New Metallic Cw Compound: NaJh(THF) - American Chemical Society

Received November 30, 1993. Despite the great interest aroused by the first discovery of the superconductivity of K3Cm,l therecent development of cond...
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J. Am. Chem. Sot. 1994, 116, 3153-3154


latter was found to be semiconducting. Bard reported electrochemical formation of Cm'- films stabilized by n-butylammonium cation,1° and Chabre demonstrated intercalation of lithium into Hayao Kobayashi,' Hideto Tomita, and Hiroshi Moriyama solid c60." After we succeeded in obtaining PPN+Cm*- 12 (PPN+ = bis(triphenylphosphorany1idene)ammonium cation, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science N [P(CbH&] 2') we tried to get Cm compounds doped with alkali Toho University metals in the solution phase. We found that large rod-shaped Miyama 2 - 2 - 1 , Funabashi. Chiba 274, Japan crystals (ca. 4.0 mm X 0.5 mm X 0.5 mm) of a novel Na salt of c 6 0 could be grown on a platinum electrode by an electrocrysAkiko Kobayashi tallization method. All solvents were of HPLC grade and were distilled under nitrogen prior to use. Under an inert atmosphere Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science in a H cell with a Pt electrode, a THF solution (5 mL) of NaBThe University of Tokyo (C,5H5)4 (40 mg) as supporting electrolyte was added dropwise Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan to a chlorobenzene solution (1 5 mL) of pure c 6 0 (7 mg), and then the solution was electrolyzed at constant current (0.2fiA) for ca. Tokuko Watanabe 1week. Black, shiny single crystals Na,Cm(THF), were harvested on the cathode. Department of Chemistry Since the crystals were very unstable in the atmosphere, we Tokyo University of Marine Science examined X-ray photographs of the single crystals sealed in glass Kohnan 4-5-7, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, Japan capillaries. Oscillation and Weissenberg photographs revealed that the N a and K salts are isostructural to each other and have Received November 30, 1993 hexagonal unit cells. The lattice constants determined by a fourDespite the great interest aroused by the first discovery of the circle diffractometer are as follows: Na salt, a = 15.331(4) A, superconductivity of K3Cm,l therecent development of conducting c = 9.965(4) A, V = 2028(1) A3; K salt, a = 15.386(4) A, c = c 6 0 materials seems to be somewhat stagnant. The obstacle for 9.993(6) A, Y = 2049( 1) %L3. At first sight, the X-ray powder progress may be the extreme air sensitivity of the c 6 0 radical patterns of the N a and K salts seemed to fairly resemble those salts, which prevents unambiguous characterization of these of the well-known superconducting salts of M3Ca (M = K, Rb, systems. To facilitate further progress, well-defined new con...) with fcc 1atti~es.l~ Therefore, despite the determination of ducting C a materials are highly desirable. To our knowledge, hexagonal unit cells by the four-circle diffractometer and the except for the solution-phase syntheses of M3C.50 (M = K, Rb) observation of hexagonal symmetry by the Weissenberg photoby the Argonne group2v3and the preliminary proposal of the Rice graphs, the possibility of cubic unit cells was carefully reexamined. University group: all the metallic (or superconducting) c 