New Paradigms in Crop Protection Research: Registrability and Cost

Nov 4, 2015 - The development and launch of new crop protection agents with novel modes of actions remains an important task for the research-based ag...
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Chapter 3

New Paradigms in Crop Protection Research: Registrability and Cost of Goods Downloaded by TUFTS UNIV on December 7, 2015 | Publication Date (Web): November 4, 2015 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2015-1204.ch003

Camilla Corsi* and Clemens Lamberth Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Chemical Research, Schaffhauserstrasse 101, CH-4332 Stein, Switzerland *E-mail: [email protected]

The development and launch of new crop protection agents with novel modes of actions remains an important task for the research-based agrochemical industry to support the global agriculture in its goal to provide food security. However, it seems that major selection criteria for such active ingredients have changed over time, whereas in earlier decades biological activity against target species was the main driver, in our days registrability and cost of goods seem to be in the foreground.

Introduction Since the earliest days of agriculture, humans have had to protect their crops against yield loss from weeds, plant diseases and insect pests. Seedlings are in competition with undesired vegetation (weeds) for light, space, nutrients and water. Harvest devastation by insects and fungal diseases has been known since biblical times. Many of these problems could be solved over time, but feeding a steadily growing human population remains one of the biggest global challenges. Currently 7 billion people are living on earth, a population which is forecasted to reach 8 billion people in 2025, 9 billion in 2050 and the 10 billion mark at the end of this century, every single day the world’s population increases by 200.000 human beings (1). All kind of improved technologies, such as state-of-the-art agrochemicals, seeds, fertilizers, mechanization and precision farming have to be integrated into modern agriculture to provide food security also in the future. But at the same time the agricultural yields are more and more under pressure because of increasing environmental stresses of crop plants (e.g. drought, heat, cold, salinity) caused by the climate change and shrinking arable land caused by © 2015 American Chemical Society In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

continuing urbanization. The best possible use of existing farm land is a vital necessity, because the number of people fed per hectare will double from 3 in 1974 to almost 6 in 2020 (Table 1) (2). Not surprisingly, the global demand for grains, such as maize, rice and wheat, also doubled within the same time frame Table 1) (3), further forecast project a 70 % increase from 2000 to 2050 (4). Major drivers for this development are

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• • •

fuel: because of the rising production and usage of biofuels food: based on the already mentioned human population increase feed: triggered by changing eating habbits, in particular higher meat consumption because of economic prosperity in emerging markets. It is forecasted that the global meat demand will triple from 1974 to 2020 Table 1) (3).

Table 1. Increasing challenges for the global agriculture 1974 – 2020 (2, 3). 1974






Global grain demand (million metric tons)




Global meat demand (million metric tons)




Number of people fed per ha of planted land

Regarding the latter topic, the environmental footprint of different meat varities differs significantly and therefore also impacts the global grain demand (Table 2). Poultry requires with 2 kg of grains and 3500 liters of water per kg meat the least amount of agricultural and environmental resources, beef with 7 kg of grain and 43000 liters of water per kg of meat the highest amount (5, 6).

Table 2. Grain and water requirements for the production of different meat varities (5, 6). kg’s of grain required for

liters of water required for

1 kg of poultry



1 kg of pork



1 kg of beef



For six of the most important agricultural crops a scientific study evaluated the influence of chemical crop protection on the yield (Table 3) (7, 8). As it turned out, the application of agrochemicals triples the yield of rice and cotton and doubles the yield of maize, soybean and potato, always compared to the yield without any crop protection. However, it was also estimated that each of these crops currently

26 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

reach only ca. 60 – 75 % of their theoretical maximum yield, mainly based on weeds, pests and diseases which • •

cannot be controlled with the available arsenal of agrochemicals develop resistance against the marketed mode of action classes

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Table 3. Estimated crop losses on six major crops (% of theortical maximum) (7, 8). Rice






Native yield without crop protection (%)







Extra yield due to crop protection (%)







Remaining potential, lost to weeds, pests and pathogens (%)







The development and launch of new crop protection agents with novel modes of actions therefore seems a vital task for the research-based agrochemical industry to support the global agriculture in its goal to provide food security also in the future (9, 10). However, it looks as if major selection critieria for such active ingredients have changed over time, whereas in earlier decades biological activity against target species was the main driver, in our days registrability and cost of goods seem to be in the foreground. This review will explain, how this trend impacts crop protection research.

