New picture for constant-isomer series of benzenoids and related

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J. Chem. Inj Comput. Sci. 1993,33, 745-749


New Picture for Constant-Isomer Series of Benzenoids and Related Systems B. N. Cyvin,

S.J. Cyvin,’ and J. Brunvoll

Division of Physical Chemistry, The University of Trondheim, N-7034 Trondheim-NTH, Norway Received April 28, 1993 The C,H, formulas of ground forms of constant-isomer benzenoid series are studied. The derivation of an expression for these formulas in a “new picture” as a generating function amounts to the solution of the following purely mathematical problem: n(s) - 6x6 = c;&(s + 2L1/12(s2- 8s 19)J)xs. Here the coefficients (n,) on the right-hand side are given in the “Harary-Harborth picture”. Another expression for n, is quoted and said to be in the “Balaban picture”. The function n(s) is given explicitly. It is also generalized to mono-q-polyhexes for 2 Iq 5 6. A mono-q-polyhex is a polygonal system consisting of exactly one q-gon and otherwise hexagons. The smallest ground forms of the C,H, isomers of constant-isomer series for mono4-, mono-3-, and mono-2-polyhexesare depicted. Finally some new data in the C,H, isomer enumeration are reported.


INTRODUCTION A constant-isomerbenzenoid

is a sequence of C,H,

= (n;s) formulas for benzenoids, viz., (no;so), (nl;SI),(n2;s~), ...,where the same number of isomers is associated with each

isomer series). The first ten of these formulas, according to increasing s values, read as follows: C6H6, ClOH8, C13H9, C16H10, C d h , C22H12, C27H13, C30H14, C3~H15,and CaHla. Presently we shall use the notation n, so that n6 = 6, n8 = 10, n9 = 13, etc. In the Harary-Harborth picture for (n; s), the “floor” function, La], is an essential part of the expression for n; LaJ is the largest integer not larger than u. In the Balaban picture, two parameters are employed, viz.,j and 6. Accordingly, an (n;s) formula for a ground form benzenoid can be identified In the new picture, a generating alternatively by function, n(x), is to be deduced so that

formula, and all the (nk;sk) benzenoids are obtained by k-fold circumscribings of those pertaining to (no;,so). Here the benzenoid isomers of (no;so) are referred to as the ground forms of the constant-isomer seriesin question. It is of interest to identify the (no; so) formulas for all the values so = 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, ...,which are possible for benzenoids. Here and in the following, the term “benzenoid” is used in the sense of a benzenoid system according to well-establisheddefinitions.u Two forms of general expressions for the C,H, formulas of benzenoid ground forms, viz., (no;so), have been given.7These n(x) = 6x6 x‘ two expressions were referred to as belonging to the (a) S= Harary-Harborth and (b) Balaban schemes, later designated Harary-Harborth Picture. The following general expression as the (a) Harary-Harborth and (b) Balaban Upictures”, for (n;s) is k n ~ w n . ~ - ~ J ~ respe~tively.~*~ These designations are appropriate because the pertinent expressions have relevance to (a) the analysis of ( n ; s )= (s+2[’/,,(s2-8s+ 19)l;s) (2) extrema1 benzenoids by Harary and Harborth’O on one hand and (b) an analysis of annulenes by Balaban’l on the other. Here s = 6 or s 1 8. Recently Diad2 has published a “floating function” for (no; Balaban Picture. For (n;s) 6) one has3-718 so), derived from an interesting algorithm, which was based on differencesbetween the formula coefficients Q. It appears (n;s) = (6j2 12j (21 + 3)6 + 7 + 216/61; 6 j 6 7) that this floating function is equivalent to the corresponding (3) expression in the Balaban picture published previou~ly.~,~J~ Herej=0,1,2, ...,and6=1,2,3,4,5,6. Assucheq3does This fact corroborates the validity of the Dias algorithm for not cover the formula C6H6, which corresponds to {-1,5).20 benzenoids. In the present work we have used the differences in no (see Brief Discussion of the Harary-Harborth and Balaban above) to deduce a general formulation for (no; so) in a new Pictures. The formula in the Harary-Harborth picture (eq “picture”,making use of generating functions. These functions 2) has the obvious virtue that n is expressed as an explicit are known to represent a powerful tool in different enumeration function of s. This was achieved through an advanced problems.14-17 Here we give for the first time a generating application of the floor function. Here the coefficients s are function for chemical formulas (C,H,). related straightforwardly to the appropriate expression from The present considerations are extended to mono-qthe Balaban picture (q 3), viz., 6 j 6 7. The two polyhexes,ls viz., systems which each contain one q-gon and parameters,j and 6, which occur in this picture, are very useful otherwise hexagons. The cases with q = 2, 3, 4, and 5 are for certain purposes because of their significant interpretaconsidered, while q = 6 accounts for the benzenoids. The q tions: the 6 parameters originate from the six characteristic = 2 systems in question are degenerate polygonal systems forms of circular benzenoids (which are related to the ground including a “2-gon”. forms of the constant-isomer series), while j comes from the number of circumscribings.8 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION New Picture. The differences in the n coefficients of (n;s) are defined by & = 3 (s = 6) and A, = n&l- n, for s L 8. General Remarks. C,H, (n;s) denotes a formula for benzenoid ground forms (or a single form in the case of oneThen eq 3 gives readily As = 2 j 3 for 6 = 1, 2, 3,4, and 6,