6 0 On the basisof the 28valuesof lOstrong Braggreflectionsobtained compounds hitherto reported were prepared by doping the alkaliby the four-circle diffractometer, we tried to redetermine the metal atoms in a dry process. A novel synthetic route to alkalilattice constants by using the program for indexing the X-ray metal-(& compounds in liquid ammonia media was developed powder patterns. A solution was not obtained if the cubic unit very recently.5 cell was assumed for the compound. However, all the reflection We have tried to grow single crystals of conducting c 6 0 spots could be indexed by adopting the hexagonal unit cell. The compounds in organic solvents in the homogeneous phase. From obtained lattice constants of N a and K salts were almost the the viewpoint of electron transport phenomena, solid-state c60'same as thosedetermined by the X-ray four-circle diffractometer. radical anions stabilized by appropriate cations have drawn Thus, the possibility of cubic unit cells was ruled out and the attention. Wudl reported the electrochemical formation of crystals of N a and K salts obtained in the present study were [(C6H5)$]3(C60)C12~ as a microcrystalline powder. Recently concluded to be new alkali-metal complexes of c60. the X-ray crystal structure of the analogue [ ( C S H ~ ) ~ P ] ~ ( C ~ O ) The elemental analyses were repeated three times, which [I]*' was reported. Transition-metal derivatives of C60*-, e&, indicated invariably the existence of H atoms: C (87.58,92.45, Cr(TPP)+C60'- and [Ru(bpy)~]+C60*-,~ were also reported; the 91.60), H (2.58, 2.77, 1-53),N (O,O,0). In order to clarify the (1) (a) Hebard, A. F.; Rosseinsky, M. J.; Haddon, R. C.; Murphy, D. W.; origin of H, the solid-state 1H and 13C N M R spectra of the Na G1arum.S. H.: Palstra. T. T. M.; Ramirez, A. P.: Kortan, A. R. Nature 1991. salt were examined. The IH N M R spectra showed that the signals 350,6o(M01. (b) Murphy, D. W.; Rosseinsky, M. J.; Fleming, R. M.;Tycko, of IH originated fromTHF molecules, and the I3Cspectra revealed R.;Pamirez, A. P.; Haddon, R. C.; Siegrist, T.; Dabbagh, G.; Tully, J. C.; Walstedt, R. E. J . Phys. Chem. Solids 1992, 53, 1321-1332. the existence of three different types of C atoms: one peak (6 = (2) Wang, H. H.; Kini, A. M.; Savall, B. M.; Carlson, K. D.; Williams, 158.0 ppm) comes from C atoms of c60, and the other two peaks J. M.; Lykke, K.R.; Wurz, P.; Parker, D. H.; Pellin, M. J.; Gruen, D. M.; (6 = 81.7 ppm and 41.0 ppm) are those of C atoms of THF. A Welp, U.;Kwok, W.-K.; Fleshler, S.; Crabtree, G. W. Inorg. Chem. 1991,30, 2838-2839. singlet 23Na N M R signal (6 = -6.9 ppm) was also observed. (3) (a) Wang, H. H.; Kini, A. M.;Savall, B. M.;Carlson, K.D.; Williams, Consequently, the chemical species constructing the crystal are J. M.; Lathrop, M. W.; Lykke, K. R.;Parker, D. H.; Wurz, P.; Pellin, M. J.; Na, c60, and THF. The ICP analyses showed the N a content Gruen, D. M.; Welp, U.; Kwok, W.-K.; Fleshler, S.; Crabtree, G. W.; Schirber, J. E.; Overmyer, D. L. Inorg. Chem. 1991,30,2962-2963. (b) Schlueter, J. to be 1.01%. The density of the crystals was measured by the A.; Wang, H. H.; Lathrop, M. W.; Geiser, U.; Douglas Carlson, K.;Dudek, floating method, where a mixed solution of tetrachloroethane J. D.; Yaconi, G. A.; Williams, J. M. Chem. Mater. 1993, 5 , 720-725.