Registrability Crop protection chemistry has come a long way from its “alchemic” beginnings in the late 19th century to a high-tech science that supports agriculture and public health. We have witnessed huge advances in terms of shrinking application rates, increased potency and spectrum as well as greater margins of safety to consumers and the environment. Since the introduction of the first modern agrochemicals, the conventional crop protection market has grown considerably and was valued at over 54 billion USD in 2013. However, the number of research-based agrochemical companies has halved within almost twenty years, from 34 companies in 1995 to 17 in 2012 (11). And, even more significant for the grower, in 2000 there were 70 new active ingredients in the development pipeline of these companies, whereas in 2012 there were only 28 (11). Possible reasons for this decline of development compounds and product launches are

27 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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agrochemicals have generally become increasingly effective (use rates of 10 – 20 g/ha possible in all three indications, compared to kg amounts per hectare several decades earlier), raising the bar for each new generation of products hazard-based EU regulation and drive for higher safety margins complicates the search for single compounds fulfilling many different requirements (see further paragraphs in this subchapter) increasing research and development costs which have to be invested during the itself increasing time between discovery and first sales of a compound require higher sales volumes and profitability (blockbuster concept). Within this investment enhancement the greatest rise was seen in the costs of field trials (Table 4) (12)

Table 4. Increasing research and development costs and time to market of agrochemicals (12). 1995



Research chemistry (million USD)




Research biology (million USD)




Research safety studies (million USD)




Process chemistry (million USD)




Field trials (million USD)




Human safety (million USD)




Environmental safety (million USD)




Registration (million USD)




Total (million USD)




Time between 1st synthesis and 1st sale (years)




Not only that these factors are responsible for a smaller number of developmental products in the pipelines of the agrochemical industry, the requirement for manufacturers of established crop protection agents to submit additional data to regulatory authorities as part of re-registration procedures is resulting in the removal of a significant number of active ingredients from the market. This is because some of these older chemicals no longer meet the regulatory standards of today or do not warrant the costly generation of new data. This process is causing growers, particularly of some minor crops, considerable concern as they increasingly find that there are no longer agrochemicals registered to address their needs. For research-based companies this situation is on one hand threatening when revenue streams are phased out, but on the other hand also a great opportunity to invent and commercialize the next generation of highly 28 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

efficacious and even safer products. But overall a lower number of developmental products and therefore also a lower number of new market entries combined with the removal of older market products results in a smaller arsenal of compounds for the control of weeds, insects and fungal diseases (13). To overcome this dilemma the future research and development strategy of agrochemical companies needs both a left-hand and a right-hand shift. •

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The left-hand shift focuses on the registrability and the cost of goods of new active ingredients. It addresses success criteria for the product profile. The right-hand shift focuses on the re-registration of existing active ingredients. It integrates stewardship and sustainability offers into existing product solutions to maintain them on the market.

The agrochemical industry experiences the most dramatic changes regarding the registrability of agrochemicals in the European Union. Already the council directive 91/414/EEC, which went into force in 1993, reduced the number of agrochemicals registered in the EU from 831 to 218, which means a loss of more or less ¾ of all agrochemicals! Of even greater concern to the agrochemical industry is currently the shift in regulatory philosophy from a risk-based assessment to a hazard-based approach, as embodied in the new EU agrochemical registration regulation 1107/2009. Here, a product will not achieve registration or re-registration if it is deemed to be mutagenic, carcinogenic, toxic to reproduction or, as planned for the future, an endocrine disruptor, regardless of the level of the compound that may be encountered. Under the previous legislation, if the expected exposure level that may be encountered following correct application was minimal and well within safety limits, then the risk was considered acceptable and the active ingredient could be registered. Under 1107/2009, any exposure, regardless of level, is deemed unacceptable when a compound triggers the hazard criteria. This situation is expected to lead to a further reduction of the number of EU approved active ingredients. For several established and useful products the classification has changed to the worse which eventually may result in an EU ban of the compound – not because of new data but only due to more conservative interpretation of the existing data. Some of these hazard-based EU cut-off criteria, e.g. linked to endocrine disruption or to concentrations of the active ingredient itself or its metabolites in groundwater, are neither applied in the US, where the EPA still works with a scientific risk-based approach, nor in Japan or Brazil. But regulation 1107/2009 not only impacts the number of available crop protection agents by banning established products, also new active ingredients suffer from huge delays in the EU approval process due to unexpected additional requirements. Some new products are not even submitted in Europe due to a risk of failure and the unpredictability of the approval process. The full implication of this regulation within the EU are still not clear yet, nor whether other regions such as NAFTA, Asia Pacific or Latin America will follow suit. A recently published study forecasts already potential problems for the UK in the control of Peronospora destructor (downy mildew) in onions and of Alopecurus 29 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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myosuroides (black-grass) in cereals because of banned unavailable agochemicals (14). The increased regulatory testing needs can be best demonstrated at the hand of environmental toxicity and environmental fate data required by European and US agencies from 1950 till today (Table 5). Not only the number of test species has grown significantly, also several higher tier refinements, such as detailed studies with all metabolites formed in a content higher than 5 % have increased over the years cost and efforts for the submission of a dossier for a new active ingredient (15).

