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data storage. Laser Analytics, Inc. 417. System for Ion Chromatography. Model 260 Ion Analyzer can be config- ured to quantitative and qualitative de-...
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Photometer M i c r o F l a m e Photometer measures sodiu m and potassium in serum or urine and lithium in s e r u m . There is a c h o i c e of lithium or c e s i u m as the internal standard. The photometer is designed t o o p erate w i t h small sample volumes, and to use a m i n i m u m of propane. Built-inm i c r o p r o c e s s o r diagnostics monitor f l a m e conditions. Various accessories are available. Gilford Instrument Laboratories, Inc. 409

FT Infrared Spectrometers

The Cary Batch Sampler Accessory completely automates the process of transferring, measuring, recording, and removing multiple samples for analysis by the Cary 210/219 UV/Vis spectrophotometers. Up to 175 samples can be completely processed in as little as 1.5 h, with no attendant necessary. A wide variety of sampling procedures can be used with the sampler, and two modes of controlling the sample transfer sequence and sample removal are available. Additional accessories make temperature control of the sample possible. Varian Associates 402

Scanning Electron Microscope Stereoscan 250 scanning electron m i c r o s c o p e utilizes an optical design w h i c h provides the effect of a continuously variable final aperture. The instrument has a guaranteed secondary resolution of better than 60 À. It also provides split-screen imaging, selected a r e a diffraction, continuously variable EHT of 1-40 k V , dual video channel c o n t r o l , full alphanumerics, digital m a g nification display, an automatic c a m e r a w i t h high resolution recording system, and a visual CRT with TV display. C a m bridge Instruments, Inc. 407

The I R / 9 0 Series of Fourier Transform Infrared S p e c t r o m e t e r s features a thermally stabilized optical s y s t e m . Solids, liquids and gases can be tested in the instruments' large sample chambers. A s many as three concurrent tasks, s u c h as data collection, display and analysis, can be performed under prog r a m control. Four models are now available, c o m b i n i n g resolution levels of 0.1 c m ~ 1 - 0 . 0 5 c m - 1 , with v a c u u m or gas purge operation. Prices start at $ 9 8 5 0 0 . IBM Instruments, Inc. 410

Data Processing and Control System Model SP5080 Data Acquisition and Control System is designed for use with the c o m p a n y ' s LS-3 Laser Source Spectrometer. The system employs dual mini-floppy disks for data storage, a keyboard for parameter entry, and a built-in CRT for parameter and spectral display. It provides the LS-3 user with the capability of generating Gaussian and Lorentzian profiles; plotting transmittance, absorbance, first and second derivative spectra; and performing background subtraction, detector linearization scale expansion, and archival data storage. Laser Analytics, Inc. 4 1 7

Instrument Controller The 1720A Controller features a full keyboard w h i c h is r e m o v a b l e , and an interactive touch-sensitive CRT for use in a prompted fashion by unskilled operators. The CRT has full alphanumeric capability. The controller also features self diagnostics, and it is compatible w i t h both the IEEE-488 GPID and the RS-232-C interface systems. An optional solid-state program m e m o r y , w h i c h is disk addressable, can be added. John Fluke Mfg. Co., Inc. 414

System for Ion Chromatography Model 260 Ion Analyzer can be c o n f i g ured to quantitative and qualitative determination of either cations or anions d o w n to low ppb concentrations. The s y s t e m utilizes liquid chromatographic t e c h n i q u e s and conductivity detection. Its eluent/(column) substrate systems a l l o w determination of a number of a n ions or cations with a single c o l u m n . W e s c a n Instruments, Inc. 412


Model //G-0.5L Gas Sampler is a batterypowered unit which will pass 5-500 cc of gas or air/min. The sampler can be used with carbon absorption tubes, bubblers and longterm indicator tubes for gas detection and analysis. It comes with a choice of flow tubes with throughput of 0-100 or 50-500 cc of air. Glasrock 404

New Products

New LC clean-up technique is simpler and faster. Rheodyne'sTechnical Note 2 tells how to prepare samples with greater speed and lower cost than purification steps using liquid/liquid partition, column chromatography or commer­ cial separation cartridges. The rapid clean-up technique uses Rheodyne's Model 7125 Syringe Loading Sample Injector with a short column in the sample loop. It allows complex samples to be injected directly into the chromatographic system. This technique can be used to: • Eliminate interferences from complex matrices • Concentrate samples to improve detection limits • Shorten analysis time by trapping late-eluting peaks

Send for Tech Note # 2 The simplified procedures are fully described in this well-illustrated 4-page technical note. Contact Rheodyne, Inc., RO. Box 996. Cotati, Calif. 94928. U.S.A. Phone (707) 664-9050.


