New Literature - Environmental Science ... - ACS Publications

May 1, 1980 - New Literature. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1980, 14 (5), pp 603–605. DOI: 10.1021/es60165a609. Publication Date: May 1980. ACS Legacy ...
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LITERATURE HPLC references. Reference List No. 1 lists 153 compounds/key words relating to separations/methods in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). References are keyed to listings of media employed. Whatman 151

Water purification. “Guide to, Water Systems” lists company’s water purification technologies available, including reverse osmosis, membrane filtration, deionization, and other methods. Continental Water Systems Corp. 158

Reference particles, Bulletin 8 1 introduces fine-particle technology and explains why it is interesting to industrial, scientific, and medical laboratories. Company specializes in reference particles. Duke Scientific Corp. 152

Balances. Catalog lists balances. endpoint indicators for titration, and many peripheral instruments for laboratory use. Mettler Instrument Corp. 159

Water conditioner. Bulletin describes AquadeneB, a crystalline compound which eliminates rust, scale, and corrosion when added to water. StilesKem Division, Met-Pro Corp. 153 Metering pumps. Brochure describes Model XL600 Chem/Meter pumps for water/wastewater, pulp/paper, and other applications. Capacities 2.1-550 gph; accuracy & I % , repetitive. Crane Co. 154 Infrared analyzers. Bulletin 4201 lists gas measurements by application, which can be chemical and petroleum operations, autorriotive emissions monitoring, or other uses. English and metric. Beckman Instruments. Inc. 155 N‘ater testing. Brochure describes full line of water-testing apparatus, i n cluding distillers fer PCBs and pesticides, purge and trap units, chromatographic absorbents, and many other i t e ni s . Wheat on Scient i fic 156 HPLC automation. Brochure describes the K L l C I . which automaticall! controls H P L C functions from injector to recorder. Can bc interfaced with company‘s and othcr makes of instruments. Kratos/Schl:)effel Instruments 157

Mass spectrometer. Brochure describes features of the M A T 3 12 Mass Spectrometer System, which can handle field desorption ionization. metastable ion studies, and precise mass determination techniques. Varian M A T Mass Spectrometry 160 Dust control. Brochure compares alternatives for solving specific dustcontrol problems, and tells how to choose the right equipment to do so. Cost/efficiency comparisons are given. D C E Vokes 161 Pressure sensing. Bulletin gives engineering, dimensional, and technical information on pressure sensor which has wastewater and water applications, a m o n g others. Also usable with slurries. Red Valve Company 162 Pump controls. Bulletin SC-74 describes EconoPakTM Adjustable Speed Pump Controller. Special uses to save energy and power a t water and wastewater treatment plants. Slip loss power recovered. Square D Co. 163

Liquid flow monitoring. FM Series Brochure announces 2 new openchannel flow monitors using electronic and ultrasonic technology. Applications for sewage, industrial baste, factory runoff. WES.MAR 164 Chromium reduction. Technical Bulletin 4201 tells how to reduce Crh+ in wastes from metal-finishing operations using chromates, chromic acid, and other chromium compounds. Cr”+ is reduced to Cr3+, which can then be precipitated. Lancy Systems 165 Ozone equipment. Brochure details ozone-generating equipment/systems

for water/wastewater treatment, odor control, and chemical processing. Ozone outputs 1-3640 Ib/d. Air preparation units also described. PCI Ozone Corp. 166 Metal analysis. Winter 1980 issue of Trace Substances covers methods of using anodic-stripping voltametry to analyze for cadmium, copper, and lead in water and food to sub-parts per million. Standards and case histories a r e included. Environmental Science Associates. Inc. 167 Filter media. Literature announces availability of Filtretem, which removes particulate matter from air by strong electrostatic forces generated by highly charged electric fibers. Filtrete Corporation 168 Safety supplies. March I980 catalog lists safety supplies to assist in meeting O S H A regulations. lnterex Corp. 169 Quantitatite methodologies. Listing of quantitative methodologies is available to those who perform spectrophotometric or refractometric determinations. Bausch & Lomb 170 Filtering system. Bulletin G200 tells of filtering systems that can handle fluids with v a q i n g amounts of solids a t low operational cost. Applicable to \I. ater/wasteu.ater. Carbon adsorption, storm water, other topics also discussed. Hydro Clear Corp. 171 X-ray absorption. Literature fully describes CSI Model 720 Portable X-ray Adsorption Analyzer. Special applications to impurities in petroleum products. Columbia Scientific Industries Corp. 172 ( W / ? ~ i / I ! 011 / f vp/o g r 605)

Need more information about any items? If so, just circle the appropriate numbers on one o f t h e reader sercice cards bound into the back of this issue and mail in the card. N o stamp is necessary. Volume 14, Number 5, May 1980



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Cooling water biocide. Paper, “BromiCide,’” a Biocide for Cooling Water Systems,” discusses cooling-tower slime, algae, and bacteria control. Effective at very low dosages. Western Chemical Co. 173 Leak detection. Bulletin 07-0040 tells about custom-designed, permanently installed systems to detect leaks and analyze air for toxic and flammable gases. Mine Safety Appliances Co. 174 Separation systems. Bulletin ES-600 explains separation systems and discusses optimum approaches for solvent recovery, gasohol, hydrocarbon processing, and other applications. Metex Process Equipment Corp. 175 Combating lipids. Data sheet tells about Type L DBC Plus’” bacterial cultures for treating wastewaters with high lipid content from animal/vegetable oils. Also works on light mineral oils and aliphatic structures. Flow Laboratories, Inc. 176 Dust control. Kewsletter contains case histories of solutions to dust control problems. A feature is dry collection

with wet suppression at a power plant. The Johnson-March Corporation 177 Humidity measurement. Bulletin 3-050 discusses definitions and terms associated with relative humidity, ppm by volume and weight, Dalton’s law, and related topics. Molecular weights of common gases, and other subjects are covered. E G & G 178 Improved combustion. Technical bulletin explains various metal oxides and how they treat fuel oil for improved combustion. Pariser Industries 179 Metering pumps. Bulletin A2.390 1 familiarizes users with various chemical metering pumps presently available and explains how they are assembled. One application is chlorination. Capital Controls Company 180 Conductivity meter. Bulletin h o . 509 describes conductivity meter with a single probe to measure electrical cpnd uc t iv i t y , sa 1i n it y , and temper a ture. Battery powered. Fisher Scientific Co. 181 NIOSH documents. Third edition of N I O S H publications catalog lists

Lake Tahoe. The California-Nevada Lake. “Lake Tahoe Basin: A Report on Water Use and Water Rights.” Office of Public Affairs, State Water Resources Control Board, P O Box 100, Sacramento, C A 95801 (write direct).

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Impact analysis. “Guidelines for Socioeconomic Impact Analysis of Environmental Regulations.” Water Resources Research Institute, 124 Riddick Bldg., North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N C 27650 (write direct).


T h e Finnigan Institute is collaborating with environmental lawyer Roger Strelow (former EPA Assistant Administrator for Air a n d Water Programs) in an intensive one-day course for laboratory managers a n d their counsel. T h e role of GC/MS in compliance determinations and enforcement proceedings under the Clean Water Act NPDES “toxics” program is presented, relating technical, regulatory and legislative considerations. O t h e r items covered include possible use of alternatives to EPA’s specified GC/MS procedures and management of a GC/ M S analytical program.

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Volume 14, Number 5, May 1980