New patterns in chemistry with General Mills FATTY NITROGENS

Nov 6, 2010 - Eng. News , 1962, 40 (16), p 95. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v040n016.p095. Publication Date: April 16, 1962. Copyright © 1962 AMERICAN CHEMICAL ...
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N e w patterns in chemistry with General Mills FATTY NITROGENS Example. Fatty Nitrogens as shampoo conditioners T h e polyfunctional s t r u c t u r e of General Mills a m p h o teric Deriphats® is t h e key to their o u t s t a n d i n g performance as shampoo ingredients. T h e cationic nitrogen in t h e molecule gives s u b s t a n t i v i t y to hair while t h e long " R " group i m p a r t s manageability. T h e carboxylate provides superior detergency a n d foaming power. I n addition, these fatty nitrogens are proved very mild in Draize r a b b i t eye tests a n d low in toxicity. Formulas a t right illustrate two popular D e r i p h a t s and a derivative. D e r i p h a t 160-C provides a solubilizer/ detergent to bring difficult-to-dissolve germicides into solution. I t also shows exceptional compatibility with other surfactants. Triethanolamine salt of D e r i p h a t 170-C has excellent foam volume a n d detergency.

Deriphat 160-C ,CH2CH2COONa R = lauryl


R = lauryl a n d myristyl

Triethanolamine salt of Deriphat 170-C R-NHCH2CH2COOH · N ( C H 2 C H 2 O H ) 3

Shampoos are but one of the many products our fattynitrogen chemicals can improve. Investigate t o d a y . For test samples and descriptive literature, write us at Kankakee, Illinois.

Deriphat® crystalsf below, were photographed at lOOx magnification with polarized light.

M = salt forming cation or H wC^Cro W


Mills C H E M I C A L S Kankakee, Illinois; Buffalo, New York and Tlalnepantla, Mexico Versamid® Polyamide Resins · GenEpoxy® Resins · Genamid® Epoxy Curing Agents · Fatty Nitrogen Chemicals · Deriphat® Amphoteric Surfactants ·Steroids