SP 8700 Solvent Delivery System utilizes a two-piston in-series pump design, with two check valves. A microprocessor-controlled analog/digital feedback system gives precise flow control. SP 8700 controls the mixing of two or three solvents for isocratic or gradient operation. Even at flow rates down to 0.1 mL/min and compositions as low as 1 %, typical RSDs for flow control and repeatability are on the order of 0.1 %. Price, $8000. Spectra-Physics 403

Ion Selective Electrodes


Ten ion selective electrodes (ISEs) are now available. Solid-state ISEs, with crystalline membranes and chemicallyresistant outer shells, analyze solutions for bromide, chloride, cyanide/iodide, fluoride, and silver/sulfide. Glass ISEs read sodium and monovalent ionic solu­ tions. The PVC liquid ion-exchange electrodes detect calcium, nitrate, and potassium. Three of the same m e m ­ branes are supplied with each PVC liq­ uid ion-exchange electrode. Corning Glass Works 421

The A-DIDA 3000 lonprobes offer static secondary ion mass spectrometry as well as depth profiling, macroanalysis, microanalysis, and imaging with μ ι η - r e solution. Their modular design allows a stepwise expansion of ion macroprobe to ion microprobe capability. Detection limits as low as 10 1 3 a t o m s / c c (ppb) in gas have been achieved. Effective hy­ drogen detection is possible, and insu­ lating materials and powder samples can be analyzed. In SIMS depth profil­ ing, the ionprobes offer six orders of magnitude dynamic range for implanta­ tion profiles. Atomika 418

Strip Chart Recorders The Multi-Trend 790 Series potentiometric strip chart recorders offer a choice of one, two or three fully over­ lapping pens on a 100-mm calibrated chart width, and up to 12 selectable chart speeds. The units also include electronically linearized temperature in­ puts and plug-in range change cards. Zero adjustment of ± 1 0 0 % of span is standard on all amplifiers. Several mod­ els are available. International Products & Technologies Group 422

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Variable Wavelength Detector forLC In the SP 8400 UV/Visible Variable Wavelength Detector, a single lamp covers the entire UV-visible spectral range from 1 9 0 - 6 0 0 n m . Low-wave­ length performance is enhanced by using a nitrogen purge line to eliminate ozone absorption. Full range settings can be used down to 0.0025 absorbance units. An Auto Gain circuit c o m ­ pensates for changes in lamp output and solvent transmittance at different wavelengths. When the wavelength is changed, a single pushbutton operation rezeroes the baseline. Price, $5500. Spectra-Physics 413

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The Berthold LB 283 Linear Analyzer for thin-layer chromatography features a continuous visual display unit and a scanning detector which counts the whole chromatogram simultaneously. All traces are counted automatically. When the count for a trace has been completed, the data content is automatically transferred onto magnetic tape, and the next chromatogram is positioned under the detector. The system permits up to 10 traces to be preselected in adjustable incre­ ments. Beta Analytical, Inc. 401

Concentration Analyzer

NMR Spectrometers

Nusonics Model 6080 is a portable m i ­ croprocessor-based concentration ana­ lyzer which provides an alternative to t i ­ trations. This device measures the ve­ locity at which ultrasonic pulses travel through a liquid medium and, at the same time, measures the liquid's t e m ­ perature. It consists of a high frequency sound velocity transducer, a platinum RTD temperature transducer, and a transmitter. Mapco Inc. 415

T w o 80-MHz Fourier Transform nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers in a new series are available: the NR/80F for fixed-frequency and the NR/80B for broadband tunable spectroscopy. The NR/80F offers two observation chan­ nels: proton and a user-selected fre­ quency. The spectrometers feature a multitasking data system, which e m ­ ploys a 24-bit word for wide dynamic range. The instruments are prepro­ grammed. Prices start at $85 000. IBM Instruments, Inc. 419

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Hydride Generation System The Hydride Generation System for SpectraSpan III and IV direct-current plasma emission spectrometers facili­ tates analysis for very low levels (ppb and up) of arsenic, selenium, mercury, and other elements that form gaseous hydrides. Sample size is only 10 mL, and the detrimental effects of hydrogen in a plasma source are eliminated. The system can be adapted for use as a cold vapor mercury generator. Price with sample introduction accessories and a flatbed recorder, $2000. SpectraMetrics, Inc. 416


Fluorometer Attachment An easily installed door attachment converts the company's Model 111 Flu­ orometer into an HPLC detector. The attachment contains a 20 μL· cell which functions-efficiently up to pressures of 600 psi. The system is able to detect petroleum derivatives, estrogens, phe­ nols, carbamates, primary amino acids, and pharmaceuticals in picomole quan­ tities. Chromatograms show a baseline with a typical signal/noise ratio of 60:1 for a 1 ng sample. A m s c o Instrument/ Turner 420

NEW AMPEROMETRIC HPLC DETECTOR The new CMX-20 Amperometric Detector offers improved sen­ sitivity and selectivity plus fast, convenient operation. It fea­ tures a unique carbon/polymer electrode that is inert to methanol, acetonitrile, and other aqueous/organic solvents. It is ideally matched to our constant flow HPLC pump, col- , umns, and other LC components. i If your laboratory analyzes phenols, aromatic amines, J catecholamines, organic acids, or heterocyclic and acti^ vated double bond compounds in environmental and bio­ logical samples, the new CMX-20 Amperometric Detec- i tor can save time and provide improved results.


New Products Raman Shifter RS-1 Raman Shifter accessory provides tunable coherent output at wavelengths 190 nm in the ultraviolet to 3.0 μηπ in the infrared. The accessory uses the output of a tunable laser source (such as the company's DCR/PDL) to gener­ ate stimulated Raman emissions from gases under pressure. The Raman out­ put beams are frequency shifted up and down from the pump frequency in fixed increments determined by the scatter­ ing gas. The accessory includes a prism dispersive optical system to sep­ arate the colinear Raman beams and to select the wavelength of interest. Price, $6500. Quanta-Ray, Inc. 426

Oxygen Electrode




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