New Product Digest - Environmental Science ... - ACS Publications

New Product Digest. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1968, 2 (4), pp 306–307. DOI: 10.1021/es60016a605. Publication Date: April 1968. ACS Legacy Archive. No...
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NEW PRODUCTS DIGEST Ion-Exchange Membrane Filters

Acropor Type SA and Type SB membrane filters permit high recovery of trace quantities of cations or anions in very dilute solutions. Acropor-SA is a strong acid ion-exchange membrane, while Acropor SB is a strong base ionexchange membrane. The new filters are made of a very finely divided ionexchange resin incorporated into a porous membrane structure of acrylic copolymer resin reinforced by light nylon fabric. Also available: a new 293mm. disk filter holder designed to filter large volumes of liquids and gases. Gelinan Instrument Co. 64 Synthetic cationic coagulant effective for water treatment

A synthetic, organic, cationic polyelectrolyte coagulant.for use in potable water treatment, Cat-Floc ma!, be used as a primary coagulant in place of alum or iron sults or as a coagulant aid in conjunction with conaentional treatment chemicals. The nianufacturer notes that use of Cat-Floc as a primary coagulant eliminates currgocer of iron and alunzinum, which foul zeolite softeners. A s a primary coagulant, use lecels rungefronz 0.2 to 7.0 p.p.m., and as a coagulant aid, f r o m 0.15 to 2.0 p.p.m. According to the company, the product is equally effectice in clarifying industrial process water and waste water. Bulletin 12-24A states that Cat-Floc produces faster-forming, faster-settling, more filterable floc, and that it reduces chemical costs and storage and handling costs. The conipang has demonstrated the effecticeness qf' the product in jar tests (abore) on wuter ,from the Ohio Ricer jbllowing moderate runoff.Water in all three beakers was agitutedfor 15 minutes at decreasing speeds, following treatment with Cat-Floc and clay. After 2 minutes' settling, the beakers show appreciably clearer wafer in the jar on f h e right (with Cat-Floc and a clay) than in the jar in the middle (treated only with 61 clay) or the jur on the lejt (untreated ricer water.). Crilgon Corp.

Noise Measurement

Miniature Pressure Transducer

The Mark IV noise exposimeter detects and records the total time a person is exposed to noise levels in excess of a preset limit-generally 80-100 decibels. Whenever noise levels exceed the preset threshold, the motor is activated and an indicator on the face of the device provides visual indication that the meter is recording. A counter indicates the length of exposure time in minutes. Union Industrial Equipment Corp. 62

Type 4-356 miniature pressure transducer is an unbonded strain gage instrument designed for test stand, high accuracy process control, and airborne applications. Pressure ranges from 010 to 0-500 p.s.i. absolute or gage throughout the temperature range -320' to +300° F. The unit provides 400-mv. full range output, with combined linearity and hysteresis rated by the manufacturer at &0.25%. Bell & Howell Co. 63

306 Environmental Science and Technology

Waste Water Analysis Kit

Model 50 portable (11 pounds) laboratory is designed for water and wastes testing in public health, industrial, and agricultural applications, It is completely equipped for testing acidity, alkalinity, bromine, calcium hardness. carbon dioxide, chloride, chlorine, chromate, copper, total hardness, hydrogen sulfide, iron, manganese, nitrate. nitrite, pH, phosphate, sulfite. sulfate. and turbidity. Delta Scientific Corp. 65 Charcoal for SO2 Removal

Type C H charcoal, available in bulk or in air purification filters, was designed for enhanced capacity for adsorption of SO2, according to the manufacturer. The product also has a high


capacity for removal of other sulfur compounds such as SO3, COS, and H2S, other acid gases, and organic vapors, as well as most other contaminants found in both inside and outside air. Barnebey-Cheney CO. 66


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The Bio-Probe permits p H measurements of small biological samples without contamination of the sample by the electrolyte solution in the electrode. The device, which is 6 mm. in diameter by 5 inches long, requires only 0.2 to 3 ml. of sample for testing. Thus, the probe fits into centrifuge tubes and other small containers. Working p H levels range from 0 to 14, temperatures from --53 to 100" C. Fisher Scientific Co. 67


f o r use wherever specific concentrations of gases are t o be measured or controlled. dew Schulze Methods of Analysis [Patent applied for)

Accurate analysis with high sensitivity Variations of 0.001 p p m / v can be detected


Extremely fast response Built-in electronic calibration Continuous recording Unattended weekly operation Shipped complete, ready to operate

Write f o r complete technical information

Dioxane Substitute

Bio-Solv solubilizers permit toluene to be substituted for the more troublesome and expensive dioxane, eliminating the handling problems and bad side effects associated with dioxane use, according to the manufacturer. The solubilizers are phase stable at both refrigerated and ambient temperatures, and provide high counting efficiency and repeatability. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 68

ATLAS 600 Series Weather-Ornetera and test chamber Atmospheric contaminants can be con:rolled automatically in combination with temperature and humiditv with or without simulated sunlight. Basic models availabie with variations of cortrols.

For over 40 years manufacturers of resting machines for Wearhering and Fading



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Volume 2. Number 4, April 1968 307