qn, OD





+ +

+ +



Q 1993 American Chemical Society

746 J . Chem. In5 Comput. Sci., Vol. 33, No. 5, 1993



and A, = 2 j 5 for S = 5. For the sake of clarity we give a table of A, as follows:

Table I. Coefficients of C,H, Formulas of Ground Forms of Mono-q-polyhexes n

4 3 5 7

9 15 21

10 16 22

11 17 23

13 19 25


The first task is to deduce the generating function for the odd numbers A,, viz., p(x) = 3

+ 5x2 + 7x3 + ...


One has the well-known geometrical series

+ x + x2 + ...


+ 2x + 3x2 + ...


+ 4x + 6x2 + ...


(1 -X)-l = 1

and similarly (1 - x)-2 = 1

Hence for even numbers 2( 1 - x ) - ~= 2

Then obviously (1-~)-'+2(1-x)-~= 3+5x+7x2+



which yields LD

p ( x ) = (3 - x)(l - x>-2 = C ( 2 p

+ 3)xp

Here x is only the variable in functions equated to each other. The expansions of eq 5-9 and those in the following converge for 1x1 < 1; otherwise the specific values of x are of no interest. The next step is

+ 3) x6p+6= 3x6 +


+ 7 X l 8 + ...



Now the A, numbers for the first column of s values of the above table are reproduced. All the A, numbers are clearly given by A(x) = 3x6

+E A $ = (1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x7) x6p(x6)

(1 1)

(1 2)

where the two last terms were added in order to get n6 = 6 and n7 = 0, which takes care of the irregular start of the sequence of n values. The explicit form of the generating function for n8 reads n(x) = x6(1 - x)-'[6 - 9x


6 10 13 16 19 22 27 30 35 40 45 50 57 62 69 76 83 90 99 106 115 124 133 142

9 12 15 18 23 26 31 36 41 48 53 60 67 74 83 90 99 108 117 128 137 148 159 170

q-3 3


4 8 11 14 19 22 27 32 39 44 51 58 67 74 83 92 103 112 123 134 147 158 171 184 199 212


7 10 15 18 23 30 35 42 51 58 61 78 81 98 111 122 135 150 163 178 195 210 227 246 263 282

q=2 2 6 11 14 21 26 35 42 53 62 75 86 101 114 131 146 165 182 203 222 245 266 29 1 314 341 366 395 422

It appears as a tractable problem to generalize the above treatment of n, in terms of the new picture to mono-q-polyhexes for q = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Then the differences in n should be defined by A, = 3 (s = q) and A$ = n,+l- n, for s 2 q + 2. The generalization of eq 11 reads 9+ 1


