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Dec 8, 1986 - Air Products & Chemicals. 202 Epoxy curing agent . In single-component epoxy systems, accelerator affords longer shelf life, reduced vol...
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Chemicals and materials 201 Corrosion inhibitors. Blends of amine salts are de­ signed for use in synthetic, semisynthetic, and soluble oil metal-working fluid systems to protect ferrous and nonferrous metals. Air Products & Chemicals 202 Epoxy curing agent. In single-component epoxy sys­ tems, accelerator affords longer shelf life, reduced vol­ atiles, and lower curing tem­ peratures. Ajinomoto USA 203 Ceramic coating. Mate­ rial based on titanium diboride protects graphite from oxida­ tion at temperatures to 2500 °F; easily applied to graphite surfaces by brush, spray, dip, or roller coat. Aremco Products 204 Solvent. Arconate pro­ pylene carbonate, high-boil­ ing, oxygenated liquid, has low toxicity and broad solvent powers; useful for many paint and coating a p p l i c a t i o n s . Arco Chemical 205 Emulsion polymers. Heatreactive polymers for nonwoven binding, paper saturation, textile and adhesive applica­ tions have rubbery properties and are resistant to discolor­ ation and embrittlement. B. F. Goodrich 206 Ceramic. Two-part paste is used for rebuilding corrod­ ed pumps, valves, pipes, and similar equipment subject to severe chemical attack. Inte­ grated Polymer Industries 207 Thermoplastic. Abrasionresistant material has high im­ pact strength, high degree of flame retardancy, and resis­ tance to many chemicals; can be injection molded, extrud­ ed, or spun. BASF 208 Antifoam emulsion. Sili­ cone material suppresses foam in aqueous systems; pro­ vides stable, uniform disper­ sion that can be used to treat wastewater from fermentation units and chemical process­ ing plants. Union Carbide 46

December 8, 1986 C&EN

209 Plating additive. Synthet­ ic formulation gives printed wiring board manufacturers way to quantitatively measure additive levels in tin/lead bath. ETD Technology 210 Solvents. Six strong ver­ satile solvents with evapora­ tion rates ranging from slow to very slow are suitable for cleaners, metal-working fluids, inks, and adhesives and seal­ ants. Exxon Chemical

Literature 211 Wastewater treatment. 32-page brochure illustrates screening, grit removal, pri­ mary and final clarification, biological treatment. Envirex 212 Control instruments. 226-page catalog includes technical data, engineering ta­ bles, and ordering informa­ tion on hundreds of instru­ ments. Foxboro

describes how manufacturers can maximize material per­ formance by changing fillers and reinforcements. Rogers 219 Cartridge filters. Bro­ chure describes disposable line, provides data on chemi­ cal compatibility and cartridgesealing options. Filterite 220 Zinc oxide. 116-page manual discusses how zinc oxide's properties can be exploited in broad spectrum of applications; includes use statistics. Zinc Institute

Labware and instruments 221 Tensiometer. Spinning drop device is manually op­ erated instrument designed to measure interfacial tension in range of 10 to 10~ 6 dynes per cm. Tekmar

213 Plastic products. 60-page catalog has complete speci­ fications for industrial tanks, blowers, and safety equip­ ment. Nalge

222 Dispenser. Positive dis­ placement hand-held device provides repetitive delivery of fixed volumes of reagent from 25 to 2000 μΐ. Cavro Scien­ tific Instruments

214 Synthesis reagents. Two brochures describe catalysts for phase-transfer reactions and chiral compounds for syn­ thetic organic c h e m i s t r y . Fluka Chemical

223 Vacuum manifold. 30position device triples num­ ber of solid-phase extraction samples that can be prepared in 10-place units. Applied Separations

215 Gearmotors. Selection guide details 6 steps for choosing c o r r e c t parallel gearmotor or speed reducer; construction features, dimen­ sions included. Sew-Eurodrive

224 Image processing. Soft­ ware package for the IBM PC AT is first for PC that allows users to perform real-time im­ age processing and fast graph­ ics functions at c l i c k of mouse. Data Translation

216 Solid-phase chemistry. Newsletter called Interactions discusses use of solid-phase sorbents in sample prepara­ tion and analysis. Analytichem International 217 Video imaging. Bulletin describes function of solidstate video imaging in inspec­ tion system; examines tech­ nical differences between vid­ eo and fiber optic imaging. Welch Allyn 218 Phenolics. Article re­ views advances in compound­ ing and molding phenolics;

225 Air sampler. High-volume device is line-operated vacu­ um pump that takes filter samples for dust and other particulate matter, chemicals, and aerosols; flow does not vary as back pressure on sampling media changes. SKC 226 Integrated software. Labview system is useful for instrument control and data acquisition, analysis, display, and management; combines graphical programing lan­ guage and interactive graph­ ics. National Instruments

227 Bubble tubing. PVC tub­ ing has tapered bubbles ev­ ery 36 inches that provide easy-to-cut connection points. Monoject Scientific 228 Fermentor. Compact, lightweight, bench-scale unit allows cell growth or other experiments in which dis­ solved oxygen, pH, tempera­ ture, and stirring speeds must be closely controlled. Wheaton Instruments 229 Chest freezer. Ultracold units with 12-cu-ft capacity have t e m p e r a t u r e ranges down to - 9 0 °C. Kelvinator Scientific

Plant equipment and instruments 230 Data logger. Hardware and software combination called Loggernaut turns IBM PC into data logger for pro­ cess, waste, energy, and envi­ ronmental monitoring. Cyborg 231 Monitoring system. Soft­ ware-controlled multipoint de­ vice detects H2S, HCN, phos­ gene, Cl 2 , and CO. MDA Scientific 232 Digital-to-analog con­ verter. Units have high speed, low output current, and dielectrically isolated current switch­ es. Hybrid Systems 233 LCD bar graph. Large easily read graphs, including 8 with back-lit displays, ac­ cept standard voltage and cur­ rent inputs. Triplett 234 Mass flowmeter. Preci­ sion unit employs Coriolis force principle to measure vir­ tually all liquids, slurries, and highly viscous flows. K-Flow 235 Cascade minirings. With­ in distillation, absorption, or stripping column, rings with low ratio between height and diameter improve efficiency of mass transfer between phases. Glitsch For information on these items or numbered ads, see Reader Service Card