New Literature - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS

New Literature. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1977, 11 (6), pp 628–628. DOI: 10.1021/es60129a609. Publication Date: June 1977. ACS Legacy Archive...
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NEW LITERATURE Noise elimination for air. Bulletin PUL1-111 describes the Compressor Pulse Trap, which eliminates noise and vibration in plant air compressor piping systems. 151 American Air Filter Co., Inc. Corrosion-resistantpumps. Bulletin GP-2 describes fiberglass pumps. Waste treatment, power plants, mining operations, and petroleum are among the many applications. Fybroc, Inc. 152

This may be your best bet for measuring open channel flowsFor over 40 years, Stevens total flow meters have been proved performers in metering openchannel flows of domestic sewage, industrial wastes, municipal water supplies, irrigation water and other liquids. The market is deluged with a confusing variety of meterscapacitance devices, surface probing “bobs” and sonic type instruments. For many applications these techniques are much too sophisticated and expensive. The time proven float and cable p r i n c i p l e of Stevens meters meets most application needs and reduces service and cost to a minimum. Stevens Model 61R can be used with virtually any primary by an easy-5 minute-change of cam and gearing. We have low-cost conversion k i t s t o match any open channel flow. Some features of the instrument are: 7-digit totalizer, A.C. or optional power-saving 8-day spring drive, 30 to 180 day strip charts, accessories for remote operation of samplers, and more. Send for FREE product literature and application notes.

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Environmental Science & Technology

Aquatic sampling. Aquatic Sampling Supplies brochure tells about applications for water/waste sampling, well sampling, core sampling, biological specimen taking, and other uses. Horizon Ecology Co. 179 Hazardous wastes. The January 1977 issue of RESCUE publishes exclusive interviews with Sen. Jennings Randolph (D, W.Va.), and Beatrice Tylutki of the New Jersey Dept. of Environmental Protection, concerning the Solid Waste Disposal Act (P.L. 94-580). Rollins Environmental Services, Inc. 180 Corrosion-free pumping. New publication, “Vanton Flowliner,” talks about corrosion-free plastic pumping equipment. Publication will be issued as a periodical newsletter. Vanton Pump and Equipment Corp. 181 Wastewater instrumentation. Bulletin No. 150 discusses optimum instrumentation of equipment sold by company. Instruments are sold as adjuncts to process equipment, not separately. Industrial Waste Treatment Division, Ecodyne Corp. 182 Air flow measurement. Indicator, described in Form 4071, allows visual monitoring of air flow through filter elements in spray paint booths to satisfy OSHA rules. Conco, Inc. 183 Filter press. Catalog D-753 describes filter press units designed to dewater sludges efficiently. Solids recoveries exceed 98%; filtrate solids are as low as 0.1 % . The Ralph B. Carter Co. 184 Air pollution control. Bulletin 80401-7608 discusses wet and dry collection systems for air pollution control and process applications. Fans and blowers, and other equipment are listed. Entoleter, Inc. 185 Filtration. Quarterly newsletter, filter forum, discusses difficult, yet common, filtration problems, and tells how a wide range of industrial companies have solved 186 them. Balston, Inc.

Safety supplies. March 1977 catalog lists over 1000 safety items to assist in meeting OSHA regulations. lnterex Corp. 187 Trommel screen. Specification Sheet No. 4080 tells of the usefulness of trommel screens to solid waste processing equipment; permits use of small shredder. Capacity 13.5-60 t. Koppers. 188 Sewer cleaning. Catalog describes “Camel,” an innovation in total sewer and catch basin cleaning. Cleans sewer hydraulically with 2000 psi of water, and has many other features. Super Products. 189 Water analyzer. Brochure describes Model 1600 analyzer for total oxygen demand, total organic carbon, and total carbon in water. Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc. 190 Metal removal. Brochure U5M describes patented system for removing chromates and metals from cooling tower blowdown and other applications, such as metal finishing. No pH adjustment or chemical 191 addition needed. Andco Inc. Sodium analyzer. Bulletin No. 8-5-101 describes the Model 4000 pNa sodium analyzer as a selective-ion electrode analyzer/recorder. Measures sodium concentration in water. Calgon Corp. 196 Clarifier. Clarifier Bulletin 129 describes Spirafloc clarifier that eliminates “short circuiting” problems associated with centerfeed clarifiers. Settled sludge can act as “filter” for fines. Lakeside Equipment Corp. 197 Sampling control. Brochure describes the 104 Controller, which calculates water flow volume and automatically selects rate of sample flow. Fully solid state. Proportional-to-flow method gives more representative samples. Environmental Measurement Systems. 198 Low temperature. Bulletin 114 describes low-temperature equipment (0 to 115 O F ) for hydrocarbon vapor recovery, freeze drying, moisture removal,and other applications. Tenney Engineering, Inc. 199


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