A(q,x) = 3xq


A$ = ( E x i - x - xq)xqp(xq) i=O


+ lox2 + x(l + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x7)(3 - x6)( 1 - x'))-~] (1 3)

Extension to Related Systems. The mono-q-polyhexes18 are defined as polygonal systems consisting of exactly one q-gon each and otherwise hexagons. The cases of q = 6, 5, and 4 are represented by benzenoids, fluorenoids/fluoranthenoids?' and biphenylenoids,22respectively. The mono3-polyhexes and mono-Zpolyhexes are also of interest. All these systems exhibit constant-isomer series.1-3v21v22


and the final result is

4+ 1

Here from, the generating function for the n, valuesis deduced by

+ 7x7] + 6x6 - 3x7




n(x) = x( 1 - x)-' [A(x)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30



x6p(x6) = C ( 2 p





8 14 20

6 12 18


x - xq) 3-xq (15) (1 - x4)2

A simple computer program was implemented in order to expand the generating function (eq 15) for q = 2, 3,4, 5,6. The results up to s = 30 are collected in Table I. The first three columns of n values (for q = 6, 5, 4) reproduced the previously known data,1.2-21,22 while the numbers in the two last columns (for q = 3, 2) are new. Ground Forms of Constant-Isomer Series. The forms of the C,H, isomers of benzenoids are known to a great extent,892B24includingmany of those for constant-isomerseries. Several corresponding depictions are also available for fluorenoids and fluoranthenoids.21 In supplement of this material we show the smallest ground forms of mono-4polyhexes (representing biphenylenoids22) and of mono-3polyhexes in Figures 1 and 2, respectively. It is observed in particular that, for instance, ClzHg biphenylene and its biphenylenoid isomers are not members of constant-isomer series, but C32H12 circumbiphenylene is a ground form. The mono-Zpolyhexes are somewhat special. They are degenerate polygonal systems, in a sense, but have nevertheless


J. Chem. If. Comput. Sci., Vol. 33, No. 5, 1993 141

chemical counterparts, inasmuch as the 2-gon can be related to acetylene2’or cumulated carbon-carbon double bonds. For example, one 2-gon and one hexagon combine to the following system with three Kekuld structures.


This system is associated with the formula CaH4 and corresponds to benzyne, a well-known intermediate in organic chemistry. Its two valence structures are indicated in the above diagram. Hydrocarbons with triple and cumulated double bonds as in the above benzyne structures are conveniently handled by the two-dimensional Hiickel molecular orbital theory.26 Another special feature of mono-2-polyhexes is worth mentioning. In a configuration with two hexagons which both are in contact with the 2-gon, these two hexagons share two edges. A corresponding topological property is not found in any other mono-q-polyhex;in all other cases (including benzenoids) any two polygons either share exactly one edge or they are disjoint. The smallest ground forms of mono-2polyhexes are displayed in Figure 3. In Figures 1-3 the internal vertices of the depicted polygonal systems are indicated by black dots or (more frequently) connected by heavy lines.27 Numbers of Isomers for Constant-Isomer Series. The numbers of C,H, isomers of benzenoids are w e l l - k n ~ w n , ~ ~ ~ ~ including those for the constant-isomer series. Corresponding data are also available for fluorenoids/fluoranthenoids,2’ especially for the pertinent constant-isomer series. For the biphenylenoids, corresponding enumerations have just been initiated.22 The systems mentioned above fall under the monoq-polyhexes with q = 6,5 , and 4, respectively. Numbers of C,H, isomers for the constant-isomer series of these systems are quoted in Table 11. Only the C,H, formulasfor the ground forms are specified therein. Special computer programs were designed for the isomer enumerationof different mono-q-polyhexes, and in particular for q = 3 and q = 2. In this way it was feasible to supplement the data which are referred to above, by the new numbers for mono-3-polyhexes and mono-Zpolyhexes; see Table 11. CONCLUSION The generating function (eq 13) for the C,H, formulas of ground forms of constant-isomerbenzenoid series represents a new picture, in addition to the previously published expressions in the Harary-Harborth picture (eq 2) and in the Balaban picture (eq 3). It is admitted that the generating function is somewhat complicated and therefore not so convenient for practical use as the expressions in the two other pictures. Diad2 has given the expressions which correspond to the Balaban picture for constant-isomer series of mono5-polyhexes (fluoranthenoids/fluorenoids). The more general expressions for mono-q-polyhexes (2 Iq I6) have been

