New Plant Marks 90th Birthday of Eimer & Amend - C&EN Global

Nov 4, 2010 - To meet increased demands created by the national defense program, Eimer & Amend will move to new and much larger charters this fall—a...
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Vol. 19, No.9 A number of changes involving distillation, pour, cetane number, flash, asid carbon residue in specifications fo>r four grades of Diesel fuel oil were recommended.

Drug Regulations A m e n d e d AMENDED regulations under sections -T*- 502(/), 505(6), and 505(z) of the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act a r e published in the Federal Register of A^pril 15. Copies m a y be obtained from the* Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C , at 10 cents each.

A m e r i p o l in the M a k i n g

N e w Plant Marks 9 0 t h Birthday of Eimer & A m e n d To meet increased demands created by the national defense program, Eimer & Amend will move to new and much larger charters this fall—a fitting way to celebrate its 90th anniversary. T h e new plant is situated in New York at the corner of Greenwich and Morton Streets. The expansion program includes every facility for service, enlargement of manufacturing capacity, and installation of up-to-date equipment to move orders from the mail room to shipping platform in the minimum length of time.

Petroleum Products and Lubricants A T THE meetings of the American Society for Testing Materials' Committee D-2 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants held in Washington in March a number of important actions were taken, several involving proposed standards. Based upon the insolubility of paraffin wax in methyl ethyl ketone at —25° F., a new procedure for determining the oil content of wax has been developed. The subcommittee on viscosity reported on the correlation of conversions from viscosity expressed in eentistokes at 122° F. and Saybolt Furol viscosity obtained at the same temperature. The subcommittee on sulfur determination reviewed the unfavorable reactions to the proposed procedure of utilizing an oxygen-carbon dioxide combustion atmosphere in the lamp method for the determination of sulfur. I t was voted to recommend a revision of t h e present Test for Sulfur in Petroleum Oils by Lamp Method (D90-34T), the changes being the use of the purified air supply and the use of a fritted glass plate in the absorber. Analytical procedures for the determination of sulfur, chlorine, and phosphorus in E P lubricants have been circulated to the subcommittee for study. The work also includes determination of metals usually associated with used crankcase oils.

The group concerned with neutralization number and saponification number recommended that a new procedure for saponification number which utilizes methyl ethyl ketone be incorporated in Methods of Test for Saponification Number (D94-39T). The subcommittee recommends that the proposed method of test for neutralization number replace Tentative Method D188-27T, and that the "General Motors Rapid Method" and a potentiometric method for neutralization number be published as information. A. S. T. M. approved as a tentative standard the proposed test for aniline point of petroleum products published as tentative in 1940, and also that the Test for Sulfur in Petroleum Oils by Lamp Method (D90-34T) be adopted as standard after minor revisions. The subcommittee on gum recommended the adoption of the revisions in the description and dimensions of the apparatus specified in the Test for Gum Stability of Gasoline (D525-40T). It also released the procedure for determination of potential gum in aviation gasoline. A number of minor changes were recommended in the Test for Tetraethyl Lead in Gasoline (D526-39T). One extremely important recommendation is to submit for approval as an A. S. T. M. tentative standard proposed specifications for aviation gasoline, covering three grades with minimum octane numbers of 73, 91, and 100.

A LTHOXJGH creation of a suitable synthetic rubber for use in tiroes took science nearly a century, one o f these rubberlike materials, Ameripol, is now being fashioned by laymen in lmincheon club demonstrations. Members of the district staffs of The B. F. Goodrich Co.'s tire division are showing how" simple rubber synthesis really is befc*re civic groups throughout America. lot the illustration A. R. Bowlzer starts tl*e experiment b y pouring synthetic latesc into a beaker. With addition of dilute ^cid, the solution curdles into a spongy mass. Bouncing the raw synthetic likae a ball winds up the exhibition. At present Goodrich is producing Ameripol an a new plant with a capacity of 6 tons a day.

Pouring dilute acid in synthetic latex solution in the synthesis of Ameripol


M a y 10, 1941



Wholesale Drug Sales High Q ALES of wholesalers handling a general ^ line of drugs a m o u n t e d t o $363,621,000 in 1939, an increase of 19.1 per cent over 1935, according t o Bureau of Census preliminary reports. T h e number of em­ ployees increased 15.4 per cent between 1935 and 1939, whereas t h e p a y roll gained 25.7 per cent. Sales of specialty-line drug wholesalers increased from $123,469,000 in 1935 t o $157,190,000 in 1939. T h e number of employees rose from 8,010 t o 10,965, a n d t h e pay roll from $12,420,000 to $17,525,000. T o t a l sales, general-line a n d specialtyline establishments combined, aggregated $520,811,000 in 1939, which was 21.4 per cent above 1935 and only 2.6 per cent below t h e high of 1929.

Α . S. Τ. Μ . Committee on Elec­ troplating Organized Τ Λ Γ Ι Τ Η t h e organization b y t h e American Society for Testing Materials of t h e new Committee B-8 on Electrodeposited Metallic Coatings, effected in M a r c h , plans on realignment of work on electro­ plating have been p u t into effect. After consultation with t h e various committees, a new committee on electroplating was accordingly authorized. T h e committee will formulate specifications and m e t h o d s of test for electrodeposited metallic coat­ ings with t h e exception of zinc a n d cad­ mium applied t o steel. T h e following officers h a v e been elected : Ε . Μ . Baker, chairman, University of Michigan, E . A. Anderson, vice chair­ man, New Jersey Zinc Co., and Gustaf Soderberg, secretary, T h e Udylite Corp.

Tenite Flashlights \



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CAREY IMPERVO for use on ice ! water and cold * water pipes to s keep water c o l d , ' prevent sweating [

CAREY PERFECTO provides inexpen­ sive i n s u l a t i o n for cold water pipes and gives f a i r r e ­ sults in p r e v e n t i n g sweating or freezing



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The batteries for the new General DuroLite flashlight come in a sealed tube which serves as a barrel for the assem­ bly. The barrel screws to a husk and transparent lens cap molded of Tenite.







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