Table 5. Environmental toxicity and fate data requirements of developmental products between 1950 and 2015 (15). 1950



acute toxicity

acute oral toxicity (2 spp) 8-day dietary toxicity (2 spp) reproductive effects

acute oral toxicity (2 spp) 8-day dietary toxicity (2 spp) reproductive effects

acute toxicity

acute toxicity (3 spp) early life stage tests bioaccumulation

acute toxicity (3 spp) early life stage tests bioaccumulation


acute toxicity reproduction

acute toxicity reproduction


acute toxicity

acute toxicity


acute toxicity

acute toxicity

acute toxicity

acute toxicity chronic toxicity

Beneficial insects






Soil fauna



Environmental toxicity: Birds


acute toxicity


Non-target terrestrial plants


Aquatic macrophytes


Soil microorganisms


Soil macroorganisms

effects effects Continued on next page.

30 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

Table 5. (Continued). Environmental toxicity and fate data requirements of developmental products between 1950 and 2015 (15). 1950


Sediment dwelling organisms

2015 effects

Environmental fate:

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adsorption/desorption (increased country requirements for local soils)





metabolism (identification of metabolites >10%)

metabolism (identification of metabolites >5%) adsorption/desorption and degradation rate studies with metabolites >5% anaerobic degradation rate studies with metabolites >5%



metabolism/ mineralization




hydrolysis photolysis and hydrolysis rate studies on significant degradates


sediment studies

sediment studies

biodegradation rate

biodegradation rate sediment studies on significant degradates

31 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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The challenge of satisfying increasingly precautionary registrability criteria has stimulated a fundamental shift of emphasis in agrochemical invention. Historically, this focused mainly on biological performance; today, however, equal importance is placed on registrability as an aspect of chemical design, placing particular attention on both environmental fate and behavior and (eco)toxicological hazards. For example, the physicochemical properties required to achieve good herbicidal performance thorugh movement in planta may also lead to soil mobility and potential leaching issues. Early exploration of the mutually acceptable chemical space in this respect relies on use of a tiered approach, beginning with simple predictions of relevant properties at the earliest stage of the projects, followed by a suite of increasingly sophisticated medium- to high-throughput assays which enable a more precise evaluation and manipulation of soil behavior alongside efficacy as part of the design-synthesis-test-analysis (DSTA) cycle. In a similar vein, avoidance of undesirable toxicological hazards is being achieved through the application of physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models. Already widely used in pharma in support of efficacy optimization, the same approaches can be applied in agrochemical design to reduce systemic exposure to levels below toxicity thresholds. Such methods are well-suited to the design phase of projects, since they rely on readily accessible pharmacokinetic inputs that can be generated in vitro, thus reducing the burden for animal testing, and the outputs can be correlated either directly with in vitro measurements of potency against known receptors or indirectly with in vivo measurements of biomarkers of toxicity. The emergence of additional areas of increasing challenge for registrability, for example non-target species hazard, will create yet further demand for early-stage inputs that are able not only to identify problem areas but also to provide solutions through contributions to chemical design. This left-hand shift in the application of safety- and registrability-related science represents a new challenge to the industry.

Cost of Goods (CoGs) The manufacturing cost of an agrochemical is basically linked to its molecular structure. This means that each new design phase in the DSTA cycle (9) of a chemical class has its impact on the cost of goods (CoGs) of a potential future product. Some general trends regarding the chemical composition of modern agrochemicals are important to know. More than 70 % of active ingredients introduced to the market within the past 30 years possess at least one heterocyclic scaffold (16), which is in general positive because of many existing methods for a quick and efficient assembly of even multisubstituted heterocycles. A similar number (70 %) of todays crop protection agents contain at least one halogen substituent (17). Although these halogen atoms play crucial roles either as pharmacophoric function or, in many cases, as ideal substituents for the finetuning of physico-chemical properties of the active ingredient towards a required lipophilicity, the manufacturer has to pay a price, as the very popular fluorine atoms are often not easy to introduce. Figure 1 shows the two highly halogenated insecticides broflanilide (1) and noviflumuron (2), in which the 32 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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numerous halogen atoms play a significant role to achieve the desired biological activity, but certainly also increase the total product cost.