New Metallic Cw Compound: NaJh(THF),

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0002-786319411516-3153$04.50/0 0 1994 American Chemical Society

Communications to the Editor

3154 J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 116, NO.7, 1994 I














- 9.92-

- 9.9010-2'6


100 '




300' '

TIK 15.2-

Figure 2. Typical resistivity behavior of two different samples of Na,Cw (THF), measured along the c axis.


170 K.I5 The phase transition associated with the anomaly of magnetic susceptibility was also observed in SQUID measurements. T/K The lattice spacing cof 9.93 A at room temperature indicating Figure 1. Temperature dependence of the lattice constants of Na,Cathe direct Cm-Cm interactions and the partial oxidation state of (TWp c 6 0 suggests the metallic nature of the system. The dc electrical resistivity of NaXC60(THF), was measured by the conventional and dibromoethane was used. The obtained densities are 1.83 four-probe method. Four gold wires were bonded to the crystals f 0.05 g/c" (Na salt) and 1.91 f 0.04 g/cm3 (K salt). Using with gold paint in a "bag" of nitrogen atmosphere. The these densities and the unit cell volumes determined by X-ray temperature dependenceof the resistivity was strongly influenced experiments, the total weights of the molecules involved in the by the deterioration of the crystals. The room-temperature unit cells were calculated as 2235 g/mol (Na salt) and 2363 conductivity is about 50 S cm-I. As shown in Figure 2, the g/mol (K salt). The weight percent of H of Na salt (2.7-1.5%) resistivity decreased gradually down to 180 K, below which it indicates that the number of hydrogen atoms in the unit cell is decreased quite rapidly. This indicates that the transition observed 60-34. That is, the number of T H F molecules is 7-4. The Na by X-ray diffraction and ESR experiments as well as SQUID content (1.0196) shows the number of Na atom to be about 1 measurements is a metal-metal transition. The conductivity (=22.6/23). Since the molecular weight of Na(THF), (n = 4-7) around 100 K is greater than 1000S cm-I, indicating that N a & is 527-31 1, the unit cell must contain more than two Cm molecules. (THF), is essentially an excellent molecular conductor. The The number of Cm molecules in the unit cell was determined to resistivity below 100 K was strongly sample-dependent,for which be 2.37-2.67. Thus, we have to conclude that the composition structural disorder and the deterioration of the crystals was of the Na salt should be described at present as N~o.xMI.o~C~Oresponsible. Most of the crystals exhibited a gradual resistivity (THF)Z.~fO.,.The large variation of the elemental analyses, in increase at low temperature, but they did not lose the high particular, the H content (the number of T H F molecules), may conductivity even at 4.2 K. Few crystals showed a resistivity be due partly to the air- and/or moisture-sensitivenature of the decrease at low temperature. Thus the measurements were compounds. repeatedly doneon many crystals, but it was difficult todetermine Thelatticeconstantsa and cweredeterminedin the temperature the intrinsic resistivity behavior at low temperature not only range 100-300 K by the four-circle diffractometer. The phase because of the sample dependence but also because of the noisy transition was clearly observed around 170 K, shown in Figure behavior below 70 K. More careful treatment of the crystals will 1. The lattice dimensions were shortened by about 0.029 A ([I.) be needed. and 0.028 A (\le). The cell volume was reduced by 11 A'. The In conclusion, Na,Cm(THF), is the first metallic single-crystal thermal expansion coefficients, a(ll.), a(llc),and j3 (V), above and C6o compound grown by an electrocrystallization process. The below the transition temperature are almost the same: a(lln)= large single crystals obtained in this study will enable precise 4.6 X l&$/deg, a(llc)< 1.4 X lO-S/deg, j3 = 9.9 X 1&5/deg. The determination of the physical properties of this new metallic Cm oscillation photographs taken at 100 K showed the diffuse streaks compound. along the direction perpendicular to the c axis, indicating that the positional disorder remains at low temperature. Acknowledgment. We would like to thank Drs. S.Hayashi, The ESR spectrum demonstrated a Cm anion radical signal, M.Soma, and K. Kawaguchi (National Institute of Materials which resembles that of the PPN+ salt of Ca*-.I2 ESR signals and Chemical Research) for kind help in obtaining 23Naand I3C composed of a broad signal and a narrower "spike" are also similar solid-state NMR spectra and SQUID measurements, respectively. to other Na(crown)+ and CoCpz+ salts of C a radical anion.I4 We are also indebted to Dr. T. Ohmori (Toho University) and The temperature dependence of the ESR spectra of NaxCsODr. K. Tsunoda (Gunma University) for the analysisof Na content (THF), gave a clear indication of the phase transition around by ICP. 100




(14) Stinchcombe, J.; Ptnicaude, A.; Bhyrappa, P.; Boyd, P. D. W.; Reed, C. A. J . Am. Chem.Soc. 1993, 115, 5212-5217.

( ! 5 ) Watanabe, T.; Moriyama, H.; Kobayashi, H.; published.

Kobayashi, A. To be