, antifoulants, and treatment costs. Drew Process Chemicals 102

Alarms. Brochure describes seven of a series of environmental hazard monitors for sensing visibility, wind, precipitation, atmospheric electricity, etc. Kahl Sci94 entific Instrument Corp.

Water testing. Data sheet lists recommended equipment and supplies available keyed by number to Water Pollution Control Federation standard tests and company catalog. Fisher Scientific Co. 103

Osmosis systems. Revision of general brochure on osmosis systems gives greater emphasis to reverse osmosis and details operating costs. Contains graphs showing pressure-temperature effects. Osmonics, Inc. 95

Temperature recorder. Literature describes operating specifications and uses of Model 3070 Film Recording Thermograph, suitable for continuous unattended monitoring of air or water tem104 peratures. General Oceanics, Inc.

Filters. New line of Pall Guard filter housings and cartridges is designed to protect pneumatic systems from sludge, oil, water, and dirt over widely varying flow rates. Bulletins detail sizing information and operating specs. Pall Trinity Micro Corp. 96

Waste burner. Publication describes use of Populated Area Combustor for burning gaseous refining or chemical processing wastes with maximum community acceptance. National Airoil Burner Co. 105

Water treatment. Bulletin covers. all types of mechanical aeration for waste treatment and describes line of mixers and aerators. Flow charts give typical designs and applications. Mixing Equip97 ment Co. Water system evaluation. Fifty-page publication appraises some 38 basic features of a water supply system to aid a utility manager in determining if systems are up to snuff. Johns-Manville 98 Mercury kit. Data sheet describes new mercury detection kit which uses a colorimetric reaction to determine mercury concentrations as low as 100 ppb. Koslow Scientific Co. 99

Marine toilet. Illustrated 12-page brochure outlines advantages of a n evaporative toilet system which eliminates discharge of sewage by vessels. Unit is suitable for installation in fixed remote areas. General American Transportation 106 Corp. Particle monitor. Bulletin describes fully automatic stack particulate monitor that continuously measures and records emissions with an accuracy of rt0.002 grains/ft3. Research Appliance Co. 107 Need more information about any items? I f so, just circle the appropirate numbers on one of the reader service cards bound into the back of this issue and mail in the card. N o stamp is necessary,