New Literature - Environmental Science ... - ACS Publications

Jul 1, 1981 - New Literature. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1981, 15 (7), pp 770–771. DOI: 10.1021/es00089a611. Publication Date: July 1981. ACS Legacy ...
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LITERATURE Emission measurement. Release announces new service for measuring pollutants entrained in high-temperature/high-pressure gas streams. Temperatures above 1200 OF; pressures in 30-psi range. York Research 151 Analytical training. Release announces Semi-Micro Kem-Kit@,for students to learn basics of chemistry and analysis. Equipment is easily interchangeable. KONTES 152

Respirators. Wall chart helps to match appropriate air-purifying cartridges for respirators to contaminants. Explains how to choose respirators. HSC 159 Mass-flow controller. Brochure DS0049 describes mass-flow controllers for air pollution studies, other applications. Principles are explained. Tylan 160

Water treatment. Brochure outlines water treatment capabilities that feature deionizers. Flow up to 2000 gpm; water quality from 100 000 ohms to 18 megaohms. Filter media are also featured. Hydro-Max 169 Level gauging. Brochure describes total system capabilities in municipal/industrial water reclamation. Equipment and products are also listed. Clow 170

Labware. Catalog lists plastic labware items and some new products, including analytical filters. Sybron/Nalge 153

Water hardness. Bulletin No. AB-35 discusses a potentiometric titration method for determining water hardness. Not affected by turbidity or other mechanisms of interference. Fisher Scientific 161

Solar hot water. Data sheet outlines SUN-PRIDE Recirculation (Open Loop) Hot Water System. Uses solar energy. Revere Solar and Architectural Products 171

Flow instruments. Company announces a new line of air-velocity and mass-flow instruments in news release. Sierra Instruments 154

pH flow system. Bulletin 406 describes novel self-cleaning pH flow system compatible with nearly all pH meters. Sensorex 162

FGD. Brochure tells how to accomplish flue-gas desulfurization with lime or limestone slurry. Peabody International 172

Reverse osmosis. Brochure describes reverse osmosis elements with features that allow a reduction in the number of vessels for most applications. Can interchange with other spiral-wound units. Ajax Membrane Products 155

Coal gasification. Publication summarizes company’s new coal-gasification technology and commercialization efforts. Westinghouse 163

Lead determination. Publication No. AA-5 tells how atomic absorption spectroscopy can be used to determine airborne lead for industrial hygiene purposes. Varian Instrument Group 173

Respirator filtration. Brochure describes new line of all-plastic air purification and monitoring elements for respirators. ENMET 156 Gas detection. Brochure, “Bendix Combustion Alert,” describes system to detect combustible gases. Incorrect calibration and false alarm possibilities are reduced. Bendix 157 Water-level recorder. Bulletin 12 describes the Model A-7 l water-level recorder. Prevents loss of record from operator carelessness; can be installed in limited spaces. Leupold & Stevens 158

Need more information about any items? If so, just circle the appropriate number$ on one of the reader service cards bound into this issue and mail in the card. No stamp is necessary. 770

Environmental Science & Technology

pH electrodes. “Ross” line of pH electrodes can handle large temperature changes without restandardization. Stable to 0.01 pH between 6.86 buffers at 25 and 75 “C. Orion Research 164 Aeration. Brochure describes AquaRing@diffuser and Bio-Weve diffuser for aerating water/wastewater. Has other applications and lower costs. Schramm 165 Stable isotopes. Catalog and research bibliography lists stable isotopes for numerous applications. Many references to the technical literature. KOR Isotopes 166 Combustible gases. Brochure announces combination combustible gas and oxygen deficiency detector with ‘/.-in. liquid crystal display. Weight, 3 lb; price, $795. Dynamation 167 Mass flowmeters. Brochure lists mass flowmeters for monitoring air and other gases from 15-2500 scfm. Kurz Instruments 168

Analytical equipment. Technicon New Products Newsletter lists and discusses analyzers, samplers, and related items, including new system introduced at 1981 Pittsburgh Conference. Technicon 174 Pure water. Brochure describes company’s systems for producing laboratory-grade pure water. Continental Water Systems 175 Organic vapors. Literature describes AID 580, its functions of measuring fugitive organic vapor emission leaks and ambient air monitoring, and compliance with OSHA regulations. Analytical Instrument Development 176 Companies interested in a listing in this department should send their releases directly to Environmental Science & Technology, Attn: Literature, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Plasma spectrometry. Brochure describes graphite filament to replace nebulizer for improved plasma spectrometry and better element identification. LEEMAN LABS 178 Photomicrography. Brochure describes H/I photomicrographic equipment that can fit most microscopes. Can work with Polaroid or 35-mm camera backs. Hacker Instruments 179 Oil field wwt. Press kit tells how Lectro ClearTMis helpful for wastewater treatment at oil field mud pits containing wastewater. SOLOCO 180

TLC. Catalog covers thin-layer chromatography techniques, equipment, accessories. Explains how ultrahigh performance may be achieved. ANALTECH 181

tivities in wastewater treatment; emphasis on chemical plants. Du Pont 183 oxygen analyzer. Bulletin P-25 describes oxygen analyzer that uses a zirconium oxide sensor. Can be used with corrosive flue gases up to 184 3200 O F . AMETEK Analytical instruments. Pocket catalog lists extensive line of analytical equipment for process, environmental, and laboratory analysis. Foxboro Analytical 185 Respirators. Data Sheet 10-00-03 describes high-capacity, twin-cartridge respirators that can protect against most contaminants found in industry. 186 Mine Safety Appliances

HPLC equipment. Bulletin 40 lists equipment and accessories for highperformance liquid chromatography needs. Computer compatibility is fea182 tured. Alltech Associates

Biological wwt. Brochure describes A/OTM system of total biological wastewater treatment; operates in an alternating anaerobic/aerobic environment. Removes BOD and phosphorus. Air Products and Chemicals 187

Wastewater treatment. Brochure explains company's capabilities and ac-

Water analyzer. Brochure describes analysis of drinking water for total

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Filtration. Filtration Catalog Supplement, PB 7 10, features a whole range of filtration products for many different applications. Gelman Sciences 189 Air cleaner/ionizer. Brochure describes Bionaire 2000 air cleaner/ ionizer to clean room air. Biotech Electronics Ltd., 71 5A-725 Halpern Ave., Dorval, Quebec H9P 1G5, Canada (write direct) Health effects. Information describes new publication, Abstracts on Health Effects of Environmental Pollutants. Biosciences Information Services, 2100 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 (write direct) Laboratory OSHA standard. Federal Register, Vol. 46, No. 71, p. 21785, contains OSHA laboratory proposals of regulations. U.S.Dept. of LaborOSHA, Rm. N3718,200 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20210 (write direct)

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trihalomethanes by EPA-recommended methods, liquid/liquid extraction, and purge and trap. Tracor 188




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Volume 15, Number 7, July 1981 771