Figure 1. Ground forms of constant-isomer series for the smallest mono-4-polyhexes: s S 14.

worked out by us, both in the Balaban picture (unpublished) and the Harary-Harborth picture.22 Finally, Dias12 has included a formulation corresponding to the Balaban picture for di-5-polyhexes (indacenoids). The present work tends to demonstrate the virtue and flexibility of generating functions in enumeration problems. It was demonstrated for the first time that a generating function


I48 J . Chem. If. Comput. Sci., Vol. 33, No. 5, 1993 Table II. Numbers of C.H, Isomers for Constant-Isomer Series of Mono-q-polyhexes' Q = 6b q = 46 1 1 1 2 3 2 7

1 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 2

I 9 17 9 31 31 41 72 41 120 120

4 4 9 4 16 13 16 20 39 a

1 1 1 2 1 4 3 7 3 12 13 21 13


q=2 1 1 1 1 2

3 2

6 8 6 14 19 14

t t t t t

1 1 1

2 1 4 3 8 5 13 11 24 18

t t t t t

= unknown. b Reference 8 with documentation to the original sources therein. Reference 21. Reference 22.




Figure 3. Ground forms of constant-isomer series for the smallest mono-2-polyhexes: s I10.


(2) (3) (4)

Figure 2. Ground forms of constant-isomer series for the smallest mono-3-polyhexes: s 5 12.

can reproduce a sequence of chemical formulas of a special class. Furthermore, the generating function for benzenoids could be generalized to mono-q-polyhexes for all 2 I q I 6 .

(5) (6) (7)

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J. Chem. If. Comput. Sci., Vol. 33, No. 5, 1993 749 (19) Cyvin,S.J.;Cyvin,B.N.;Brunvoll,J.;Zhang,F.J.;Guo,X.F.Numbers of Polyhex Isomers of Particular Chemical Interest. J. Mol. Srruct. (THEOCHEM) 1992, 258, 331-340. (20) The'floating function"of Dias'zbecomesidenticalwith eq 3 on inserting the following: u = 216/6], u = 6 - 1, w = j . (21) Dias, J. R.Studiesin Deciphering the Information Content of Chemical Formulas: A ComprehensiveStudy of Fluorenes and Fluoranthenes. J. Chem. Inf. Compur. Sci. 1992, 32, 2-11. (22) Cyvin, S.J.; Cyvin, B. N.; Brunvoll, J. General Formulations for Some PolycyclicHydrocarbons: Constant-Isomer Seriesand a Formula Index. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1993,201, 213-277. (23) Cyvin, S.J.; Brunvoll, J.; Cyvin, B. N.Forms of Benzenoid Chemical Isomers. MATCH 1991, 26, 27-62. (24) Brunvoll, J.; Cyvin, B. N.; Cyvin, S.J. Benzenoid Chemical Isomers and Their Enumeration. Top. Curr. Chem. 1992, 162, 181-221. (25) This feature has also been pointed out in: Dias, J. R. A Periodic Table for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. 4. Isomer Enumeration of Polycyclic Conjugated Hydrocarbons. 2. J. Chem. If. Compur. Sci. 1984,24, 124-135. (26) Cyvin, S.J. Two-Dimensional HIickel Molecular Orbital Theory. J. Mol. Srrucr. (THEOCHEM) 1982,86, 315-324. (27) The dots and heavy lines are excised internal structures, which were presented in developed form by Dias in the above citation.25