New Multipurpose Additive Increases Lubricant Efficiency - C&EN

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Versatility of Dibutyl Fumarate described in new technical bulletin

Pydraul F-9 wins UL listing; 2 new Pydraul grades developed O n M a y 31, 1955, Pydraul* F-9 became the world's first fire-resistant hydraulic fluid listed by Under­ writers' Laboratories. From the Laboratories' Service Card: " T h e fire hazard of Pydraul is rated 2 to 3 in accordance with Under­ writers' Laboratories, Inc.'s Stand­ ard of Classification in which ether rates 100, gasoline rates 90-100, alcohol (ethyl) rates 30-40 and par­ affin oil rates 10-20." For lubricity, stability and service life, Pydraul F-9 equals the per­ formance of premium petroleum fluids. The Tirnken lubricant test shows Pydraul has a film strength of 17,500 psi, while ordinary petro­ leum-based fluids rate only 5000. T h e Almen wear tests using Pydraul showed only 2 mg. of metal lost in a 20-minute run. With petroleum oil, metal seized in one minute under the same load. Pydraul F-9 is also re-usable, noncorrosive, stable and economical. Two new grades of Pydraul are now available: PYDRAUL 600 is a fire-resistant h y d r a u l i c fluid which delivers maximum performance where a high-viscosity fluid is required.

A new technical bulletin is now available on versatile dibutyl fuma­ rate. A reactive resin and chemical intermediate, dibutyl fumarate forms copolymers with various mon­ omers under adjusted reaction con­ ditions to produce polymers ranging from brittle resins to soft, internally plasticized materials.

New Multipurpose Additive Increases Lubricant Efficiency A true multipurpose additive which sets a new standard of gear lubri­ cant performance has been devel­ oped by Monsanto.

Copolymers of dibutyl fumarate with vinyl acetate, vinyl chloride, acrylates and styrene are used in formulating surface coatings, free films, permanently tacky adhesives, fibers, synthetic lubricants and ad­ ditive agents for oils. And as a chemical intermediate, it yields sub­ stituted succinates readily with the addition of halogens, aldehydes, thiols and similar compounds.

Called Santopoid* 44, the additive combines in one product the best performance characteristics of sev­ eral separate additives which are ef­ fective only in limited applications. L u b r i c a n t s c o m p o u n d e d with Santopoid 44 provide complete pas­ senger car hypoid protection under the most severe road test a n d labo­ ratory conditions . . . not only in the SAE 90 grade but in the SAE 80 grade as well.

DIDP-E offers big wire coatings benefits For maximum retention of elonga­ tion, tensile strength and modulus properties in wire coatings, specify Monsanto plasticizer DIDP-E (with 0 . 1 % Bis Phenol A antioxidant added). Tests show the compound's electrical properties are equal or superior to D O P . 60° C. Τ or T W formulations a r e now available.

Field experience proves Santopoid 44 also gives better heavy-duty truck and bus gear protection without compromising superior high-speed performance. Heavy equipment is protected even when performing the most severe off-highway service.

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Designed originally for use in diec a s t i n g machines and presses, Pydraul 600 has also gained wide ac­ ceptance in other applications such as a lubricant for air compressors.



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Pydraul F-9 b o o k


Dibutyl fumarate, Tech. Bul. O D B - 5 4 - 1 8

o-to!uene$ulfonyl chloride. Tech- Data Sheet


Santopoid 4 4 , Tech. Bul. 0 - 1 2 1

p-chlorobenzenesulfonyl chloride, Tech. - Data Sheet


Benzyl chloride, Tech. Bul. O - 8 0

, 3,4-dichloroaniline, Tech. D a t a Sheet

PYDRAUL 150 is designed for use in equipment where a low-viscosity fluid or low-ternperature operation is required. Pydraul 150 is com­ monly used in regulating equipment throughout the steel industry, partic­ ularly in out-of-doors installations.


802 North 12th Street, St. Louis 1 , Mo.





For more information on Pydraul hydraulic fluids, check the coupon.