Figure 1. The multi-halogenated insecticides broflanilide (1) and noviflumuron (2) (17). Around 35 % of all agrochemicals are chiral compounds, a trend that appears to be increasing, however ¾ of all chiral market products are applied as racemates, only ¼ of them is marketed in enantiopure or enantio-enriched form (18, 19). Amongst them are some of the most important and most abundantly manufactured active ingredients, such as the herbicide (S)-metolachlor, the fungicide (R)-metalaxyl and the insecticide (S)-indoxacarb. However, the occurrence of chiral centers in agrochemicals is both opportunity and burden. Often, not always, only one of the different enantiomers or diastereomers is responsible for the desired biological activity and therefore the active principle of the racemic mixture which means that the application of only this specific stereoisomer reduces the use rate and in general the amount of chemicals brought out into the environment. But the large-scale production of such enantiopure or enantio-enriched active ingredients is in many cases much more complicated and expensive than the manufacturing route to the corresponding racemic mixture. The above mentioned problems of cost-enhancement by number of halogens or chiral centers are only two of several factors contributing to increasing CoGs for agrochemicals. Possibilities to steer against this trend are • • • •

Integration of CoGs-thinking from the beginning into the design of novel compounds Dedicated process research resources for each research project starting with the first field trials Adequate cost analysis at different project stages Continuous investment in CoGs-reducing technologies

A paramount example for the power of CoGs-reducing technologies and a true masterpiece of large-scale crop protection chemistry is the manufacturing of the grass herbicide (S)-metolachlor (5), which has its basis in the Ir-catalyzed enantioselective hydrogenation of the imine 3 to the (S)-metolachlor precursor 4 (Scheme 1). This process is used on a production scale of >10,000 tons/year, for 33 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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the synthesis of each 10 tons of the chiral amine 4 only 34 g of Iridium and 70 g of Josiphos ligand are required (20, 21).

Scheme 1. Enantioselective hydrogenation of the imine 3 to the amine 4, a direct precursor of the grass herbicide (S)-metolachlor (5) (20, 21).

The power of process research and development for the often dramatic reduction of CoGs of an active ingredient and therefore enabling its development and launch to the market is nicely demonstrated by pinoxaden (16), a new herbicide for the selective postemergence control of grass weeds in cereals, which inhibits acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase), an important enzyme in the fatty acid biosynthesis. The first synthesis of this graminicide, which was also used for obtaining larger amounts for the first field trials and toxicology studies, was rather lengthy, as most of the altogether ten steps were dealing with the introduction of a methyl group into the meta-position of the two ethyl substituents at the phenyl ring and especially with the installation of the required malonate at the phenyl carbon atom between the two ethyl groups (22). The phenyl malonate 14 had to be tediously built via 4 different intermediate functionalities, the benzyl chloride 8, the benzyl cyanide 9, the phenylacetic acid 12, the ethyl phenylacetate 13 , because the introduction of a malonyl equivalent into such a highly sterically hindered position of a benzene ring was hitherto unknown. The allocation of massive process research resources enabled the discovery of the transition-metal catalyzed C-C coupling reaction between the aryl bromide 18 and malononitrile, delivering the arylmalonitrile 19, which can be converted in only three further steps into pinoxaden (16) (23). The number of steps required for the synthesis of pinoxaden could be exactly halved from ten in the first-generation synthesis to five in the current technical synthesis (Scheme 2). 34 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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Scheme 2. First generation synthesis (10 steps) and technical synthesis (5 steps) of pinoxaden (16) (22, 23).

Conclusion Population growth, rising calorie consumption, resistance development, pest shifts, abiotic stresses and de-registration of older active ingredients will ensure that the agrochemist has plenty to do in the coming decades. The challenge for crop protection research, but also its promise, is to deliver new agrochemicals which • • •

are efficacious, safe, affordable and can be built into sustainable production systems meet requirements of a demanding and uncertain future regulatory environment can be used broadly and integrated into crop solutions

To address these mentioned challenges, the new paradigms in crop protection research are •

conducting global regulatory assessments earlier (left-hand shift) -

toxicology soil mobility and persistance as well as groundwater leaching aquatic ecotoxicity 35

In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

• • •

integrating CoGs considerations early in the project lifetime developing enantiomerically enriched compounds rather than racemates complementing the offer with biologicals

The ideal molecule will give an optimal balance between biological efficacy, registrability and CoGs.

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Acknowledgments The authors are very grateful to their Syngenta colleagues Phil Botham, Steve Hadfield, Mick Hamer, Laurence Hand, Peter Maienfisch and Michel Muehlebach for supporting information.

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